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Tanya K

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Everything posted by Tanya K

  1. Poor Freddie, he's worked so hard and is copping it from every direction isn't he? *makes mental note to be more patient....for now:naughty: *
  2. First gig: Kylie Minogue in Melbourne First record: Kiss:punk:
  3. 2006 with Yancy Buttler and Jeremy London. Oh God, he's wearing a sort of space suit to vanquish said beastie It's 10:10 am in NYC btw....do you suppose he's late for work:shocked:
  4. It's nice to have something different to whine about anyway:naughty: Am half watching the lamest movie ever made...Basilisk: The Serpent King....so tragically bad that I can't stop watching!
  5. I've been playing elsewhere:naughty: ....a fairy fart...is that a silent but deadly:naughty:
  6. No to Maury Povich but Mark Harmon is a hottie for an oldie! Yep we get them too...in the house and car *shudders* Did they catch it? Nighty night:wink2:
  7. That's because they're keeping your feet warm:wink2:
  8. You're not missing much! http://www.peter-andre.net/index.htm Yeah but we can deny that he's an Aussie....he was born in England!
  9. Poor SES, they'll be at it all night...they do a fabulous job:thumb_yello:
  10. Yeah...there was just a news flash and they said it should calm down by tomorrow morning and will be back up to 25 degrees by next Tuesday....I love Melbourne:naughty:
  11. Apparently at one stage they closed the bridge to trucks and motorbikes....that would have made for some congestion around there!
  12. Ooohhhh Peter Andre...yuk, he creeped me out big time:thumbdown:
  13. They said on the news this morning that it was due at midday. Wouldn't have wanted to be on the Westgate Bridge in those winds!
  14. Glad to see you survived....in almost one piece!
  15. ....yep and the snakeys keep coming further and further into the city!
  16. Click!....better late than never:wink2: ....and that's only a baby:wink2:
  17. Sssshhhh...Don't tell them that:wink2: Anyways, we have plenty of sting rays and jelly fish at Port Melbourne to make up for it. Oh and the snakes:naughty: Beaten to the punch again....that's the pic I was going to post:naughty: ....it's a pretty small one though! Simon:blink:
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