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Status Updates posted by iadoremika

  1. Oh wow. I'd probably mess up and take waaay longer. :lmao:

  2. Oh. :aah: I thought it was for a party or something. :lmao:

  3. Hey, I think it looks pretty good! Are you planning it for any reason in particular?

  4. Tonight, at the bus stop, there was a girl that looked kinda like you. Except you're taller and don't look like a bitch.

  5. Good idea. Not like it's that expensive. :naughty:

  6. Darn Apple and their Apps. :shun:

  7. Oh dang. Too bad you can't buy the old ones...

  8. Those sound so awesome! That iTunes one sounds like MAGIC!!

    Do you know Tap Tap? :teehee:

  9. Thank you. :teehee: My inability to use Photoshop is also part of the reason why that's going to be there for a little while longer. :aah:

  10. Awesome, I think you'll like it. :aah:

  11. It's so good! It's not as (I don't know how to word this) intellectual? hard? I dunno how to say it :aah: as some people may think. Interesting and informative, and not a hard read either!

  12. No, that's exactly it. Other things = loans. :lol3:


    Oh yaaay! What apps have you got? :naughty:

  13. Well there we go. :aah:


    She is! :lol3: In "The Year of Living Biblically" (he lives his life for an entire year following as many rules in the bible as he can), one of the rules was that a man can not sit on any surface that a woman did if she is on her mentrual cycle. So one day his wife (who was on her period, mind you) sat on all chairs, benches etc in their place. :lmao:

  14. It'll get better. :naughty: Have you learned about the snail with 5 butt holes?

    Oh, and his wife is just awesome. :lol3:

  15. Oh awesome!

    I'm glad you like it so far. :lol3: A lot of random facts in that one. :aah:

  16. Tour guide. :naughty:

    It won't be for a long while, but I'll let you know for sure. :lol3:

  17. Awesome! I want to visit there one day. :bleh:

  18. Oh that's so cool! Those places sound really nice!

  19. No problemo! :D

    I'm Louise from Canada! :bleh:

  20. When are you going to eat the people? :aah:


    Oh wow, it's coming REALLY soon! My mom said I could get an iTouch. But since my school loans got f*cked up, I don't want to ask for it. :lol3:

  21. Wow. That sounds so awesome. :aah:

    The slideshow sounds so cute. I might have cried as well. :lol3:

    You and your BFF are so pretty. :teehee:


    I had a cake like yours a couple years ago.



    When's your iTouch coming? :teehee:

  22. Just looked on the intro page thingy and saw that it's based on a real diary.

    My bad for not even looking.


  23. Yeah. :aah: OMG, no way...even more awesome. :lol3:

  24. Ha, it looks like it. :naughty:


    I like non-fiction (or things that could be non-fiction), so this doesn't look too far from that. :lol3:

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