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Everything posted by katydid1994

  1. To get a screencap off of wmv videos, I would upload my video into Windows Media Maker, and use the screencap function, but not sure about flv. You could try pausing then CTRL, print screen and then open paint and choose paste . Then select out the photo, paste into new paint and save
  2. Maybe he was watching that sad movie on the plane again, aww now I feel sad hugs all around
  3. You know you're a Mika fan when an older lady comes in with an umbrella and you think eee Mika fan. You know you're a Mika fan when you see someone wearing a pink wig and you wonder if the big girls are around the corner. You know you're a Mika fan when you are american but people catch you using british slang. LOL, all 3 happened to me this past week.
  4. Goodnight I love my moo and I love all of you..
  5. Mika you are effin, frickin beautiful inside and out. :wub2: That article made me sad, but also made me so proud of him, for all he has overcome. It also made me so proud of his mom for being strong and knowing what was best for her child.
  6. I feel ridiculously silly to admit that I would be ecstatic just to see the new hairdo.
  7. A Mika blog would be awesome. Thank you all for letting me in to your great group and letting me play in the sandbox with you.
  8. WOW, thank you for the article! I am duly impressed.
  9. Thanks for the big girl link! I just had the random thought that when Mika was planning out all the details to the album and the characters, if he was planning the dances too. Like 1:12 enter big girl stage left 1:23 grab braces 1:40 shake booty with big girl lololol And if he needs someone to practice new dances with, just ring ring me! And I was wondering if all the big girls share the same tutu, hmmm a bit sharesy for me you know what I'm sayin?
  10. Love his flat abs loved this interview! shhhh, stop....hammer time!
  11. Even the Troubadour sign turns me on in this one
  12. That's a big girl with balls, I don't know if I should be shocked or proud.
  13. Totally! and at work when I scan through this thread, I'll hear wait! one of my coworkers will want to see a picture, and then yesterday I heard, ohhh what pretty hair His beauty can't be denied!
  14. It also sucks if the screen freezes and won't minimize! and a work tip...if you ever delete your temporary files and history, don't hit the use current home page button, *ahem*
  15. Oh thanks! I'll be sure to keep it on the low and hopefully the other furniture will hold up YAYAYAYAY on all the monumental posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Wait!!! That's like signing the license before the ceremony... Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man to this fan club. This is not to be entered into lightly. If any person can show just cause why these two cannot be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace................... This commitment is meant for mutual joy, to face together disappointments, embrace dreams, realize hopes and accept each other's failures. Who gives this fanclub to this man? Do you MFC take Mika to be your lawful official pop star? Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep him in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, in sadness and joy, to cherish and bestow your deepest heart's devotion as long as you both shall live?
  17. I do apologize for the table, perhaps Gat's clone came with carpentry skills. I was so looking forward to my afternoon nibble.....Laurel Laurel...tell Harry I've got the barbecue sauce.
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