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Tanya K

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Everything posted by Tanya K

  1. Yeah, I slept through mine and was late for work....too much MFC not enough sleep! Hey, I meant to ask you...how did you go with your last exam?...any results yet? You'll have plenty of opportunity to do that, I'm accident prone:wink2:
  2. Hello there, how are you today? I'm always sick of work! Doing anything special for your hols?
  3. ....you win! They were even having snacks in their yesterday...can you believe it! Cool photos:thumb_yello: *sings in sing song voice* suffer, suffer, suffer:naughty: Impossible! Soy's posts are all quality! No comment:fisch: Hello *waves*....how are you? That rocks Yeah right....pull the other one! *cheers* Hi HK *waves* Hi there SD, how are you! Sure pinocchio:naughty:
  4. Yes I have read yours and you're another one that makes my brain hurt:naughty: Challenge accepted:wink2: .....there will be a new Aussie thread when you get back.... Now I am definitely going!
  5. I'm off for an early night...see you all tomorrow! Glad you managed to sell some tix HK:thumb_yello:
  6. aaawwww....don't run away....come back and play:wink2:
  7. Hi there *waves* ....just add some vodka to mine:wink2:
  8. Hi *waves*....wasn't me either:wink2:...are the kiddies driving you nuts:naughty:
  9. Nope....I've learned to grow First coffee, then tea....now snacks:blink: ....Two tequila shooters for Kelzy and I and a non alocholic mocktail for you....how's that:wink2:
  10. Well...aren't we all on fire tonight:naughty: c**k s**king cowboys left right and centre!
  11. That's awful....I hope they get what they deserve, and you take care and feel better soon:thumb_yello:
  12. aaawwww, I think you should put your feet up and have a cuppa. You've earned it:wink2: We'll probably be on the next thread when you come back:naughty:
  13. Hello peoples....lunch break time! *prays silently that IT experts are not monitoring the web pages I'm viewing* I was tired you big meanie:tears: ....it won't happen again, I promise! They're so sweet! Couldn't be any worse than OD's....OMG don't take that as a challenge though, my brain hurts when I have to read those! Would we do that to you:fisch: How did you manage all those bottles by yourself? Oh, I know....they were drinking tea last time I was there....honest to God tea:shocked: I love my tea but not in a bar! I wish! At least you're not a scary stalker....Hi *waves* How sweet that you admit that you belong here That doesn't make you special on this thread:bleh: Ouch....what was that for:tears:....I only asked! That is a definite requirement
  14. Hi all:thumb_yello: Just popped in to see if we're official yet!
  15. Hi & goodbye I'm off too girls....I have to be up in 2 1/2 hours for work:thumbdown:
  16. Good aren't we:wink2: HPatCoS HP fan here, you didn't need to elaborate.....see aren't you proud, I found the hidden text:thumb_yello: ....and it looked almost idential the one in HP. He's copping it for saying "*definately today*" THIRTY TIMES! I understand it takes time and there are set backs and it's difficult - but OMFG! STOP SAYING IT'S GOING TO BE TODAY WHEN IT'S NOT!!!! [/pychopathic explosion] *glares at you two for getting in there and taking away my chance at an entire page to myself*
  17. Yeah....I've signed up but don't have a partner yet. Stinker! *agrees then passes out with the effort of agreeing with OD*
  18. Goodnight....hope your appointment goes well tomorrow!
  19. You're back......Oh well, there goes the neighbourhood girls:naughty:
  20. Hi all! I love No Doubt....can't wait for the new one. Probably won't get it until she has the new baby though! I love Spiderwebs and Underneath it all
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