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Status Updates posted by iadoremika

  1. Afraid of the fish in the ocean/lake?

  2. I go more than you then. :aah:

  3. I was gonna say...I've seen Miami Ink.

    And there were plam trees and beaches. :tears::naughty:

  4. Some people say it, but not a lot. I hardly ever hear it, to be honest. :bleh: I keep my Canadian jokes to me riding a polar bear to school, after drinking maple syrup for breakfast and then going home to my igloo.


    Wait, that's the truth.

  5. You know the "eh" joke? Guess what? We don't all say it.

    But I don't think we have a specific accent.

    People from Quebec speak French, so they have a certain French accent.

    Then there are some people from the east coast (from provinces like Newfoundland) that have distinct accents. Ones that people make jokes of.

  6. Nah. I do a horrible British accent. :lol3:

  7. So you change accents. An accent ninja! :shocked:


    People say my mom has an accent. I can't hear it. :mf_rosetinted:

  8. Ahaha. Accents are good too. Well...some. :aah:

  9. Old and funny...my favourite. :lmao:

  10. The best in when teachers have a sense of humour. :naughty:

  11. Of course, because it's a serious matter. :naughty::mf_rosetinted:

  12. It sounds like a game of hide and seek...but not really. :naughty:


    Ha, sounds good.

    See ya later! :bye:

  13. Aww yeah. Well at least you had your sister with you.


    Yo, this totally reminds me of this:


    One time when I was little my mom was on the bus with me. I was old enough to walk, but not big enoughn to walk for a long time, so she had the stroller as well. So she goes to get off the back of the bus and had to take the stroller out first, and then she was gonna get me (because it's really close, right). Well the a**hole driver didn't notice/wasn't paying enough attention and started driving away with me in the bus, and my mom NOT in the bus. :shocked: My mom tells me I screamed so loud the bus driver stopped the bus right away. :lol3:

  14. How long were you "missing" before they called her over the speakers?

  15. Yeah, each of the shops are pretty small.

    I know! I feel so sad when the parents get no response. :tears:

  16. Sometimes I feel so bad for them. :sad:


    I was at St. Lawrence Market (it's this big indoor market that sells meats, cheeses, nuts, fruits, sandwiches, sweets...etc etc :naughty) and there was one dad that was (I forgot the kid's name, so I'll make one up)...


    Him: Kayley come here.


    Kayley, come!


    Her (from back of aisle): No!


    Him: Now!! :sneaky2:


    (I think she thought she was going to get away with it, all hidden and all. :lmao:)

  17. ...and not moving out of your way. :hair:

  18. Wal-Mart is the worst when it's packed. :huh:

  19. Ha, they would too. You've been to a Wal-Mart Supercenter, right? Aren't they awesome? :lol3:

  20. I'm not entirely sure, but I think they'd sell it at Wal-Mart.

  21. I read it as "end up in furniture". :shocked: Wow. :aah:

  22. I vaccuum up pennies and stuff as well sometimes...because I'm too lazy to bend down and pick it up. :lol3:


    A new take on a pin cushions. :lmao:

  23. They're easier to lose. :naughty: I think I vaccuumed a few today. :shocked:

  24. Use the box from a bracelet from a jewlery store to store them in, on your counter top. :teehee:

  25. Well I guess practise makes perfect...or better, or whatevah. :naughty:

    I'll stick with my 2 bobby pins. :lmao:

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