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marie-andrée de rougemont

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Everything posted by marie-andrée de rougemont

  1. Spring holidays and the flood is still there :mad: ! Hopefully we'll have a real summer but it's not guaranteed :no: .

    Got a cold in the head too, they do tend to hang on to you when the weather is miserable.

    Yes, pretty busy with planning for the acoustic gigs... I am learning Irish so that I can communicate with the natives :wink2: .

    Don't say that : I have forgotten about everything, was decent at school but since I specialised in English my Italian has abandoned me. Can understand it though.





  2. Hello ! How are you these days ? I wish I could find it in me to use the couple of Italian words I still remember from highschool and send you a message in your beautiful language. One day perhaps :wink2: ?





  3. We would like to thank you once more for sharing... somehow doing it in posts doesn't seem appropriate !




  4. How very true ! Those who act stupid are people who've shown off their pathetic 'inside knowledge' and organised tours of South Kensington with a stop for a quick prayer on the pavement across the street when they arrived at the place of worship . Let's hope he doesn't know about it because he certainly wouldn't feel honoured by the fan's folly but deeply betrayed by the "guides" ' lack of discretion, and betrayal is something he finds very hurtful and reacts very ruthlessly to. And he does not talk about his private life. The bits and pieces we are given are carefully edited versions of it. He is a very private person and I don't think his... let's call it his love life is the main reason for it, it's just the way he is, his mental and psychological structure. He is very tall, dark and very private, and can't help any of those idiosyncrasies more than he can help squinting a bit or being a very talented musician. Marie-Thérèse
  5. But then don't people think WTF when he puts random, not very interesting details about himself in tweets and messages and blogs ? Those tend to backfire, I'm afraid . Marie-Thérèse
  6. No wonder, the guy's a prince ! And the girl is... a would be celebrity whose mum failed to bring her up properly . Of course, I am not referring to her dress sense but to the 'Don't you look at me, you peasant !' , the signed hanky and the lack of a tip in cash . Same record company or not, Mica should choose his dinner companions more carefully. I am sure quite a few decent people have contracts with them . Marie-Thérèse
  7. Sorry, folks, but I do draw the line at suing my own son for using my alias on a forum . Especially as he is formidable in court and even though my partner is a brilliant lawyer. Plus he very fairly signs his own MFC name when doing that . Incidentally making fun of an aristocratic sounding name, or any name for that matter, whether it is French or English, is rather common. But then there is no rule on the MFC against being that, is there ? Or about inverted snobbery either ? And using 'fun' nicknames is a very junior highschool bullying thing too... bet you Mica would be shocked. He hopefully is too busy at the moment to go through the forums, bless him ! Marie-Thérèse
  8. Yeah... they will never forgive him for not being caught running after his dog at night in a notorious park -like Kevin Spacey... but then Mica hasn't got a dog, so it makes sense . Cheers, Id3
  9. My command of the forums hasn't improved one iota ... I was peacefully browsing them when I came across a new thread started by a male MFCer -good from time to time to see pants among so many miniskirts- to tell one another what we thought of the new songs. Guess what ? I've lost trace of it ! So I am using this thread, not exactly off topic and who knows, a charitable mod will perhaps use her magic wand to move my post to the place it belongs ? 'Toy boy' touched me deeply. It's so typical : poignant lyrics on happy music. That hasn't changed, even if what we have heard so far may have surprised us but in a very positive way. Still we were expecting to be surprised in a very positive way so it's not really a surprise... am I making sense ? Marie-Thérèse
  10. I am afraid that if we bring tents with us and put them up in front of the theatre two days before the gig, people are bound to say that M's fans are awfully camp ... Marie-Thérèse
  11. Of course not, dear, I was just kidding !

  12. It's not very charitable to make fun of froggies' poor command of the English language :shocked: ... but as you are young, you are forgiven :wink2: !



  13. Mika, Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ! And thanks to the fans who shared ! Marie-Andrée Marie-Thérèse
  14. So many Arieses... in the Fanclub of a Leo. No wonder ice is melting at the poles : so much fire !
  15. Yes indeed, absolutely and good for her ! Although I bet you that she's going to read a few bittersweet comments for being 'privileged', as if she had stolen their money to pay for her plane ticket and hotel room... but she is a tough girl, she'll just and enjoy the memory of that special gig. I'll be so thinking of you tomorrow, Sara, or rather the day after tomorrow, given the time's difference ! Not envy you, it's a feeling I only know vicariously, having never experienced it myself. But remember : don't you come back without vids and pics, that's a good girl ... M.-Th.
  16. The man's clever, no question about it ! Hard to believe as it may be from here, across the pond he still is a bit of a 'Mika... who ?' and that kind of circus -no criticism intended, Mica dear- is bound to draw much attention. Those of you who'll be there and fail to share videos, reports, etc. with us less lucky fans had better say goodbye to their dear beloved ; remember, life can be very short ! Marie-Andrée Marie-Thérèse
  17. Thanks for sharing, although most of us won't be able to make it, those who have a job, family obligations... in short, a life, and who live the wrong side of the pond. Although we have been very privileged so far in Europe, gigwise. Good for the American fans who'll be able to go to that oh so special concert ! Marie-Thérèse
  18. It would be good if people who are informed in advance of the hoi polloi refrained from buying too many tickets -or having them bought by their close friends as one is restricted to a certain number, I believe- to sell them on the Internet later on -at a profit, of course. Fairer and more dignified. Marie-Thérèse
  19. Very unlikely to happen now : every tiniest single step is thought over before being taken. That some of them may be thought unwise or badly received is another matter. No more hope of getting a big, fat, juicy blunder like 'downloading music is OK, after all they are the people who will come to our shows' ; I am not sure of the quote but Mica mentioned it at the Beirut press conference as one of the most embarrassing moments he had experienced because the manager of his record company was present . As for realising that he needs to play the media -a lot, not a bit-, it probably happened when he was still being breastfed ! Marie-Thérèse
  20. A very unusual view, dear, always heard that 'size isn't important' ... But no watermark is great ! Marie-Thérèse
  21. That Mika can be horripilating or that Mica P is a good man ? Kidding, of course ! And don't worry, we were not exactly expecting the Pulitzer prize for journalism with that scoop ... M.-A./M.-Th.
  22. And we are not likely to give up on him because of his wicked talent and because, no matter how horripilating Mika can be , Mica P. is a good man ... Marie-Andrée Marie-Thérèse
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