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Everything posted by DarkLight

  1. Whoever follows a crowd will never be followed by a crowd. When we die we leave behind us all that we have and take with us all that we are. When they say Doctors are practicing, they aren't kidding When there's a will, there's a way..when there's a won't, there isn't. When there's nothing on TV, most people will watch it anyway. When the mouth stumbles, it is worse than the foot When signing a contract, it helps to remember "the big-type gives, and the small-type takes away". When I walk backwards, it feels like I'm helping everyone else move forward faster When no one is watching, live as if someone is. When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves When in doubt. . . mumble When I'm right no-one remembers, when I'm wrong no-one forgets. When a person wants to believe something, it doesn't take much to convince them Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than look back On the other hand, you have different fingers Our five senses are incomplete without the sixth - a sense of humor. One of life's mysteries is how a two-pound box of candy can make a person gain five pounds. Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box. New and improved: if it's new it's not improved; if it's improved it's not new. Positive anything is better than negative nothing People laugh because I'm different, I laugh because they're all the same. People are made to be loved and things are made to be used. There is much chaos in this world because things are being loved and people are being used People are like tea bags - You have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are! Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes Passion: A feeling you feel when you feel a feeling you've never felt before. Kiwifucius is the lesser known distant cousin of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, and you can see why he is lesser known
  2. Ohh I'm so sorry to hear you're so Ill I hope you feel better soon take care won't you here's some extra sexy Mika pics to (hopefully) cheer you up a little (as I'm sure you prob know the forum limits you to 7 pics/smilies so with several in your post I quoted quote I can only post one here so I shall post the others below)
  3. tell them oh yeah really? I think you're just jealous that's a simple response to those who say that
  4. wicked! well I got into him late last year (just before xmas) I kinda liked some of his stuff but at 1st the song grace kelly annoyed the hell outta me (I still don't know why as I love it so much now) My mum said oh i've liked his songs for ages especially love today & I said well I have sort of but I've only just decided to buy his album now my half sister on the other hand detests him & it annoys me the way she bitches him all the time, I mean it's ok to have an opinion of someone but is it really neccessary to be bitchy about them all the time especially to someone like myself who respects him & adores him so much) I wish she'd just keep her nasty comments to herself. I've so far managed to get a few people I know into him (about 5 or 6 I think) so not bad going eh:punk:
  5. I personally don't know but i think it may be ok as long as it's just for yourself & you're not planning on selling then I think it should be ok?
  6. gosh we're all so darned protective of him aren't we lol heaven forbid anyone diss our Mika I know I'm the same anyone bitches him I bite back no one disses Mika & gets away with it right?! everytime my half sister sister bitches about him I'm like grrrrrrr
  7. yeah he's really quite impressive isn't he? here's some more youtube clips you should check out the one at the bottom it's soo funny (it's not him doing his tricks it's just him being silly lol) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyk96DPP_VM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQSUTSc8oB0 here'sa short clip of him live (the show I saw last year) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMgTIAUtrIc derren live (from last years show) part one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWtr-0QKnhc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-bgpwo9iuU (part 2) & here's Derren being daft (the clip I mentioned above you've just gotta see this it's so funny)
  8. OMG that's so wrong i hope Mika/yasmine & co do something about this it's so blatantly a rip off of his album art isn't it. grrrr it makes me hopping mad
  9. lol I think this thread should be renamed mikagasmic braces pics or something along those lines with all the braces pics:punk: I love them all though you can never have too many pics of Mika & his braces, or Mika wearing anything full stop:mf_lustslow:
  10. anyone here a fan of Derren Brown?? If you've no idea who he is check out these clips below (he's a psychological illusionist) in other words he does illusions (magic tricks) using psychology & other techinques. as he says he uses a blend of magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection & showmanship any of you living in the uk or visiting between now & june the 7th should go to see him live at the garrick theatre in London (his live shows are even more amazing & you can meet him too if you want, he is a really sweet & lovely guy & nowhere near as scary as some people think lol:naughty:) check his website for info on him & tour dates http://www.derrenbrown.co.uk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyQjr1YL0zg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bkleuxpvxY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFGG6zWByhM I must say if you do go to see him live & have never met him after the show if you have time go to the side/back of the theatre to the 'artists entrance' or 'stage door' and you will be able to meet him you usually only have to wait about 30-40 minutes to meet him & he'll sign autographs & pose for photos & chat & you can have a really good laugh with him he's a really truly amazing guy & a pleasure to chat to (I have now met him 15 times & he knows me fairly well now back in march he actually came into the front row where I was sat to pick 3 people to take part in a trick (he usually throws teddies or frisbees in the audience to pick volunteers) and he picked me himself to take part despite the fact I'd seen the show before afterwards when I went round the back to chat to him he said 'hey who took part tonigh eh' & smiled I was so glad he personally picked me instead of me catching a teddy or frisbee it made it more special
  11. oh yeah I like the hoosiers they're really good, Im gonna join the forum I've just been watching some of their clips on youtube & they cracked me up they get dafter by the minute!!! edited: I've just joined the forum I'm known as dodgy holiday on there see you guys over there : )
  12. just take a look at this cute smile & face then take a look at this hot body *swoons* and look at funny Mika and if that doesn't help look at this anim if that doesn't work I don't honestly know what will???
  13. Oh I've been able to get hold of bright coloured braces my faves 2 pairs are my red ones & gold ones I got them from claires accessories and they're only £5 each I also made my own pair of braces with Hello kitty on them, I wanted hello kitty braces but can't find any anywhere so decided to buy 3 elasticated kitty belts & turn them into braces, i've never made any before but they came out well I'd like to own the watch he wears in this pic, not just 'cause it's mika's just because it is THE coolest watch I've ever seen!!! If anyone knows where you can get one can you tell me I'd really like one
  14. I have as I mentioned quite a while back made a Mika photobucket album in which i decided to save as many pics of Mika as is absolutely possible, well now I've just added loads & loads more pics!! I'm gonna be adding an awful lot more over the coming days I decided to have a Mika photobucket album as I know quite a fair few times since I joined here people have asked where is this pic of mika or that pic of mika I can't find it anywhere so i thought If I save as many pics of Mika as Is possible hopefully if there's a pic you can't find it may be in my album http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm180/mikagasmicpics/ so far there are 194 images & I'm currently uploading more enjoy his sexiness
  15. when I last looked it said 689,068 now it says 689,868 wow good eh I always said Mika was THE sexiest man on the planet!!!! & this kinda proves it, he can hardly say he's not attractive now can he?
  16. woooo hooooooo congratulations MIka you truly deserve it man!!! & then some!!!
  17. yeah that'd be so cool a mika rubix cube
  18. just to let you know I've posted in the mikagasmic thread most of the pics from the awards minus the watermarks i'll try & do the rest of the later when I get back home (I have an appointment at 2:55)
  19. here's 3 more (from getty images) minus the watermarks
  20. yeah I agree Here's the pics minus the darned watermarks
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