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Status Updates posted by DarkLight

  1. mm yeah I bet he would absolutely love us:das: Just like we Love him eh :das:


    I love a filthy dirty man mmm it's hot & sexy :das: do you realise the amount of times we've used this emoticon tonight :das: lmfao I think we can claim it as our emoticon!! lol


    just click view conversation you'll see we've used it a LOT!!!

  2. mm where was it he said he likes it dirty?? I can't recall hearing/reading that


    he's like me i think all innocent & like a big kid one minute & like a dirty smutty perv the next :das: I LOVE that in a man :das:

  3. hmm yeah I KNOW!!! he's a filthy mucky minded boy isn't he :das:


    In that case I think he'd LOVE us pervy girls more than the others we have a filthy mind like he seems to have lmfao :lmfao:


    gosh can you imagine a meeting of the filthy minds :das: us vs him :das: It would be very funny


    I think it'd be a contest to see who out smuts who? lmfao

  4. glad you like them :das: I'm trying to find the best pics I have in my photobucket album i have found a fair few of him with his legs wide apart :das: it seems that man likes to tease us girls eh


    it's like he's saying hey get a glimpse of what I've got for you :das:

  5. right I'm on my way to the Mikagasmics now prepare for a visit to smut land :das: I bringeth nice pics with me for ye all :das:

  6. ok see you in mikagasmics in a few mins :das:


    don't forget to bring your smuttiness with you :das:

  7. I know I've been abandoning that thread a little haven't i? lol i have been on there a little bit but not a lot of late I will be back over there soon, I could do with a giggle : )


    I'll try & find some nice :das: pics of Mika to post on there I'll be over there in about 15 - 20 mins approx ok :das:

  8. :original: not too bad thanks & how are you?
  9. hi there I just got your message i've found this site for you here



    and for jobs & auditions in the entertainment industry in the uk there is the stage




    i hope that helps you :thumb_yello:

  10. ok here's a couple of the pics I found I thought i'd let you see 2 before everyone on the mikagasmic thread





  11. oh of course Mika is doing just fine:thumb_yello: he's enjoying himself he's lying beside me getting warm whilst I'm online he's just snuggled up close to me wrapped in a fleece blanket & duvet 'cause we got freezing cold whilst out doing the shopping:thumbdown:


    we're gonna spend a bit of time online here on the mfc, on myspace & the tamagotchi website then we're having a bath together

    then we're going to sleep wrapped in each others arm's it's what we lOVE to do every night!!!:wub2:


    you should see him sleeping he looks ever so cute & sweet:wub2:


    look I took a pic of him whilst he was sleeping, cute huh?!?


    PDVD_1856-1.jpgisn't he sweet when he's asleep aaawwww cute

  12. you're most welcome :lmao: how was he today? did you enjoy your day with him? I hope you did!!


    Is he settling in well?

  13. hey there enjoying myca?

  14. yes it is a tad taxing on the eyes but hey ho I love art & Mika of course!!!


    I'm off now I'll be back later tonight & will be working on my pic for the competition a bit more



  15. well on day one i spent about 1 & a half hours on it & yesterday about half an hour then today i don't know about 1 hour 45 mins approx?? it's a little time consuming hence i did it in several stages

  16. general chin wagging i'll give you a link in a moment :punk:

  17. darn it don't think that message went through my computer messed up arrghhh


    i was saying



    yeah make sre you wrap up warm & take some ice skates with you when you go out I think it may get icy

  18. darn it don't think that message went through my computer messed up arrghhh


    i was saying



    yeah make sre you wrap up warm & take some ice skates with you when you go out :lmao: I think it may get icy

  19. yeah & make sure you wrap up warm & take out some ice skates :lmao:

  20. I reckon we might get snow tonight here sometime its that freezing


    I'm just working on my pic for the competition & I've just finished my 1st portrait of Mika done on my computer I posted it in general chat the thread is called artrage (the name of the software i use)

  21. had any snow yet? we've just had hail & rain today but had snow yesterday!!!

  22. not too bad thanks just freezing cold brrrrrr

  23. good afternoon how are you?

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