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French Deb

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Posts posted by French Deb

  1. Bonjour tout le monde,


    J'espère que ça va un peu mieux. Maintenant que le "choc" est passé, on est plus dans l'attente qu'autre chose...


    Sinon, j'ai pensé à nos amies québécoises aujourd'hui, lors d'un cours de Marketing territorial, un travail a été fait sur le "Grand Montréal" et ça a l'air très sympa, ça donne envie d'y aller tiens !


    Bonne fin de journée


  2. Personnellement, je ne pense pas qu'on aura de nouvelles tout de suite... Et comme la presse a l'air de respecter leur intimité et que pour l'instant, il n'y a aucune "fuite", il n'ont pas "besoin" de faire de bulletin. On en saura plus une fois qu'elle sera définitivement sortie d'affaire à mon avis, mais on n'aura pas non plus plus de détails...j'en doute

  3. C'est gentil de la part de ton mari Guylaine :wub2: Moi, j'en ai parlé à mon ami car il est externe en médecine pour me donner son avis sur le "état critique mais stable"


    Pfff, je n'arrive pas à m'en remettre depuis ce matin moi :shocked: j'y ai pensé toute la journée en cours, impossible de me concentrer. J'ai tellement hâte qu'ils nous annoncent qu'elle ira bien...

  4. TBWKTM is still doing quite well in French charts: it's number 32 this week!

    You can see the evolution of TBWKTM here:



    Thanks ! I saw that too ! :thumb_yello: That's nice he won positions last week, but it's mainly due to the price, Universal has made a special promotion on several albums, including TBWKTM, and it is at less than 10€ now

  5. i'm at work with my mobile phone! But I totally agree with what you said sara and christine ;) and sara don't worry I understood you! I know you talked about what TM thinks. I just said that in Colmar there wasn't any doubt cause people on the list were mostly hardcore fans. And I totally agree with what you say about list and Mfc/regular gig going hardcore fans of each country. And I'm so glad Team Mika all they do for us.

  6. Nice vid and pics there :






    @ Sara : well, I just saw your "PS" ! :teehee: I totally understand what you say. I wasn't there in Colmar, so I don't know exactly what happened. But I am pretty sure that on the list of 100 people that was made at Colmar, 80% of it was filled with people from the MFC but also from the two "well know" french forums as you said.

    The last numbers were given to Melie and Ighins (mods of the MWS) and Lulu and Deblau that everybody know. And it was 11.30 AM.


    I'm pretty sure that all these people who arrived before 11.30 AM were members of the 3 fan clubs. I agree it wasn't the case for all the gigs in France, I made the list in Nantes, before the "Nice thing" and there wasn't only people of the 3 fan clubs.


    But for the Colmar thing, you can't tell to someone who arrived early, really likes Mika's music that he can't be to the list. If we do like that, someone from the 3 fan clubs could arrive at 5PM and get a number (Well, finally, that could be nice ! :naughty::teehee::biggrin2:).


    I don't know, it's quite a difficult thing. But yes, I know that Mika Team thinks we all are MFCer...

    But honestly, for this Colmar thing, there were maaaaaany people from the 3 fan clubs :wink2:

  7. So , it was a great day, we had fun with make up, ballons and so on...

    we had the chance to get the queue system, i was 37 but prefered to be seated with friends: great show, i wonder if Mika was not a little bit drunk sometimes...

    For the m&g, i am furious because there was no organisation , some people followed us and got a wristband and Mariposa and others not.

    I went outside with Fanny, i had one wristband given kindly by a fan who was already inside and it "saved" Sabine.

    so sorry for you girls...really.


    I wasn't there Lilli, but I wanted to thank you for everything you do, at every time, for every Mika fans. You are so sweet :wub2:

  8. The gig was absolutey amazing!!!


    Graciosa, Tina78 and Mariposa came to me on Saturday evening. We went to bed very early because on Sunday we get up at 3am :naughty: In Offenburg we catch up another german fan (Isabell who is only active at the german forum). Then we were rolling to Colmar with full car and Mika´s music :biggrin2:

    We arrived around 05:30 and get numbers from 14 to 19. Queuing was ok, because the parking lots were directly neighbored to the entrance. We get onto the Exhibition Area around 11am. John came out and made sure, that the "number thing" will work. We were let in at 7pm and we made it to the front row :thumb_yello:

    Gig was fab, as well he was - of course :wink2:

    Unfortunately we didn´t get into the M&G. I think there were two other fans except us german fans who also didn´t match it to go in. A big THANKS to Fanny and Lilibet who came out again and tried to manage it :huglove:

    Nontheless we had a great time in Colmar!! :thumb_yello:


    We were at home at 3am....24hours awake yeeeeaaaahhhh :punk::blink:


    Pics and vids are following...


    No way :shocked:

    There were already 15 people arrived during the night ?... Oh my...


    I'm so sorry for you, you get really good numbers and you didn't get to the M&G... But glad you had a great time with your german friends !

  9. Thanks for the news everybody! Hopefully we'll get some vids etc soon




    I'm sooo sad too :tears:


    I just came across this article http://sitemap.dna.fr/articles/201008/16/mika-bientot-un-troisieme-album,mulhouse,000006291.php (which I can't access entirely) and he says he will perform in Staffordshire tomorrow?! :blink: Isn't he supposed to go to Italy?


    What??? :shocked: Does he not come to Italy? :shocked:


    Relax girls !!

    He's talking about the V festival (in Staffordshire) which is on the 21/08 :wink2:


    But I don't know why he didn't talk about Italy...

  10. Pics there :




    And a report :



    There is a vid at the end :wub2: And he started the show, alone on the piano with Grace Kelly in French.

    This is what he said on the vid, at the begining of GK "Hello everybody. Welcome to our last show in France.... for the 2nd album".

  11. got a text from one of the german girls (no idea who, don't have that number saved in my mobile :aah::roftl:), looks like there was a m+g inside, they got wristbands for it... but some people without numbers took wristbands too, so not everyone of the numbered people got one. :sad:


    Oh sorry for them :boxed:


    *makes a fire*

    *eats marshmallows*

    *hands some to everyone*


    last french gig :tears: im not even in france and it makes me sad :tears:

    (ok, ill zip it now and let the place for the reports:mf_rosetinted:)


    Me too... I'm so sad...


    That was Mariposa:-)

    we don't get a wristband :-(. So we are on the way home now.


    I think that only 7 people don't get in, so I'm sure that everyone was able to give him his presents.

    A big thank to Lillibet and Fanny who were trying to get some of us in.

    I think for us it was a little bit "**** happens" vesterday;-).

    We are happy for the French Fans and we are waiting for reports ;-).



    Concert was fab, mika on fire and

    We all had a lot of fun. Will write more when I'm coming home.


    Sorry for you girls. That sucks :sneaky2:


    Can't wait to know how this happened.

    No real news from my french friends... I know Slavaniet and other friends went on stage and after the show, people who get a number (about 100) were told to go on a special door (that reminds me Brixton :wub2:) where there was an after party with the band, Mika and Champagne !

    I don't know how it was, if Mika could come to chat with people more easily than it was in Brixton, but I know he went to speak with Biche and some other girls (Ighins...) at the end and they're still in heaven :wub2:


    Update : just receive a text from Pamette (so happy for her, it's her first M&G / after) : "It was great, I had a wristband"meet and great" ! We saw him very quickly cause many people were stucked on him and we stayed apart"

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