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Everything posted by DarkLight

  1. you just had to say that didn't you lol dirty minded thing lmao (shh I'd say that too myself though so I needn't talk hahaha) edited: be prepared for HUGE Mika pics (screenshots) i'm just uploading some & shall post them in a few mins (mops at the ready) to mop up the drool of course ; )
  2. you're very welcome & thanks for the add on myspace I'm adding more screencaps to my mikagasmic photo album (I have loads on my computer & I'm keeping them at the size they were when I took them) a lot of them (the huge majority) I took ages ago myself but one or two are what I found online that other people took.
  3. what do you mean he can bathe himself?? I meant share a bath with him in other words you're both in the same bath at the same time all hot wet & steamy & naked together
  4. mmmm that's such a hard one omg hmm I'd say have mika kiss my neck you never know I might well get a chance to kiss his neck too! if not at least id've enjoyed myself for a while:wink2:
  5. have mika start making love to you (Come on if he started to make love to you it'd mean he was obviously very into you ) see mika 2 days a week & he loves you & see mika naked would you rather have a relaxing & sensual bath with Mika at leat twice a week every week for life or sleep with mika just once & it be absolutely mindblowing & amazing but never get to sleep with him again for me i'd choose the baths
  6. man that's an easy one to answer (for me anyhow) sleep with mika of course!!! would you rather be able to sleep with mika regularly for the rest of your life but never marry him or marry him but have it end after a few years (and not have much chicken)
  7. hello there welcome to the forum you'll LOVE it here i tell you!! it's THE best forum on the internet in my opinion!!!
  8. a little help with your english. rofl = roll on the floor laughing lol = laugh out loud lmao = laughing my arse off btw if you want some more hot chickeny Mika pics just go here http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm180/mikagasmicpics/ I'd post more but I'll be here all night & it's 4:15 in the morning (I shall have to go to sleep soon lol)
  9. oh yeah I know what you mean! that's what I thought (glad it's not just me then) lol here's some more lovely pics for you (wouldn't you LOVE to be that woman I know I sure would!!)
  10. oh yeah me too i'd prefer it to be meaningful rather than chicken for chickens sake if you get what i mean!!
  11. Aww it's such a shame they don't show him in the us (not fair on you mika lovers who live there) well to try & make up for it here's a few lovely Mika Pics for you hope they compensate for the lack of him on your tv a little
  12. you're not the only one!! me more so as I've just witnessed hot sexy mika chicken on the tv (they just showed the relax video, the live version) & I was like ohhh Mika chicken
  13. yeah actually it'd be nice to have a bit of both slow, tender & gentle to start with & then intense & rough & passionate & deep :wink2: now THAT would be very sexy indeed!!!!!
  14. indeed it would!! I can just imagine how passionate & tender a kisser he'd be (partly 'cause of the dream I had not long back ohh err) I reckon he'd definately be as tender & passionate a kisser as he was in my dream, all gentle & intense ohh I'm off on one now look what you've gotten me started on lol:wink2:
  15. no not just that but:chkn: also! but kissing to start with I'm no 'easy' girl you know I'll start with just kissing then we (meanining Mika & I) can progress to after a little fun kissing
  16. mmm absolutely (now you've set me off dreaming about kissing him now) though that's no bad thing right!!
  17. here's some more lovely mikagasmic pics that I like ( I know a lot of people seem to love this one & I can see why!!) wouldn't you just LOVE to lie there beside him & just hug him & look into his eyes!! I know I sure would (I love this one he looks so sexy & seductive doesn't he!!) *swoons* and here below is an absolute favourite of mine (it's the eyes that do it for me) may I say alert!!!
  18. yeah ooohh sounds cool I meant to say you had the same wallpaper lol I'm half asleeep methinks hehe:roftl: well it is 2:25 in the morning here!!
  19. ohh It IS a very gorgeous pic isn't it!! it's interesting to know we now both have the same Mika wallpaper
  20. here's some more mika pics for you to drool over these are some of my faves (this is my wallpaper atm) (looks likes he's puckering up for a kiss doesn't he lol )
  21. my favourite books are p.s i love you, where rainbows end, if you could see me now, a place called here all by cecelia ahern (I must say the best one is p.s I love you which is now a film) I have her new book thanks for the memories & have just started to read it, i've so far read 5 chapters & it seems to be just as good as all her other books!! I also love all the books by louise rennison (there's quite a few 8 so far I believe) they're all like diaries about a girl called georgia nicolson & they're very, very funny. here's the website so you can have a look & also find out the titles in order (I can't remember anymore my brains failing me lol) http://www.georgianicolson.com/ Also a book I truly recommend to ANYONE & EVEYONE even If you don't like him (or know him) at all is Derren Brown's book tricks of the mind, it's NOT an autobiography it's quite an interesting & intelligent book & will probably no doubt change the way you view things (it really is worth giving a try) And may I point out if any of you have the book (or buy a copy) I have a way to tell if it's a genuine 1st edition (pm me if you want to know)
  22. ohh I like that pic!! is it just me or does he slightly remind you of a young Michael jackson in that pic? he does me a little, it's the hair jacket that does it
  23. well I thought the chances of bumping into Derren Brown in london were slim but I did ( in april 2 years ago) I knew he lived in central london as he'd mentioned it but at the time I was there he was in the middle of a tour & I knew he had a day off that day but didn't think he'd be back home in London but he was, i was totally stunned i tell you, he just said oh Hi chantelle & I was like (IN my head) OMG It's Derren arrgghhhh & I just said hi (he was sat on a seat outside pret a manger on baker street, I was just popping in to get something not knowing I'd spot Derren there) It made my day though i'll tell you!! you know what is totally weird & what really freaked me out is while I was on the train that day from lincoln (where I lived back then) to london (kings cross) I got a feeling In the pit of my stomach & i thought I'm gonna bump into Derren Brown today!! But then I thought to myself nah he won't be in london today NO WAY jose but he was!! I was in london to see ricky martin btw & though I enjoyed the gig my mind was elsewhere (on Derren & wanting to see him again & being partly glad I'd bumped into him but bummed I'd not gotten to speak to him much) so you never know you may one day bump into Mika (never say never) I'd love to live in London myself I LOVE the place & have wanted to live there for years now (it's just so goddamn expensive though)
  24. ohh just found this pic it made me pmsl doesn't he look ever soo funny:naughty:
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