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Everything posted by melgo

  1. oops, sorry. no, but almost i think! have you ever seen a shooting star
  2. haha, you speak for every Canadian i think!!! yes, a white Christmas would be nice. like you said, bipolar weather... it always seems to rain here at Christmas and wash away all the snow. After Christmas it comes back of course, and stays till May!!
  3. we turned off all electricity at 8pm (my sister is crazy about all the save the earth stuff). i was so lost and didnt know what to do. thats kind of sad. good idea though, but it wasnt publicized enough. not alot of people participated where i live. too bad...
  4. YaY!!! Do you save every 100th post for the Canadian thread? Cause we're your favorites?
  5. i love criss angel! he's amazing at what he does. ADD me too!!!
  6. No, tooo much!! lol did you play outside a lot when you were little?
  7. Keane - bedshaped (suggested on the "covers" thread )
  8. yeah, it does look like a good lineup! I remember when it was here in NS a couple years ago. some bands did this small free concert the night before. it was great!!
  9. i love this one! its so true, i do that all the time. its surprising how many topics you can relate back to him. A LOT!!!
  10. not so much do you sometimes wish to be a kid again?
  11. cats, ironically enough!! have you seen the movie August Rush?
  12. you know, i probably would. but im only saying that here, anyone but you guys would think im insane! do you go camping?
  13. yeah, i've never had facebook and probably never will, especially after joining here. i want to talk to people that i have something in common with besides, my friends and i still chat on msn (old school, i know )
  14. yes, looking like julia stiles. have you ever been horseback riding?
  15. I know exactly what you mean. it's definitely like an addiction, i will do anything to stay on hear as long as possible. even loose sleep!
  16. i just read your post on the yes/no thread englishrose!! And i think he's amazing on youtube! I MUST see him live!!! you've made me want to see him even more if thats possible.
  17. yes, but not a huge fan really Did Mika surpass your expectations when you saw him live? (assuming you have) (i can only imagine he would if i had seen him)
  18. no do you usually have cereal for breakfast?
  19. Grace Kelly 17 Lollipop 20 My Interpretation 15 Love Today 16 Relax 17 Any Other World 14 Billy Brown 14 Big Girl 14 Stuck In The Middle 16 Happy Ending 15 Ring Ring 12 Holy Johnny 15 Only Lonely One 9 How Much Do You Love Me 17 + Any other world - only lonely one
  20. sometimes are you eating anything right now?
  21. not really, but if i had more time i would go a lot more! do you own a piece of clothing with polka dots?
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