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Everything posted by Kodes100

  1. Mika is at 552! Perez Hilton is at 586. We have to put Mika past Perez!
  2. I have a phone line for my internet connection. I discovered if I disconnect then re-connect I can vote again immediately. I have voted at least 10 times in the last 30 minutes. Go Mika!!
  3. Now Mika is 11 behind that arse Jeremy Piven! Go Mika!!
  4. At 5:29 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Mika is right behind Gene Simmons!! Go Mika!
  5. Thanks for bringing my attention to this. Here is the link again: http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter Mika is on page 4 at 433 votes! Mika Rocks!!
  6. I was totally thrilled to hear WAG being played at the beginning & then throughout the entire show. It took me a few seconds to accept that they were really playing WAG!! I am hoping this will help the American audiences take to Mika! When they hear it playing on the radio in the near future they might wonder where they heard WAG before & start liking it. Bravo Teen Choice Awards!
  7. Freudian slip??:shocked: Or is there something you would like to share with the class RAK1?? Hmmmm?:naughty:
  8. Oh isn't he full of surprises? Didn't he just have his home refurbished? I know he can be a bad speller - he spelled Eel Pie Island - Eil Pie ilsland. But shouldn't you have to be able to spell correctly the place you are moving to? If anybody is interested here is a 3 minute vid of a resident talking about the history, especially the music history & the present goings on there: http://www.videojug.com/film/london-eel-pie-island It is interesting. Now we have another Mika Motion to scrutinize.:boxed:
  9. I am still struggling to like the new title which I am sure Mika worked really long & hard at. The definition of expedience is: The use of methods that are advantageous rather than FAIR or JUST. I would say that plays a part of my skepticism concerning the shortened name for Mika's work & why I am questioning if it is disrespectful. Also it is just a question.
  10. I am confused?? I am one of the very few who doesn't like the new title. I am surprised at myself mostly as I have pretty much loved everything Mika has done. I think the artwork is Brilliant & Beautiful! I love all the music I have heard so far! I am hoping I will get used to the new title. But - if we here start calling the new album "The Boy" doesn't that totally negate Mika's new title, "The Boy Who Knew Too Much?" I understand why we want to shorten the title & i get that the acronym doesn't work as well as LICM - but -I don't know - it seems disrespectful somehow doesn't it??? I can't believe I am defending the full title - believe me. Hahaha!
  11. Yes, and I am in the minority with you. I love the music & the artwork! I am having a problem liking the title.:shocked: I will get over it will you??
  12. I don't get it?? I love the artwork! I have loved everything that Mika has done. I am so shocked that I actually don't like something Mika did that it has thrown off my whole day & thinking process.:eek: What is it I don't get????:blush-anim-cl: And it is obvious??:huh: Gosh - I am so discombobulated! :insane:
  13. Okay I know I am being stubborn here - but - Why would Mika name his second album after something that has a history to it & is "used??" That is a valid question even if I am being really unreasonable!
  14. Twitter is back up! Mika is amazed at the We Are Golden vids his fans are sending in! Maybe he will officially declare the new title. You know the one you guys like & I don't. :sad::emot-sad:
  15. Thank you CazGirl, inbar_assaf & IngievV! You are right about "Life in Cartoon Motion" being hard to top - but - I was hoping Mika was going blow me away with the new title of this one.
  16. I love the artwork! Unless someone has confirmed that this is the new title, "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" I don't believe it is. I will really go out on a limb & truthfully say I don't like it.:sad:
  17. Fie Fie Foe Fum I want the name of the new album! RRRRrrrrrrrr!:aah: Of course my little tantrum isn't going to get me the title any sooner.
  18. I know the Boy has to eat - But - Mika was suppose to be tweeting the new name of the album last night!!??!!:bonk:
  19. Mika I love your music! I love your art! I like what you share about yourself with us your fans. But you are a lair, liar pants on fire! You told 50,755 tweeples that you would tell them the new title to your new album & they told 50,755 & so & so on. You told a big fat fib! If you are out on the London streets & I happened to be walking behind you I would consider giving you a wedgy.:biggrin2:
  20. Okay - How about reasons Mika "couldn't" let us know the new title tonight? Mika forgot the password to his twitter account again.
  21. No - I didn't mean to imply that Baz Luhrmann is the director. That would be fantastic but I haven't heard anything like that. I am just hoping that since Hugh Jackman & Baz know each other & have worked together that there would be a chance that if Mika does the do the sound book & music then he would get to meet Baz through Hugh. I suppose I wasn't very clear & it is a convoluted way for Mika & Baz Luhrmann to meet & talk. Me wanting Mika & Baz to create together would be a dream come true for me & possibly his fans as the results would be Brilliant!!.
  22. I have been excited - really excited at the possiblities. Then I think it isn't true. Then I hope it is. The result is I have been checking here all day to see if it gets confirmed.
  23. Big Ben has just rung the 11th hour! You are running out of time Mika!! You have less than an hour?? Please??
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