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marie-andrée de rougemont

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Everything posted by marie-andrée de rougemont

  1. Their own arm ? Well, that's their problem, isn't it ? Thank you, Babs, I am feeling a lot safer now ! Marie-Thérèse
  2. Are you Irish ? Well, at least you don't know where I live... but you do know how I look ! Marie-Thérèse
  3. We are both talking about France, Earth, Universe, aren't we ? If we are... dah ! Not that the French are the best at it, in international contests we are beaten flat by people from the Middle East and North Africa but compared to the British people we are really good ! Marie-Thérèse
  4. You've lost me here... London, France ? Or London, England ? If the French fans you have met so far were as irrespectful as that, then I guess we don't go out with the same ones... queue jumping excluded, but it's a sport here . I call Michael Holbrook Penniman 'Mica' to humour him, as he is bent on making us believe that is his true christian name. I googled then wikipediaed 'British Isles' and came up with the following : The British Isles are a group of islands off the northwest coast of continental Europe that include Great Britain and Ireland, and numerous smaller islands.[7] There are two sovereign states located on the islands: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Ireland.[8] The British Isles also includes the Crown Dependencies of the Isle of Man and, by tradition, the Channel Islands, although the latter are not physically a part of the island group.[9] The term British Isles is controversial in relation to Ireland, where there are objections to its usage. The government of Ireland discourages its use.[10][11][12][13] "Britain and Ireland" is a frequently used alternative name for the group.[14][15] The first English use of the term Brytish Iles was in 1577 by John Dee,[16] an advocate of imperial expansion.[17] Since Irish independence, the term British Isles is deprecated by some speakers, while others regard it purely as a geographical rather than political description.[16] If it's all right by you, I'll stick to the geographical approach rather than the pc one. I think it would be silly to say, for instance, that Switzerland is not a European country because it is not part of the EU. It is not, is it ? Marie-Thérèse
  5. You are so brave ! If you choose the Paris gig I'll be happy to welcome you with some . And teach you how to jump queues . Marie-Thérèse
  6. Hear ! Hear ! Easily but not cheaply, let's not forget that, enthusiastic as they may be, there are fans who just can't afford some trips. Marie-Thérèse
  7. Still it's good to dream about Dublin the fair city where girls -and boys- are so pretty, isn't it ? No that people from Holland are not. They are very welcoming too and have a killer sense of humour. Enjoy Amsterdam, dear ! Marie-Thérèse
  8. We citizens of so far privileged countries totally understand your frustration ! I am afraid French Deb was less than candid in her post. We do bite. Not like Mike Tyson, we don't bite off parts of people's heads, but we can be pretty dangerous. And awfully bad-mannered ; for instance we jump queues. A lot : actually we have queue jumping contests organised all over the country all year long so we are really brilliant at it. Still planning to come over here ? We would be delighted to welcome you, dear . Marie-Thérèse
  9. You might be wise not to unpack your things yet. Hush hush, say no more ! Mornington Crescent ? No, that was over an hour ago. You're not very good at that game, are you ? You'd better spend time having a look in your luggage, just to make sure you have packed everything you wanted to for May 28th... Marie-Thérèse
  10. I am afraid I can't thank you for the last part of your post... it's an image that is going to haunt me, night and day, for a long long time ! Marie-Thérèse
  11. I do believe that he is going to spoil those of his fans, all over the world, who so far haven't got the opportunity of seeing him on stage unless they were bursting with money. All those 'forgotten' countries that will soon be put on Mica's map. Unlikely during the acoustic tour though, a tour is very expensive to organise and run and it is worth it only if you fill in very large venues, nevertheless you'll see him perform, and you're going to have the shock of a lifetime, don't forget your oxygen masks, you'll need them ! What do French fans have that makes us so special ? I don't know. I can only answer for the ones I have already met and for myself of course. We have a great respect for him, we don't stalk him -I actually declined many many times the privilege of knowing where he lived in London-, we are pretty intense in our admiration for the artist. I know that I feel so grateful to Mica for what he gives me as a musician that I buy his recordings in triplicate. For the Parc des Prince I had booked four tickets just to be sure I would get a good spot, and still was disappointed, and for Beirut, five tickets, but I was able to sell two of them and give one to the mother of a Lebanese friend of mine. What do I do with the unused tickets ? Keep them as souvenirs. I haven't had time to frame them yet ; I am working on it ! And I am not the only one to do that -buy several copies of CDs and DVDs and several tickets for the same shows-, so I am not the only circulating freely in France. But I am sure most of his British fans behave more or less in the same way. So, why France ? Perhaps because Mica, whether he is lucid about it or not is another issue, believes that his French childhood was an enchanted one. He does believe it ; sometimes, in interviews, you hear him talk and you think : 'That was just the image you want to project, Mica, we are not taken in...' but whenever he talks about his brilliant childhood he is totally sincere, even though details about it he gives here and there, in different interviews, make us think that it was probably 'a little bit of heaven' but also 'a little bit of hell'... I think his privacy will be more protected and respected in France, I mean as far as the press is concerned, laws are pretty drastic here. And it is for him a way of breaking free from his family without too much pain involved as he will still keep a flat in London and it is only one hour's flight or maybe a little longer on the Eurostar from one capital to the other, hardly the other end of the world. He may also be emotionally involved in France, who knows, he clams up like a tickly oyster when people try to invade his secret garden... Sorry I was so verbose ! I meant every word I wrote though... Marie-Thérèse
  12. You know what ? It is something M might well have tweeted . In several twits because it's a long message. For he is anything but an intellectual snob and I can imagine him expressing his boredom at seing a play or reading a book that people claim to love because it is the done thing. He is a free spirit, and I like and admire him for that. And for many other reasons. Marie-Thérèse
  13. Did we really need pages of this thread to discuss M's erasing his latest tweet, which some of us might very well do accidentally ? Let's hope he never lets us know that he is a little constipated at the moment or drugists will soon run out of enema... I wonder, when he witnesses such obsession, if he is amused, flattered or worried. Or a bit of the three ? I so hope his bowels are in good working order ! Marie-Thérèse
  14. Again I am going to sound like a halfwit -I am so used to it now, I would probably miss it anyway- but how do you see pictures on Twitter ? I have registered there, not tweeting much, I don't really have the time, and I am still unable to get to attachments, like photographs... Thanks for your help ! Marie-Thérèse
  15. Am I the only one to have noticed that when he is on stage, he seems much more... bulky ? A couple of hours later, when the show is over, back to his usual skinny self . Weird ! Anyway, let's not despair : if he walks nearly 40 km a day in the Atlas, he may be planning, during the upcoming tours, to flash his then gorgeous legs, ie take his trousers off, which would give the audience a stunning view of his notorious custom made boxers . You don't think so ? Honestly, neither do I, but nothing wrong about a little daydreaming, is there ? Yes, he does seem to have a strange relationship with food... but he can probably use his tremendous energy when most people use calories. Marie-Thérèse
  16. I know, predictable as it is, I still find it cute . Shall we start a 'Please, Mica, don't stop stripping on stage' thread ? Or even a social group for 'MFCer who couldn't bear life if M stopped taking off his shirt on stage' . Marie-Thérèse
  17. The most devastating thing that any MFCer, and I mean any, can do is leading innocent but very drooling newbies to Mica's front door. And I do think they are improving with age, like good wine or some French cheese. A few months back they thought saying that his father was a sturdy man and his brother had a peachy complexion was an unforgivable breach of privacy, which, given the fact that his family go to many concerts and hardly hide from the fans, was in my view the height of hypocrisy. Marie-Thérèse
  18. Yes, everything that's contrived and routine is a bit boring but then, I suspect Mica is a man of habits, they make him feel safe... and what alternative could a shameless flasher give us on stage ? Take off his trousers ? Wouldn't do, like most men, he's got silly legs. I think we will have to bear with more of his naked chest. Will we be able to survive the utter boredom of it ? That's another story ... More seriously, you've got a point here. Between taking off his shirt as a regular move or stripping when the night is hot or because, due to a throat infection, his own temperature is volcano high, there is the same difference as between nudism and naturism. Needless to say, I favour the latter . Practise it too. But again, that's another story ... Still it might be wise not to air our opinion too freely on the forums : should Mica give up showing off his luscious chest, we might be held responsible by other MFCers and some of them are pretty intense about it . I don't know about you but I enjoy living. A lot . Marie-Thérèse
  19. So is Mica at times... he just wears a little more clothing on his body . I hadn't realised at first that on the photos taken when he was walking the streets, on the same day, he had recycled the rather objectionable dinner jacket he had sported at a party. Worn with casual clothes it looked surprisingly smart . Marie-Thérèse
  20. I am impressed ! So they are changing ? And improving ? And fighting hypocrisy with all their might ? I am so glad I am here ! Marie-Thérèse
  21. Dear Lord ! Not only his front door but the steps which lead up to it -and which incidentally could do with a bit of repaving...- ! You are so going to be told off by the mods for pointing your finger at it ! Marie-Thérèse
  22. Mica certainly is human and sensitive but as for judging people on what they say, I should avoid doing that... much better to judge them on what they do, I believe . Marie-Thérèse
  23. Nope, like Sire I don't do drugs . And I love the "bi'", "ba'", "abou'", I really do ! I have just found a new one when watching again the Parc des Princes documentary : "fee'" ... guess where ? At Christian Louboutin's of course. I must be a silly little fan because every singly time it makes me melt like icecream under the Californian sun ... Cheers, Id3
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