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Everything posted by Kodes100

  1. Yea! Mika has passed Ryan Seacrest! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=1 Thanks for the tip Marilyn Mastin. I didn't know you could tweet someone without following them.
  2. Is Ryan running? What is going on? You can run Ryan but Mika will slam dunk you!! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=1 Go Mika!
  3. Right On! Now if some more of Ryan's tweeples will do the same - hey - you never know. Love it! This is fun! As long as we Mika Fans get Mika out there - We have done our duty.:wink2:
  4. Does anybody have an idea of who we are going try to strive for after we decimate & crush Ryan Seacrest??:naughty:
  5. Now that we are 40 votes from Ryan Seacrest maybe one of his peeple could tweet him & explain who Mika is & where he is in this competition on the Tweeterwall! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=1 Ryan knows Katy Perry, Lady GaGa & Perex Hilton who ALL know Mika so maybe Ryan would like to interview Mika before the debut of "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" in September??!!?? Sounds like a good thing for both Ryan & Mika!
  6. Hey - way to go guys! Less than 85 to beat Ryan Seacrest!! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=1 Kudos Mika!!
  7. Mika should get a prize or an honour for being the fastest moving star on this wall! I am sure he is moving quicker than anyone else. http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=1 Of course it goes without saying that Mika has the greatest & most loyal fans!
  8. Mika is at 1300! On Friday at 4:43 p.m. Mika was 448! Mika has jumped almost 800 votes!
  9. Kewl! Mika's at 1282 right behind the astronaut Mika Massimo! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=1 Go Mika!!
  10. Ryan Seacrest hosts a top 40 radio show syndicated throughout the United States. He is also the host of American Idol T.V. Show which is huge in the U.S.
  11. I wonder if somehow we could talk Ryan Seacrest into playing Mika on his radio show if Mika passes him on the Tweeterwall??:boxed: Or better yet interviewing Mika! :biggrin2: http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=1
  12. Mika has turned the page! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=1 Ryan Seacrest here we come!:biggrin2:
  13. Yea! I don't understand how the pages are numbered:boxed:!??
  14. Wow! 1208! :shocked: http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=2 14 more votes until Mika is on page 1!!:thumb_yello:
  15. News Journalist Anderson Cooper left eating Mika's dust! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=2 By tomorrow afternoon Mika should be on the next page well on his way to kicking Ryan Seacrest's butt!
  16. Silver it was smart to read the rules. I am a little embarrassed I didn't think to do that considering all the time I spent voting. But - I just realized my goal is the same - I want Mika to get as much exposure in the U.S. as possible. If all of us voting as much as we have gets Mika to the first page it will be worth it just for people who did not know his name - now do - whether they eventually take away the votes or not. Mika can't win - the count is way too high - unfortunately. All of us voting Mika fans have given Mika more American exposure just before "The Boy Who Knew Too much" is released. That is a Good Thing!! I am going to continue voting.
  17. Mika Tops Eminem! Now to pass News Journalist Anderson Cooper, actor Donnie Walberg & actor Jared Leto! Onward to the next page!
  18. If you are connected to the internet through a phone line - go off line & then reconnect & you can vote right away. At least that has been working for me since I started voting over & over since yesterday.
  19. 50 more Votes Mika will pass Eminem! YEA! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=2 11 Votes - Country/Western singer Billy Currington. 34 Votes - Skate Board Champion Tony Hawk. Less than 80 Votes to pas Anderson Cooper! Vote! Vote! Vote! I think I am Obsessed!
  20. Mlx we are have way there! Mika just needs 100 more votes to pass Eminem! Yahoo! We need some help to get Mika to the next page! Mika needs 277 votes!
  21. Mika just passed Taylor Lautner the Hot American actor! http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=2 Onward!
  22. Okay Mlx! We need 207 votes! I am sure we can do this by tonight!:blink::shocked::thumb_yello:
  23. Mika, page 2/3? http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter?page=2 701 votes!!
  24. Bravo! You guys have done well! So close to page 2!
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