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Everything posted by melgo

  1. is this on youtube somewhere? i can't remember ever hearing it before!
  2. that must have been disappointing. were you really far away from the stage?
  3. It's definitely not the type of movie that i would normally go to see, but i just might have to, everyone's talking about how amazing it is!
  4. Avoca, your reports were lovely to read! And that picture is so cute, you can tell even from the picture and the smile the kind of mood he was in. Sounds like it was a perfect night!
  5. Holly! That's awesome! and i think you're right about it being an American (& Canadian) thing, he never gets played anywhere here...except my ipod, but that doesn't count!
  6. i was also wondering about that earlier today, just forgot to ask!
  7. BS, you are the number one first poster for new pics, it's true!
  8. thanks for sharing! so exciting, can't wait!!!
  9. thanks!! i think those lyrics fit where he normally says "am i too dirty, am i too flirty, do i like what you like"
  10. yeah, i did french immersion until grade 10 so i can get by with understanding interviews, it's speaking french which is much more difficult. did you take french immersion until grade 9 or just the regular, core french classes?
  11. does anyone know what the lyrics are that he's trying to learn? i couldn't quite figure out which part of the song they were from.
  12. and part way through Doriand asks what the camera is for and Mika says that he's doing a blog to post online. Doriand didn't understand how he was going to do that, i think? Mika asks him "have you ever used a computer before? the internet?"
  13. thanks for posting here, i was about to go without checking youtube so i wouldn't have found it until tomorrow! i agree completely, my favourite so far for sure!
  14. hey, this video is now featured on the msn homepage! i guess they talked about on the Today Show this morning!
  15. Great news! Really, how could they NOT make a DVD for the Parc des Princes gig!
  16. i thought it was always just Mx, is M! new?
  17. that is so cute! but still, how scary would that be, to have a full grown wild lion running toward you!
  18. still down for you satya? it's working fine for me now!
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