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Posts posted by chinkalicious1

  1. im afraid i wont know if i've met my soul mate until I've lost them. There are many people I have met and loved who are so similar to me with their own flair but when they go away is when you realize how much you loved them. This sounds sad, but i think maybe that's the only way to know. But on a happy note, there is someone who i think might be my soul mate, and her friendship makes everyday brighter. :D

  2. you can just click on any old member and once at their profile you can just change the number at the end of the link to 660 and it will show you member #660. they are inactive and have no posts.

  3. Don't apologise for the long post. That helped me understand better.


    It sounds like you two are very close. Close enough that in some ways it already is a relationship. But I also think the safe distance you are keeping is a good thing for many reasons. One being that she may not be ready for the next stage of intimacy.


    It's possible her feelings for you are strong but she's just holding back for fear of hurting you. And that would happen if she's not over the ex yet. Does she talk to you about her ex very often? How long ago did they break up?


    the problem is that im not really sure how to answer that question. I guess i might even say that they're still in the process of breaking up... but officially... maybe one or 2 months ago at most. her ex is already dating some other woman, but constantly tells her that she misses her and wants to be friends. but she's not sure if she's ready for that and I know that she's not over her yet. we talk about it a lot. i'm one of her few friends who knows the whole story about their entire relationship.... so it comes up a lot.


    we confide in each other about a lot. most of the time it feels like we've been living each other's lives and our paths have finally crossed... i mean it is just so confusing to read. i told her i had a "girl crush" on her at the end of last year. and apologized if it was creepy to say. but i think girl crush might not imply the same kind of romantic crush since she's really the first woman for me. She responded by saying that it wasn't creepy and that she was "just smiling".... ugh... i dunno...

  4. *leaps into convo*


    Is it possible you could ask a mutual female friend to ask her if she has a crush on anyone? Girls are good at asking questions without letting people know why they are asking it.. Just make sure your other friend doesn't tell the girl you like that you like her..


    i dont know if i would be comfortable with expressing any possibility of us being in a relationship either mutual or onesided from her or me... i guess im just scared and afraid that I'm jumping the gun. Sometimes i realize how much i think about her and how much i know she still thinks about her ex and I don't feel as though I have a chance against her feelings for her at all.


    We've shared countless intimate moments as friends. We confide in each other... sometimes it feels as though we've been living parallel lives and we were bound to meet at some point.


    recently, I've been reevaluating our friendship and over analyzing everything. From songs she decides to send me to the time it takes her to respond to my text messages...


    I'm a bit obsessive... and i think it's hard for her to not know that i dont like her (if that makes sense) and most people who know about what's going on think that we share mutual feelings for each other.. but im not sure... she is just an affectionate friend, and i reciprocate. we often tell each other that we love each other and we express our feelings about wanting to make the other happy and solve each other's problems.


    I don't know. i just know that she is still so in love with her ex and she treats her like crap, and i just want to let her know everything will be okay and she deserves so much better than what she gets. she told me that we would be okay, and i can only make her the same promise in return. =/

    sorry that was so long...

  5. If you doubts about yourself dont go there, If you ask and she doesnt reciprocate it makes things weird!


    If she reciprocates your feelings things can got either way...you could live happily ever after...and or it could all end in disaster loosing the friendship along with the relationship!


    my Ex didnt believe in himself, he had low self confidence too, and kept questioning every move he made...thats no way for a relationship to work!!


    you could try asking her if she likes you...simple if she says NO you leave it at that...and you havent told her you have feelings for her...just asked if she has for you!


    ugh... i dont know if i could do that either... i sometimes think im too old to be this shy about these things.

  6. would much prefer mika to be hanging off my arm! but hey!


    First of all, weigh all the pros and cons of going out with a friend...beginning with the fact that if it didnt work out...it could ruin what you already have....but on the other hand it could work out and you could be great together...it depends what your willing to risk!

    If you feel very strongly...go for it and tell her...


    this is all I can give you...having just broken up...my ex having been "just friends" for years and years...it does get a bit weird once youve been there!


    aww... im sorry :sorry:... and I know... I do feel very strongly about it, but I can't tell her because I just don't believe in myself enough, even though many people tell me that they think she reciprocates the emotion. that... and mainly, i can't afford to lose her as a friend. :tears: ugh...

  7. Yes..I was wondering that too!!!


    I think it's unlikely..although who knows?


    Whichever Jonathan Miller he is, he needs to get himself here pronto :naughty:.


    Thanks greta for posting, it always warms the cockles to read something so positive, from someone who 'gets' Mika completely (and isn't an MFCer :naughty: )


    I attempted to stalk this jonathan miller because I'm almost slightly obsessed with him haha but he is a journalist and his blog is a compilation of multiple published works of his... i think... but i guess it could be the same JM...?

  8. :wub2: sure would...and I wouldnt mind at all *drool*


    HAHAHAH! @ this picture! LOL :roftl:

    but I guess i need advice too.. or maybe just consolation...

    I kind of have a hopeless crush on a friend... and it's growing with time. And I'm really having trouble sticking to my usual excuse of it being a really strong friendship... it's just difficult because she's the first woman I've ever been drawn to :shocked: not that our genders should matter, but she has only ever been attracted to one other woman, who she had a horrible break up with and is ever present playing with her emotions... ugh... but I wish i could tell her how i feel but I'm not brave enough. I wish i could tell her how much i thought about her, and how accustomed i've grown to her presence and her scent and her smile, and even the tears in her eyes. ok... so maybe that was too much information and no one cares really... but i needed to get it off my chest... :tears:

  9. 我對他超瘋的呀!至少對台灣fans而言,哈哈,我每天幾乎一有空就會想想他的新聞,或他現在發生什麼事,看看他的照片,假日若沒約會,簡直就秥在電腦前,一整天,而且不知不覺就到半夜了.唉,看看他施了什麼魔法在我身上?! just can't take my eyes off him:wub2:







    what a family! that's lucky thing you know!!閩南語,是我爸說的,我媽客家話,但我們家都用普通話對談,所以....嘿嘿,我只會普通話,其他都很破!:thumbdown:


    no... it's not as great as it sounds. i can understand it but i can only really speak mandarin and a little cantonese... and only select phrases in sichuanese hahha

  10. 35 :glasses2:



    Why aren't you going to bed? :lmfao: I feel bad for keeping you up!

    It looks so cool! I love when languages don't use the letters of the alphabet and have their own symbos and what not :wub2: So fun to look at!


    ohh it's not you at all! dont you worry. im heading to bed soon. I'm just chatting with the freshman on my hall. I'm just a super cool upperclass woman :cool: yeah right hahaha

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