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Everything posted by kaeryana

  1. yea, me too.that's how i learnt arabic. well,if u guys sort of learn it by heart and make it a part of you,arabic writing is not that hard to read
  2. ooh,thanks for the link! i hope they'll import this in malaysia sooner or later,so i can get my hands on them! lol.any of you have found mika-like pants?i mean,the ones with braces.
  3. oh dear god! i wonder what he'll say next! anyone here dares to say that mika's out-of-control??
  4. gotta get me some new mikaish shoes! (see if my mom is convinced enough to get me one after she knows bout my mad obsession..wonder what excuse i'll give to her this time )
  5. nice collection,are they from the DVD?
  6. buy it! take a pic of it and post it up! lol..
  7. i love it when he climbs the drums and has a 'duet' with cherisse! ooh,and he part when he drums the trash can.any of u seen the part where he kissed 'gray skelly' for love today?which gig was it?
  8. mary vivian: (asks mika a question in japanese) mika: (forgets what the question meant in english,took a plastic sword and stabs himself while screaming WARGHHHHH!!) mary vivian: oh my god! hahaha..i love this interview..darn funny ooh,and this is my fav part too: mary's partner: (says something in japanese) mary: hait.. mika: hait..(immitates mary) mary: (laughs) hait.. mika: hait,..HAIIT!!! mary: (laughs and says something in japanese) mika: (sits nearer to mary and tries to chomp her into pieces) hahaha..
  9. i'm in a choir and from what my teacher said,i have a LOWER octave voice compared to MIKA,who's a MAN! he beats my range and that is just like i salute our male soprano diva!
  10. ooh,i llooove those shoes! what paint did u use to make them? and those red jeans and paddington bear tee,soo cute! ive always been a fan of the beatle's abbey road too! such brilliant classic ayh? mj,go ahead and post the pics! the rest of you,go on,show off any mika-like outfit you have.
  11. cool! this thread is interesting.i learn arabic formally,but i dun get it billy brown's sig reads 'ana buhibbu mika!",am i rite? or is it bihabbi mika?lol. ooh,i know this: how are you: kaifa haluka? (if ur talking to a guy) kaifa haluki?(to girls) answer: ana bikhair.. (i'm fine) what's ur name?:ma asmuka?(to guys) ma asmuki? (to girls) thank you:syukran.. thank you so much: syukran jaziila. good bye: ma'assalamah.
  12. (refers to title) let's play a little game.if you've been to a slumber party b4,i'm pretty sure most of you've played this one b4.this time,the rule's simple.just dress up just like mika! any way you want to,any way you like,but you MUST dress up his style.be creative and let's see how far can you immitate big M's style! i'll start.. not so mika-ish tho,except for the shirt,i'll post a new one.
  13. i've got this fav shirt of mine i've been wearing since the past 3yrs! and my mom will go,urghh..not that tee again,lol.it's very mika-like i think.here's a pic of it: ignore the xmas tree,lol.i dun celebrate it,it's at my friend's house. here's a better view of it: i'm so in love with it,and now that i've discovered mika's style,i'm more obsessed to it
  14. i just hope he'll include malaysia in his next tour..whenever that is 'mfc gig'? do u mean like a get-together or something?
  15. oh wow,those are what i did too bout the accident,just be careful deary.you shud've accidently went up the stage and kiss mika instead
  16. mikster is less 'weird' and that's LESS GOOD! sobs..i dunno,i js dun like him being a 'normy' (normal commoner,in case ur wondering).it's just not MIKA anymore.
  17. nothing much,just got myself into a risk of getting into trouble.i STOLE my mum's jar of sugar and started putting my fav stuff in it including LICM! then i took a photo of it and submitted it to win mika's sig! freaky huh? i'll go WAY beyond expectations js coz of MIKA! God knows what more i can do in the future
  18. haha.you gotta be kidding me oh,ive another quote of mika's: "It's cool having a girl in a band for once,shame about the drumming though..(beaten with a bag of goodies by cherisse)" cute,lol.like a pair of twins.
  19. now who's the freak who has NO interest at all in dating MIKA?! She MUST have something going on her mind,whatever it is,it's just plain abnormal how cn sum1 be UNinsterested in dating MIKA?
  20. lmao!! this is darn funny!! i'm so gonna subscribe to this,lol. heard this one b4?: "I can actually sing like a dog,I sing so high that you can't here me.." haha.
  21. easy,just upload it on photobucket.then,click on the 'insert image' icon and type in the url of your image (e.g: http://photobucket.com/img) and ur done! lemme test you guys,try this song.. hey dad,look at me,think that you'll talk to me..
  22. can't argue with that! it'll be so exciting!
  23. i'm so doing the phone thing! lol.mine's malaysian version,and there's no ring ring or your sympathy! huhu.
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