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Tanya K

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Everything posted by Tanya K

  1. Hey guys! For those following it, Caz has put up the next installment of her MFC script:thumb_yello:
  2. :roftl: :roftl: Laughed so hard, I nearly wet my pants:naughty: He wouldn't want to know how far the aussies are prepared to go lol!
  3. A gift for you...don't say I never give you anything:wink2:
  4. Bizzarr Beads, Lincraft but the best ones came from Riot Arts & Craft Bah....country, country, country! It takes longer than 45 mins with traffic so it's country so ....having said that, I love Frankston and Mornington:wink2:
  5. I'm sorry but anything more than 45 minutes outside Melbourne is country:thumbdown:
  6. Love the hair....Teegs isn't gonna like that! I love Mr. Squiggle! Chicken! *hi-5's* *applauds*...I'm glad they won last year, but did you really need to belt us so thoroughly in Round 2? ....is Scut making a silent protest....and would a silent Scut be considered a miracle! Yep! *nods* I was right, you didn't like:roftl: Cute beaver! NIGHT EVERYONE!!!!
  7. OMG they keep getting better and better *subscribes*! I've said it before and I'll say it again.....TRUE BRILLIANCE GIRL! :roftl: :roftl:
  8. oh no, not you too! First, coffee then tea and now Milo:shocked: Are the handcuffs fluffy ones:wink2: BULLSEYE!
  9. Of course...what a question! And here is the appropriate smiley for your previous thread:naughty:
  10. But the important question is...did you bring the alcohol as well as the bean bag?
  11. As far as I'm concerned Franga is country! *blushes* ....aaaawwww gee thanx! Yes, yes you do look dodgy:roftl: ....Love the colour, it looks sensational! Hi and bye *waves* Bah....not fussed about Hi-5, I'm a Wiggles girlie:wink2: LMAO...that's so cute Hey HK *waves*.....and thank you! Should've got one anyway! That is very, very creepy! Hey Kelz! Tell me about it, I'd already reduced it four times but was in hurry. Best thing about working F/T is not having to deal with Centrelink anymore!
  12. Hi all Hey OD!...picture as promised....better late than never:naughty: I shall return....that's both a threat and a promise:wink2:
  13. But, but, she's been here longer than me....where's mine *stamps foot and goes into tantrum mode* *decides maybe she best start acting her age......or not:naughty: * I'll have to take your word for it:wink2: ....am at work...and had to bolt before coz I nearly got sprung. Although I never have a lunch break so they can't say much! *flinches....oh hi-5's....cool:biggrin2: I love him too....I cry everytime I watch the Crow. Cool where's the pics of the new do? Cardinia!
  14. Sounds like you enjoyed most of it! I love the Scotland the Brave...but haggis.....yuk! ....I couldn't possibly have deserved all those in one post I'm sorry, I forgot you were going bead shopping ...I had little butterfly charms(looks like dragon flys to me but anyhoo), Indian glass beads, little yello heart beads and others! I was too embarassed to say I didn't know who he was:blush-anim-cl: Yummy, he looks a bit like Brandon Lee! DITTO! *rolls eyes*
  15. I'm heading off too....Goodnight everyone....Hope you have a good day off tomorrow SD:wub2:
  16. It means young grasshopper that those who do not study and spend all their time on the computer should not slap others for the same thing:naughty: ...in other words people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! Are you waiting for me to slap you, if so *SLAPS HARD* Nutella and Vegemite!....Sweet and Salty:wink2: Edit: Just realised you're waiting expectantly for the photo.....der *slaps self for being stupid*....oh well *slaps OD anyway coz she's sure she'll do something to deserve it eventually...giggles and runs away* Oh, and I'll post photo tomorrow:wink2:
  17. *slaps OD sideways coz she's the pot calling the kettle black* You're right....lucky me! Excellent! You did not...last time I asked you, you didn't have the results and 21.5%....wow did you really expect that? Not yet but will post one!
  18. The Donnas do some fabulous Kiss covers:thumb_yello:
  19. OMG I love Brit comedies ....I have DVD's of: Are you being Served Some mother's do 'ave 'em Absolutely Fabulous The Vicar of Dibley Carry on Movies and others:thumb_yello:
  20. Kelzy are you trying to outdo OD with part MQ's:roftl: Yep, I've been drinking jelly beans for real as well as in the bar and am feeling very warm and fuzzy *hiccup*
  21. I like Kisschasy....cool video clips:thumb_yello: Then why don't you visit more often:wink2: Is it gold plated:naughty: I love Snow, I wish we got it here!
  22. aaaahhhhh there it is....yummy! ....save some room for later!
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