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French Deb

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Posts posted by French Deb

  1. Coucou les filles...


    J'espère que vous allez bien !


    Comme vous, la nouvelle d'Axie m'attriste :no: c'est tellement injuste...


    La bonne nouvelle de la journée, c'est la Belgique. Je serai de la partie et j'espère vous y voir nombreuses, même si j'espère qu'il n'y aura pas de tarées à camper là bas toute la nuit ou dès 6h du mat' !

  2. I saw a part of the surounding, the begining, I saw 3 fans, but after I don't see because I leave the place where I was prisoner and I prefered to stay away.


    I think if all fans stayed away from him, don't tell him a little word, he find that really strange :naughty:


    You know, he is a big boy, he can walk around and chat with fans who are in small groups if he wants ! :naughty:. You just have to make a sign and smile, that's mean you're ok to have a chat ! :biggrin2: Actually, he did talked a little bit with some when he went to the "private" part :wink2:


    But he doesn't have to "worry" :naughty: he'll always find fans to stay by his side in this kind of situation !! :teehee::naughty:

  3. I don't think anyone was expected to ignore Mika, just to behave themselves. Why can't there be a happy medium between avoiding him and mobbing him?


    Mika has his own bodyguards, he doesn't need me protecting him. But I am advising fans - as a fellow fan - to not mob him or needlessly ask for autographs. When he's in a situation where this doesn't happen he acts differently. I have seen it first hand at least 4 times and I know many others with similar stories. I can almost guarantee you he will stay longer and chat more comfortably with people if everyone is chill and not interrupting to ask for things.


    I understand Sephira's analogy of being in a room full of people eating and told not to eat. But core fans are not exactly starving are they? I mean how many autographs do people need?


    I know you couldn't control what these other fans were doing at the time, so I'm just speaking generally and not to this incident. But I promise you, if you want a bigger piece of Mika pie the best way to get it is to be part of a group who are not hounding him for anything. These are the moments that he makes more time for everyone.


    Couldn't agree more :thumb_yello:

    Especially in this kind of "public" event and not fans M&G...

  4. Oh nice!! I hope they'll drop by MFC. (Or we have some insiders share the gossip :fisch:)


    Don't worry, I'll ask them or if they don't drop, I'll come to share to gossip ! :naughty:

    There is Nanouch who is attending, she is an MFCer too even of she doen't post very aften but she usually post some comments on gigs and especeially her pics. She does take very nice pics :wub2: Hope she will be allowed to take pics so we could see them :teehee:

  5. I'm very happy that some fans will get the invitations. :thumb_yello:

    Anyway, French fans have had a very lucky 2010 so far and if they can't be there for the unveiling, they will sure manage to see the statue later on! Don't feel bad, guys! :)


    Yes, you're right Laura :wink2:



    Some fans bought train tickets to come the 6 of December and can't change it :boxed: and they don't win an invitation to this inauguration :boxed:


    I don't win but I come the 6 and stay outside in the cold with my mikafriends, we'll become ice statues :roftl:


    Yes, it's too bad, but it was risky to buy tickets non refundable for this kind of event. We had only a few chances to get tickets



    Someone from MWS won? Is that right?


    Yes :wink2: 2 girls from the MWS won, and one of them brings another member so we will have 3 members from the MWS attending the event. And I'm happy for them, they're great and nice fans :thumb_yello:

  6. first of all, i'm sorry for writing in english here! (no, i don't speak french :teehee:)


    i was wondering: will some of you be in paris from january 20th to january 25th? i'll be there and thought that could get to know, beyond mika's statue, some of you :wub2:


    That's very nice of you to want to know the Frenchies ! :teehee:


    Unfortunately, I'll live in Paris for 6 months (because of an internship) only from February... Too bad.

    Hope you'll enjoy your stay :thumb_yello:

  7. Bonsoir tout le monde !


    J'espère que vous allez bien :wink2:

    Bienvenues aux nouvelles du thread !


    Pour le DVD, j'en avais entendu parler aussi, mais j'attends de voir car comme Guylaine l'a dit, on ne sait jamais, notre Mika a toujours plein de projets...Mais je croise les doigts :wub2: Après, je trouve ça long sans qu'on est de nouvelles :boxed: Le PDP était sorti en novembre et filmé en juillet alors que là, Anvers c'était au printemps et toujours aucune news officielle...


    Pour le DVD je ne pense pas qu'il se cantonnera à un seul concert. Andy nous a filmés backstage à Strasbourg (avec une magnifique interview de Nanou!) et je l'ai vu filmer le 2e concert de Londres... :sneaky2:


    Si ça fait comme toutes les vidéos des autres concerts et backstages des précédentes tournées, on n'est pas près de les voir :aah: (peut être des extraits en bonus !)


    Pour Grévin, s'il n'y a que 2 places, c'est mort :aah:

  8. oufff and on top of that, it's 1 person winning 2 entree tickets, not 2 different people winning each a ticket! :aah:



    good luck mfcers!! :yay:


    Yes, it's depressing :boxed:

    I hope someone we know will win :thumb_yello:


    good luck everyooooone!


    btw, will some of you be in Paris in January? I'll be there ... could get to know, beyond the statue, some of you! :mf_lustslow:


    Don't hesitate to come to the French Thread to ask http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3285730#post3285730



  9. :lmfao: :lmfao:


    Oh punaise les filles, merci pour ce fou rire !! :roftl:


    Non mais sérieusement, c'est vraiment intéressant comme sujet, et de voir les différentes significations en fonction des lieux. Mine, tu as raison de nous suggérer un tel ouvrage !


    Et merci Guy pour toutes tes précisions ! Et contente d'apprendre que ton mari a 1/8e de sang amérindien :aah:

  10. Can't wait to know more about that...:teehee:

    I won't skip class and go to Paris for "nothing" : waiting for him outside the museum or even seeing him reveal his "double" with the flash of the press ! :aah:


    He talked about a "masquerade ball" at Colmar, right, and a contest ? Still no news...


    But I'm very curious to see how this statue looks like ! :naughty:


    :naughty: Ca fait bizarre de reconnaitre quelqu'un qu'on ... ne connait pas.. ou en tout cas pas personnellement

    Tu as beaucoup de chance d'avoir pu assister a ce concert - et a tous les autres d'ailleurs..


    Mon plus grand regret est sans doute les concerts du Cirque d'Hiver :wub2:

    Ca devait etre quelque chose d'incroyable

    Et malheureusement, on ne trouve pas beaucoup de bonnes videos sur YT


    Oui, je connais cette sensation aussi de reconnaître des gens que tu n'as jamais vu !

    Je sais que je suis chanceuse :wub2: j'en ai conscience. Et oui, j'ai fait les 2 dates du Cirque d'Hiver, un de mes meilleurs souvenirs... :wub2: C'était féérique...et l'ambiance du 12 juin était incroyable...


    oui, on capote sur mika! :fangurl:


    tu sais quand mika est venu a montreal, certains fans lui ont dit des expressions quebecoises et je suis certaine qu'il n'avait aucune idee ce qu'elles avaient dit


    - il a demande a marie-lune (je pense), qui etait une lollipop, si elle avait aime le spectacle. et en bonne quebecoise elle a dit "oui!c'etait ecoeurant!"

    et il a repondu... "ah bon..."

    ici, ecoeurant a 2 significations 1) extraordinaire, merveilleux 2)degoutant! :lmfao: je suis certaine que marie-lune voulait dire extraordinaire!




    Oui, il n'a pas dû comprendre en effet ! :naughty:



    Par contre, des mocassins ce ne sont pas des pantoufles mais bien des chaussures : http://img47.xooimage.com/files/e/b/3/94636800_geox-20b...mocassin-1ef1c10.jpg



    Bonne soirée/journée les filles :wink2:

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