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Everything posted by katydid1994

  1. That's where he went, I arrived today for my secret affair with Harry in Karen's kitchen and he was gone! Oh my Harry, what shall I do? His Chicken Marsalla was divine!
  2. Sorry I quoted weird, I meant in Greta's picture his hair is touching her cheek. Thanks for the myspace add!
  3. So does it mean the MFC is engaged? Where's our ring? By all means we should have a drink and bring out the Big Girls. I'll run out to the ATM for ones, dibs on the construction guy.
  4. :wub2: :wub2: eeeeeee loves it, loves my moo!
  5. oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You know what?????? I just realized that was of Harry earlier, not on here, mmmm oopsie. I just LOVE the color scheme in your kitchen! and that's a wonderful sturdy table you've got
  6. Well, damn it's a shame you missed them, with him not having a stitch on, just a top hat. Oh well! LOLOLOLOLOL
  7. Lucky! I can't think I am so taken by his hair touching your face.
  8. As a thank you for the MFC birthday thread for Perez, he tossed us the info that Mika cut his hair.
  9. Poor Harry he has needs too, working so hard in the kitchen And does the real Mika not like black mugs? has to be white? Just post pics, it's fun! they're all old anway, but delicious!
  10. So if Karen is loving Mika and Anouk is loving Mica, whose loving Harry?
  11. LOVE this look!! I want this job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mmm the bed looks small, but comfy, love the color
  12. And in a fit of Mikanitis, one could be convinced that he has a Katie connection. Ahem....there's Katy Perry, friend then, Renee Zellwegger is from Katy, Texas! ahahahah! I am Katie, can be written Katy and I am not from Texas, but I am from the south. So, CLEARLY, it's a message! See! Now, I will wait for references to Katie Couric, Katie Cruise, Kate Beckinsale, Kate Bosworth. MMMM hmmm I hear you Mika, call me LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I thought you all would like my 2am pointless random thoughts from last night.
  13. awww it's my boo, but I'll mikafy it into moo. Awww I love my moo, and he calls me Minnie, I love you Minnie! tee hee, yes I know, make the straightjackets a little less tight this time.
  14. For months I thought he had said jelly belly, I even googled it at the time to see what exactly it meant, which was to eat too much. Now if nothing else, I know it was Delhi belly, so if even a joke, all is not lost LOLOLOLOL.
  15. If it's true, I think it's awesome. I would love to go to India. Maybe yoga helps him be more centered and focused and more able to be inspired and creative. I'm totally jealous and I hope he enjoys it there. Getting relaxed and rested and experiencing new things is good for his health and mind.
  16. Dr. Penniman is in, what seems to be the problem exactly?
  17. Hi Ladies!!!!!!!! Karen, I am anxious to know how the weekend went for you, we could call it Mikaoaks or As Mika Turns.
  18. How about a panic button, like you hit escape and pictures become pie charts. of course, MFC is nothing compared to trying to browse perez at work.
  19. YES! I just recently came across it, fantastic!!! I also love the signals he'll give to the band and how at the end he holds the note on the piano.
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