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Status Updates posted by daydreambeliever



    A few nights ago I had a dream that Mika was on television at some awards show and he had a date.




    And his date was you! I was freaking out. In my dream, that is. i was like "I know her! That's Caz!":lol3:


    Wouldn't that be the best if it were true?:wub2:


    Anyway, I thought I'd just let you know.


    Sorry if I've scared you in any way...:naughty:

  2. Isn't it annoying? Hahaha. But hey, at least we have food, right?:wink2:


    And yes, I go the the fridge and just look for no reason all the time! Wishful thinking that something good's going to be in it, I hope...:naughty:


    Yeah, I've been having crazy dreams lately. And they feel so real! The last two I had were rather depressing though.:aah:


    Wouldn't it be lovely to actually go to a gig and talk to each other?:lol3:


    I wonder how secret gigs work though...I'm not too familiar with those...:blush-anim-cl:


    And hey, I have to go soon. Volunteering tomorrow.:thumb_yello:

  3. I knooow! My house usually only has dumb food. Like peanut butter and jelly nut no bread. Or bread but no peanut butter and jelly. Or cereal but no milk. :aah:


    So I'm very pleased to know I can pretty much eat endlessly for another three days or so. And we have apple pie!! My favorite desert.


    Yep, I've been reading his blogs! He's going crazy. Hahah. But, aren't we all...



    So I'm guessing he's going to be doing a secret gig for sure? :boing:

  4. I'll talk to you on here so the Twilighters won't kill us for littering their thread. :naughty:


    Thanksgiving I just stayed home and some relatives came. The food was sooo gooood. We have so much left. I'm very happy.:punk:


    What did you do?:original:

  5. :sad:


    Aww....What if it was a photo of you picking your nose?:naughty:

  6. :aah:


    No problem. Sorry I didn't say it was you. I wasn't sure if you wanted that kind of recognition.:naughty:

  7. I left Mika a comment about you photoshoppig his face onto Paris Hilton's body.:lmfao::fisch:


    (Look at Mika's blog first, if you haven't already. Then this will make more sense...:naughty:)


    That was you right?


    But don't worry. I didn't say "Mika4Life13" did it. I just said Someone...:bleh:

  8. That's part of the reason why it took me a while to send her. I was so stuck on what to draw and how.:aah:


    Using the same envelope will be fine. :thumb_yello:


    And take your time. You were so patient with me, so take as long as you need!:wink2:

  9. Oh YAY! Hahah. Don't worry about it. Do you like her...?:blush-anim-cl:

  10. Hey, did you get the girl yet? :naughty:

  11. Yeah, it's a new nano. Green. :biggrin2:


    The manuals are super simple!!! I was like..........that's all...?:boxed:

  12. I'm not exactly thrilled to be an adult, but hey. What can I do about it. :lol3:


    Thanks. :wub2:


    I got a new ipod! It's preety. I don't really know how to work it though.:naughty:

  13. :dance_man:


    He better do it.:sneaky2::naughty:




    Nothin' much. I'm eighteen now! I can smoke!:aah:


    Not like I'm gonna, though. I just can. That's so weird to me. :blink:

  14. You never know. It's not exactly impossible...:fisch:


    And if he doesn't end up falling in love with you, at least you'd have a blast at the gig.:naughty:




    Well, I'm off to clean my room. For once. :naughty:




    See ya 'round the threads!:bye:

  15. Awww! Hahah. I do that too! I have so many "what if" scenarios. They're fun but then you realize that the chance of it actually happening is .00000000014%:sad:



  16. Ooooh. Hahah. Well, that's okay then.:naughty:


    Nah, it's alright. I'll get over it. Thanks though!!! :biggrin2:


    THAT WOULD BE AWESOME IF HE ACTUALLY DID IT! That would be the best birthday ever. :wub2:

  17. I'm sorry to hear that! :sad:


    Unhealthy how?


    I'm okay. My mom made me sad earlier today, but I'm better. Mika helped.:naughty:

  18. :lol3:


    'Tis quite alright. :naughty:


    How are ya??!! :wub2:

  19. I still don't know! :lol3:


    I was thinking Cherisse? She's easy. My hair is naturally super afro-y and poofy like hers. And I could just do crazy eye make-up. And wear a sparkly top...and carry around drumsticks.


    ...But nobody will know who I am! They hardly even know Mika!:naughty:


    Yeah, that sounds like a fantastic idea! I'd love to watch the dvd with you guys!


    Ahhh! Last night, I watched LiveICM for the first time in mooooonths(because my old dvd player was broken) and I turned it off at 10:00 P.M. I didn't end up falling asleep until 5 in the morning!!!


    I missed watching it so much and I was so happy to see it again that I couldn't sleep! :sad::lol3:


    I'm good, thanks! Hahaha. What about youuu? What are you being tomorrow? :wub2:

  20. :lmfao:


    "We're dumb." True. :lol3:


    We just always happen to have ideas and the last minute and can't plan for them properly. :wink2:


    Some other friends wanted me to go to their Halloween party, and I said I had to check with you first. So, I guess I'll just go to that. :biggrin2:


    Next time, we need to plan things...three months in advance. Like the Santa Monica pier thing. :wub2:



  21. So...I guess we're not doing the thing? :naughty:

  22. Hahah. You're welcome! :wink2:

  23. Oooooooh!! Okay then, don't worry about it! Tell her "happy birthday" for me, ok? Halloween for a birthday. How fun!:biggrin2:


    When I told you about Robert Pattinson being on kiis fm, did you already know? :naughty:

  24. Nonoooo! You should come to the get-togethah that Vanessa and I are supposedly having!!! :groovy:

  25. Nope. No idea. :naughty:


    I'll figure it out though. Eventually.


    I knooow! We need to plaaan! So...I was thinkiiing, if we have a sleepover, we should have it at my house because the next day I have to go to the Aquarium, and all of you can come with me! :biggrin2: I still need to mention this to my parents though. :naughty:

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