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Status Updates posted by DarkLight

  1. ahh so glad you accept that hehehe :lmfao:

  2. okie dokie :punk: I'm working on the watch & clock for you & I'll look out for some colourful bracelets & stuff ok :punk:

  3. lol by then I'll have married him so there :lol3::lmfao: you can't have him

  4. yeah 'tis weird lol, you know i'm just thinking (don't know if you recall at all) but has Mika ever mentioned broumana (in lebanon)


    I'm sure i've heared someone mention there before & i guess if someone's mentioned it it'd be mika (him being from lebanon) The name just rings a bell somehow :blink: and i've no idea why?


    oh you can't have Mika get off I asked for him 1st & i'm nearer his age you're only 14 I'm 23 he'd rather someone more his age i reckon :lol3:

  5. Mmm a tall curly haired lebanese sex god please you can deliver him whenever he doesn't have to be 'posted' to me at the same time as my mika mail :lmfao: hehehe No nothing specific really i guess : ) anything's fine I don't mind :punk:


    hey you know what? I have a vid on youtube right & my 1st 2 subscribers are from france (where mika used to live) and the other is from beirut were mika is from & the one from beirut he's 24 just a year younger than mika funny stuff eh :lol3:

  6. hm i don't know really erm, hmm can you get tamagotchi stuff where you live?? I'd love something like a tama charm or lanyard if at all possible mametchi the character in my avatar) is my fave tamagochi character


    if not anything will do really i'm not fussed :punk:



    besides the mika watch & clock is there anything else you would like?

  7. wow that sounds cool :punk: well today I bought you a dairy milk chocolate bar,a mars bar A cadbuys cream egg twister bar a england lanyard for your tamagotchi & i got you the a3 Mika posters :punk:


    i've had to leave ordering the mousemat for now as there's a postal strike on & it's also nearly xmas & a lot of post is going missing so I shall order that a day or 2 after xmas ok :thumb_yello: i'll still get you though so don't worry :punk:


    ooh forgot to mention i got you a small lindt chocolate santa they're nomally quite expensive even the small one's but i got it £2 cheaper which is cool lindt chocolate is so expensive it's unbelevable that's why i don't generally buy it for but as i say i got it A LOT cheaper!!! it was a bargain!!!

  8. ah don't worry it's ok as i said i have a lot of things such as watch stuff to make you one & i know of cheap shops


    this is kuchipatchi by the way



  9. so you want the 1st (light blue jinsei version 4 one) & the familitchi then


    ok that's fine I'll add them both to your mm :thumb_yello: I have as i say instructions for both & also a lanyard (light green one) and there's a kuchipatchi charm too i can throw in for you :punk: I have to go to collect my money now it's pay day today & I'm ordering you're mousemat & also going to get your a3 posters of mika ok

  10. that's no probs you can start on it whenever you like there's no rush :punk:


    ohh school's nearly over eh i bet you're glad :punk:

  11. eh but I don't work that's the point lol :blink: I'm unemployed :thumbdown:


    I have disabilities which really sucks plus i have severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks insomnia & I'm going through my 3rd nervous breakdown hence me not being able to work atm:boxed:


    I just get income support which is only £38 a week & I have to pay mum £38 a fortnight so I get £38 a fornight & so does she (i have to pay board) which is sucky given i get so little money


    here's pics of my tama's btw i forgot to mention there's a jinsei version 4 too


    this is the version 4




    this is the old 1997 type tama one of the 1st ever made




    and this is the familitchi




    I could send you all 3 if you like (I don't want them anymore I'm happy with my 2 other jinsei tama's) & you could just use one to start with & put the others to one side til you're used to them that way you'd have 3 different types of tama

  12. hey there how you doodlin' ?? hope you're well :punk: I've started on your mm by the way :thumb_yello:

  13. hey therehow you doodlin' ?? hope you're well :punk: I've started on your mm by the way :thumb_yello:

  14. well actually I don't personally have a credit card i just use mum's debit card with her permission & i give her the money back so that's how i have to do things i don't even have a bank acount myself yet!


    you know I have 2 tamagotchi familitchi's & don't want them anymore so I was wondering if you want one? I still have the intructions with it so you'd be able to figure it out I also have one of the original old tama's i don't want anymore if you'd like it?


    I prefer the jinsei tama's myself :punk:

  15. yup me too


    i've just ordered a 'mika' tamagotchi off ebay : ) woohoo i can't wait to get it it's soo cool : ) :punk:

  16. oh yeah I'm fine now, i'm not at school these days i'm too old i'm 23 now : ) so my school days are well & truly over :punk:

  17. well hopefully things get better for you, I was utterly relieved to leave school I was literally school phobic i was so badly beaten up i nearly was hospitalised once!!! It made me literally sick just the thought of going to school!!!

  18. school sucks doesnt it, well for me it truly sucked big style !! for me just like Mika I had a horrible time at school & i'm just relieved my school days are over, I left school early thank goodness

  19. aww sorry to hear about that I hope things get sorted out for you :huglove:

  20. yup i sure do like playboy stuff : )


    ooh that's cool you got more stuff thanks : )


    i'm getting you more stuff for your mm tomorrow as i mentioned


    hope you're well : )


    chat soon

  21. only 1 hour difference eh hmm interesting stuff lol I thought there would be a much bigger difference in time to be honest

  22. mmhmm it is fun having your own forum but challenging too : ) It's gonna be one hell of a task to keep up with but I adore Mika & chatting to Mika fans so I reckon it'll be all worthwhile


    it's now 10:46 pm here what about where you live?

  23. why thank you glad you think so Lol :punk: it's the 1st time i've ever really properly run a forum myself so it's kinda 'fun' to say the least working on it modifying it & making it just right


    and oh yeah of course I have a Mikagasmic thread :das: lmfao it'd be mad if i didn't wouldn't it lol

  24. hey there how are you? :huglove: I hope you're well :punk:

  25. yup i believe you can i just went from chantelle to Admin/darklight so yeah i think users can modify their usernames if not pm me & i'll try & change it for you :punk:

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