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French Deb

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Posts posted by French Deb

  1. J'adore votre expression "capoter" :teehee:


    Je t'ai vu :boing:


    Samedi, je regardais le DVD pour la xeme fois :fisch:

    Et sur Stuck in the Middle si ma memoire est bonne, j'ai vu une fille qui te ressemblait.. enfin qui ressemblait a la photo de ton avatar.

    Et je me suis fait la remarque.. On dirait French Deb..

    :aah: Alors c'etait bien toi, je ne me suis pas trompee


    Ouiiii :aah: C'est bien ça, à ce moment là, et sur Happy Ending avec nos banderoles "merci" :teehee:

    T'as de bons yeux, parce que c'est rapide et j'avais les cheveux attachés !!

  2. Ils l'ont passé plusieurs fois le concert, dont une fois l'année dernière pendant les fêtes :wub2:


    Ils le repasseront un de ces jours !


    Je pense que je vais regarder le début du Live@Home tout à l'heure...mais j'ai pas l'impression qu'ils passent tout. Enfin, je le connais par coeur, j'ai la version HD sur mon pc :wub2: (grâce à nos pros de l'informatique :naughty:)


    Bonne soirée les filles

  3. Oui, ils ont déjà passé le PDP sur les chaines musicales (la même qui passe le Live@Home ce soir :wink2:)

    Je suis contente, on a souvent de belles émissions de télé en France avec Mika et de beaux reportages (Taratata, Grand Journal, "le monde de Mika" sur TF1...) :wub2:


    C'est vrai que sur BG sa voix est par moment... :aah: Il courait beaucoup trop des fois, en effet :teehee:

    Mais ce décor était tellement magique... Et voir tout ce monde :wub2: Pour moi, ce DVD est trèèèèès spécial. Car j'étais au PDP et au premier rang ! (heureusement, on ne me voit que très rapidement à deux reprises dans le DVD :aah:) et c'était 3e concert mais mon premier concert en tant que Mika addict !! (arrivée, tôt, queue toute la journée, attente avec les Mikamis...)


    J'en garde un souvenir impérissable, surtout avec Rain quand le silence régnait dans le stade :wub2: Je suis tellement heureuse d'avoir ces moments immortalisés sur un DVD.

    Et le documentaire... N'en parlons pas :blush-anim-cl:


    J'aimerais tellement qu'un DVD immortalise l'Imaginarium Tour, c'était tellement beau et abouti.

  4. :naughty:


    Pareil, à chaque fois que je le vois à la télé, je suis dans un état :aah::teehee::fangurl:


    Même si c'est le concert du PDP que je connais par coeur, ou un clip diffusé... et quand on ne s'y attend pas, c'est encore meilleur !! :biggrin2:

    On a de la chance en France, on l'a beaucoup vu à la télé quand il a sorti son 2e album, même dans les journaux télévisés ! :mf_rosetinted:

  5. Mika's articles do make you think, don't they! Thinking about trends, they do tend to correspond to the time period where they appear. I think if we did study trends they seem to always be like a counterbalance to a certain era, whether it's a certain party that's in government, or just a need for something that is filled by the latest trend. Then, times change and so does the latest trend.

    But, as I commented on the article page, Mika is a wonderful trend that will never go out of date!



    I hope so :wub2::teehee:

    You're right, his articles make think. But it's kind of difficult for non english native speakers to express our mind andour thoughts in english on such serious and interesting topics.

  6. When I sit and think about that time. There was a lot of optimism and excitement. There was no unemployment, the music was great in the sixties with many of the legends around, like The Beatles and Elvis.

    But there were also boys dying in Vietnam, and the hippie movement often got involved in the protests about that war. I think it helped to fuel the movement, especially in America. There was also the assasinations of John F, and Bobbie Kennedy, also Martin Luthor King. Killed because they dreamed of a more equal society and so they were eliminated.

    There was also the Cold War, where people thought they were going to be bombed by neuclear weapons at any minute. This also made people turn towards the peace-and-love route.

    So there was good stuff at that time, but also bad stuff too, but we do tend to recall the good stuff more than the bad, when we recall the past.


    So true :thumb_yello:


    I like reading all your reactions about the article ! :blush-anim-cl:

  7. you're right, but the other problem is, the better you know yourself, the more you expect - and the harder it gets to find a guy who meets your expectations. :wink2: and it's the same for guys, so... well, it doesn't get easier over the years. :fisch: whereas when you're together from a younger age, you can "grow" together, if you know what i mean.


    everything has its good and bad sides. :naughty:





    Mellody, it's EXACTLY what I said just above your post ! But this is really clearer and better said that what I wrote ! :teehee:

    And of course, everything has its good and bad sides...

  8. True enough, although I tend to think (but maybe I'm wrong because I was not in this case) you probably know yourself better at 25 than 18 (I was 19 years old when I met my husband)

    I think it's hard to know if you've met the right person because you don't know what is good for you and what you're expecting from the person you want to spend your life with..

    But again, maybe I'm wrong.. :dunno:


    Yes, you may be right. But when I started to be with my boyfriend at 17 I never thought it would last that long and it would be that great. I think that we "built" ourselves together. Don't know how to explain that but I know I wouldn't be the same 24 years old girl I am now if I wasn't with him. And I kind of like how I am. What I want to say is that it's maybe easier to build what you expect from the good person when you're young and have someone on your sides you can indentify as this right (or the wrong) person :dunno: It's maybe no clear, sorry :blush-anim-cl:



    Sorry mods, it's totally off topic and non (really) Mika related :teehee: But I already gave my answer and my point of view about the "I drop my boyfriend for Mika" some pages before even if I wasn't quoted :naughty::blush-anim-cl:

  9. No challenge for my husband to stalk me here as long as he knows my name :naughty:

    Huge mistake.. :blink::naughty:


    Yes, the same for me !! :naughty: But especially on the French Forum, he knows how involved I am, I told him once, cause he didn't understood where I spent my time on the net and whith who I was chatting... I told him but I don't think he looks at it.


    But the rythm of the posts on MFC is really fast and a hubby would be lost :naughty: it would take ages to recognize someone only with the messages...


    About the relationship thing, well it depends of the people. I only knew one serious and long relathionship, it's the one I'm in actually. I met my boyfriend when I was 17 and we're together since 7 years :aah::blush-anim-cl: There were ups and downs too but much ups than downs...


    I think there is a part of luck : meeting the right guy who wants the same thing, at the good time... We can have this perfect match at 17, at 28, 40 or even 60... there is no rules I would say.

  10. Ok, it's holiday and I must admit I just discover this thread ! :teehee:

    I had so much fun reading it, especially the girls who posted at the beginning in 2007...

    I love Sara how you quote you again, it must be funny 3 years after to think the same :wink2:


    I juste voted the 3rd answer ! Well, I'm not married, but I am with my lovely boyfriend since 7 years now :blush-anim-cl: So that's count a lot because he is the man of my life :teehee:


    I must admit he's quite jealous of Mika. Well, obviously, he knows that there will never be anything in RL but he is quite jealous I find Mika gorgeous :wub2:

    He knows I love his music and I love the performer but he also knows I find Mika so cute and charming. Honestly, Mika is so endearing :wub2:

    He doesn't feel the same when I find Jude Law so handsome or I don't know who, because I'm not on the Internet on forums or looking at Youtube vids. And I don't travel to see him perform.

    Moreover, Mika is physically totally the kind of man I find charming : tall, dark hair, dark eyes and curly hair :wub2: My boyfriend is exactly the same kind of man, luckily I met him before Mika was known because I could have some troubles :naughty: He could have thought I picked him because he kind of look likes like Mika !


    But my boyfriend knows I'm just fan and he knows I met lovely people that I love to meet back on gigs and he knows it's my little world so he is totally OK with me to go on many gigs :thumb_yello: I am lucky ! Even if he doesn't understand me, he knows I need that


    My mother thought I was in love with Mika ! :roftl: Yes, she knows I find him so cute and she thinks he's cute too ! But she didn't understand I can do many gigs and being that kind of fans so she thought I must have been in love ! I explained to her everything and how I saw my Mika fan life and she understood I didn't "love" him... but was sure I am a little bit crazy, but that's another story :aah:


    To finish, I don't think Mika in this way. I just find him so talented, so handsome... But for me, he's not RL ! He stays in my fantasy world and he is perfect in that position :blush-anim-cl: I need him that way.

    That's very strange because when I meet him, it's just like "normal" ! Except the first time, but I'm not impressed by him at all ! I'm impressed by the Mika on stage, but not the Mika I meet. Don't know how to express my thoughts


    I dream about him sometimes, but I think it's normal because he is part of my "life"

  11. Thanks !!!! :fangurl:


    So happy I can read Italian ! :teehee:

    It's so funny the Mamma P. thing !! :naughty:

    Please italian people, can you just confirm me : I understood that Mamma P. was asked to be head of the US Rolling Stones fan club ?


    "Le chiesero addirittura" = they even asked her ?


    Well a Dcdeb version of the Rolling Stones !! :biggrin2:


    Can't wait to read the English version of the article :blush-anim-cl: It's very interesting, I like his vision of fashion...

  12. Attention, ne croyez surtout pas etre tiree d'affaire le jour ou vous le verrez en concert :naughty:

    C'est bien pire apres! Ca devient une veritable addiction et vous n'etes plus obsedee que par une seule chose : le revoir le plus vite possible :roftl:

    C'est l'effet Mika :dunno:


    C'est bien vrai :teehee: et c'est ça le "problème" ! :roftl:

  13. J'en suis a 2 seulement et ca me désespère d'avoir a attendre peut etre 1,5 an pour espérer le revoir une 3eme fois :tears:


    J'en suis toujours à 0 et ne sais pas quand je serai à 1:shocked:


    :huglove: les filles


    J'espère qu'il reviendra vite vous voir au Québec :wink2: C'est vrai qu'on a une chance incroyable en Europe et en particulier en France de le voir si souvent :blush-anim-cl:

    J'ai eu de la chance de monter tôt dans le train, dès la 1e tournée de 2007. ça me semble si loin ! :aah:

    C'est quand même un merveilleux voyage en tous cas :wub2: et aussi au sens propre, car Mika nous fait voyager. J'ai eu de la chance d'aller à Londres et en Ecosse pour le voir et pour faire du tourisme. Mon prochain souhait serait d'aller le voir en Italie :wub2: On a aussi la chance en Europe d'avoir des trajets abordables grâce au lowcost... Mais rien ne vaut de le voir chez soi. Et j'ai du attendre cet été pour le voir enfin chez "moi", en Bretagne, et ne pas avoir à voyager :blush-anim-cl:

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