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Status Updates posted by iadoremika

  1. The sale thing is a good convincer (sp?) to get parents to buy you something. :lol3:


    I lived in them for a short period of time. :lol3:

  2. Oh shoot, that's an amazing deal!

    Dayum...I want a new hoodie now. :aah:

  3. That's so cool. :shocked: I want one!

  4. Oooh fancy! I shall go to a Macy's one day. :lol3:


    That's the worst! :lmfao: I like pet it and put it down and then walk out of the store. :lol3:

  5. I prefer Sephora to MAC anyways. :bleh: I've never been to a Macy's. :teehee:


    I don't go to those areas/stores either, because I feel to ashamed I can't afford their over priced merchandise. :lmao:

  6. My mall is not high class...but there's a MAC store there. And a MAC counter at a department store. So...I dunno. :huh:

  7. It's magic stuff!


    Maybe. I would have thought there would be a MAC store in Miami or Orlando, or something.

  8. Ahaha. No smudges either? :aah:


    That's crazy talk!

  9. I totally didn't see this for some reason...:huh:


    Yeah, exactly! Why waste something good? :naughty:


    Yeah, there's so much great stuff in Sephora! :wub2:

    I've never been to a MAC counter, I've walked by them, though. That being said, I've been to a MAC store. At the mall closest to my house, Sephora and MAC are one store away from each other. :aah::lol3:

  10. I hope you don't think I'm a bitch, or anything. I have a feeling you think I am, I don't know why.

  11. Yeah. They say you're supposed to throw your mascara out after 3 months. But I only toss it when it runs out/gets dry. I mean, what's the point? I'm not sharing it with anyone, so where are the germs? :huh:


    Dior makeup DOES look pretty.

    I'd say it's the shiniest section in Sephora. :lol3:

  12. I don't know if it means anything, but L'Oreal is owned by Lancome. :aah:

    Zomg. Lancome is one of the brands I want to try mascara from. That and the DIORSHOW mascara from Dior.


    Have we had this conversation/one similar before? :aah:

  13. Yes, I love makeup. :aah:

    That one is really good! You made a good choice. :D Before my got old, I loved it! It really is great.

    And YES, SO much better than Lash Blast - I actually thought that mascara was so horrible that I gave it away. :huh:


    I got a mascara yesterday too!


    L'Oreal mascaras are the bom diggidy!

  14. You got me excited with the Jason Mraz thing.

    I almost feel like sending you a full itinerary with the song titles. :aah:

  15. That might be a smart idea. :aah:

  16. Ahaha. That would have been my reaction too...as I jaywalked across the road.

  17. See, everyone does it. Unless you get hit, the police don't care (usually)

    One time in high school a guy was jaywalking and he got hit by a car - not bad, he just broke his foot- and the jaywalker got the ticket. :lol3::aah:

  18. It makes sense. I think it's understandable to be scared of something you can't control.

    Since I don't drive the other drivers become a problem to me when I cross the street. So I jaywalk a lot - believe it or not, I find jaywalking to be safer than using the cross walk...

  19. Yeah, that makes total sense!

  20. Why is your sister so scared to drive?

  21. ...and you don't die on the way there. That's good. :aah:

  22. I'm imagining you and your sister crying as she's driving. :lmfao:

  23. So true. :lol3: We couldn't give two sh*ts about the drink, we want the bottle. :naughty:


    What a beotch.

    Salad is not the kind of thing I like to buy (at fast food places, at least) because lettuce and your own dressing is much cheaper...


    Goodnight! :bye:

    I'm tired too. Not because I went to the gym (I didn't) but because I got "lost" downtown and walked the wrong way up the street. :mf_rosetinted:

  24. I forgot about that. :dunno: Really now, whoever decided on that wasn't wanting to sell a lot of those bottles.


    YES! :lmao: Like those people who order Diet Coke with their Big Mac.

    The worst thing ever was, one time I was in Pizza Pizza waitng for my pizza and some lady walks in, orders a salad and walks out. WTF? :hair:

  25. I know. :huh: How many people go to the trendiest of nighclubs very often?


    This is so true. :no: Why? :crybaby::naughty:

    It's REALLY good. I think it's a Canadian thing. If you're ever in the area...:naughty:

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