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Everything posted by miek

  1. We oldlings are tough! we can take nr 13!!
  2. Hi Ricky and Deb...an d all others i didn't say hi to yet.
  3. Hi my lovely's. Part 13!!!! We are going faster by the minute!
  4. Maybe thats a wise thing to do. I always open the door.
  5. OMG, what are you doing to me!!! I'm a marriesd woman.............i'm defenatly going to hell for my thoughts
  6. What did he look like? Men in uniform......hummanna hummanna
  7. Wow, seems that everyone has a horrorstory about salesmen at the door. I will never open the door to a stranger again!
  8. Hi oldies, just got back from the hospital, did i miss much?
  9. Yay, house, tonight it's on! I never watched life on Mars, have to check it out.
  10. I have to say bye for now, i'm off to the hospital, nothing serious, just a routine checkup. be back later.
  11. I never watch it to be hounest, but it seems like a good show, it's to late for me in the evening, this old mom has to go to bed early
  12. Hi Laurel, don't cry, didn't see you earlier, how are you? Hi Clare
  13. Yes, there are a lot of mysteries. I know, my 4 year old son wants to watch "chris kelly"over and over again, so i can now dream the video
  14. Hi AMP, omg, it sounds like an episode from NYPD Blue
  15. Aaah, hope you'll get the report done soon, so you can enjoy the rest of the day.
  16. I'm doing pretty good, how about you?
  17. Hi oldlingies, how's things. Wendy, what a story. Good thing you didn't buy anything from him.
  18. Souns like everyone has a perfect nice and relaxed day at work or working on their compters
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