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Everything posted by melgo

  1. yep, snow here in NS as well. It seems as though eastern Canada always is the last into summer.
  2. eating lunch and then walking the dog
  3. Hi there! We already have a thread started for the Happy Ending Mug! So feel free to share your ideas here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13659 Can't wait to see what you've come up with!!
  4. yay ellen page! she is from my hometown!!!
  5. haha thats hilarious, and no, i havent do you chew gum a lot?
  6. definitely! do you like the scent vanilla?
  7. oh no, you have to learn Acadian history as well? I don't miss that class. good to know not everyone thinks this way then.
  8. unfortunately it seems as though most, if not all, the "maritime" provinces are looked at this way. i'm from NS and i think most of us here know that this is the way the rest of the country sees us. of course its not true though. maybe more of the population lives in rural areas and are not able to get the same kind of quality education as those that live in the city, but it shouldn't be held against them, and certainly not placed as a stereotype for the whole province. that's just my opinion.
  9. omg thats hilarious. i am the same way, so dont worry i will give you a dollar... or rather be sharing the money with you on the streets. lol.
  10. oh yes, i think i have read that one. hehe, i guess that was kinda cruel!
  11. nope did you collect pokemon cards when you were younger? or now, who knows...
  12. i dont think so nope do you like peanut butter and banana sandwiches?
  13. no, and i really dont think id like to. have you ever "lost" your sunglasses when they were on your head the whole time?
  14. not much anymore. but i still love them! can you speak 2 languages?
  15. Oh, i wasnt even at the concert, it must have been even better actually being there... not knowing what to expect. I love how he talks in between songs and shares little stories about random things... at least from what ive seen on youtube!
  16. yes, so true. if you're a procrastinator... good luck thats my problem, i wait until the last minute to do things. in uni theres less pressure to do work everyday, only major projects, essays, and exams...
  17. i saw a video on youtube with the SITM incident. it is adorable. i think i watched it like 5 times in a row. ooh, i must go watch again now!!
  18. ah yes. the show was pure genius. and now people keep bugging them to do a reunion show.. or a movie (like sex and the city). but the cast keeps saying that it ended so well, they dont want to mess with it. i agree!
  19. did you guys like the one they did in london?
  20. are we talking about Friends?? I love that show!!!
  21. hehe same here. its a horrible addiction but i love it!
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