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marie-andrée de rougemont

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Posts posted by marie-andrée de rougemont

  1. They are announcing the NYC to the general public today so I think the vlog will go up soon. I think the idea is that the SLC show is the inspiration for the acoustic tour and now he's coming back to the US, yadda, yadda.

    The tickets go on sale to the public on May 29th so surely it will be up by then unless they've completely forgotten about it. :teehee:


    I had a look on MKS just for the hell of it as I won't go, and found out that the gig was sold out...

    The venue looks brilliant though, the happy 700 people who will be there will have a very special experience :thumb_yello: but then are not all M gigs very special :wink2: ?



  2. WOW! I do so hope it works out for you:wub2:




    Double Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Are you like me...ticket but no flight or do you have the flight as well?


    Fantastic news:wub2:



    Well, obviously some people are gagging to be called 'decadent' by Mica :wink2: . I truly believe that after being struck by restricting orders Sara should be banned from the MFC, she is such a bad influence here :insane::fangurl::plane: !



  3. Congrats New Yorkers, and those able to travel there! Well, if I were debt-free and had time off of work, I'd be more than happy to join you. But alas, that is not the case. So, please have fun for me!


    That is disappointing for the fans under 18. :boxed: If I could trade ages with you, I would gladly. :biggrin2:


    Wrinkles and all :wink2: ? Any time :naughty: !



  4. I guess I'm not the only one then. I've gotten to the point where the announcements don't even excite me anymore because I know the odds are nothing will apply to me.


    Ah well.


    I know... I actually didn't go out of meetings this morning, under the false pretence of answering a call of nature, and even had lunch before going on Mikasounds :shocked: .


    Being slightly bored with Mica is a strange and disturbing feeling :confused: , which will go away as soon as I see him on stage again :wub2: but still rather sad :emot-sad: .



  5. I will save this post of yours as proof later:naughty:


    What do you think ? Will Sara refrain from going -too many witnesses, too much self-respect- or will the urge to go be stronger than the scary prospect of being made fun of by every single MFCer ?


    I'd advise her to go but then I am notoriously unreasonable :freak::insane:...



  6. YAY!! I'm so happy for you girlies!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a fabulous time!! I wish I could be there with you but that would be WAY too decadent even for my standards :naughty::roftl:


    Strange enough, I somehow feel that you are going to crack and fly over :wink2: .


    And 'too decadent' is a contradiction in terms, the point of decadence being precisely to go much too far.

    Shall I PM you our address so that you can send a postcard from the Big Apple :naughty: ?



  7. um.. confused.. can i ask what kind of meeting's you'll be in? I was under the impression that you were in your 90s. you know, thats what it said in your intro thread..


    are you still working in you're 90's? man, you're legendary.


    No, early 50s, and that's old enough for me ! Although my mother did work until she was well into her seventies.


    Talking about time let's hope Mica doesn't do that in bed -'Just you wait, it's going to be so very special, and only for you, mind !' or his partner'll be fast asleep before he has even started being as good as his word :naughty: !


    But of course fans are much more patient than lovers :wub2: ...



  8. Well, it's 7:00 in France: no more news;:sneaky2:

    i have really to go to work but i take all my codes with me , just in case i could( would) connect on my professionnal computer.

    Good luck!:thumb_yello:


    Yes, I can confirm that it's now 7 in France -5 UK time, I believe ?- and that my May 26th hotmail page is still as white as a virgin bride's veil :annoyed_h4h: ...


    Why do I have a feeling that they'll start annoucing like mad :insane: when I will be taking part in meetings :furious: ?



  9. Hi everybody! :-)


    I'm [desperately] looking for a ticket for the june 8th concert... Has anybody got any?







    If you are not fixed yet -oh dear, I sound like a dealer !- PM me, I have a few tickets to spare...



  10. For goodness sake! It's nearly 5PM and it clearly says in my e-mail: "MIKA is also pleased to give you these unique numbers (one code for every ticket purchased). They are very special and you should keep them safe. All will be revealed on May 25th"



    Today is May 25th so where is my e-mail dammit?! Gosh! The organisation of Team Mika can be quite shocking sometimes. As Tom from Gimme Gimme Gimme says: "They couldn't direct a stray pube disappearing down a plug hole" LOL


    Have you ever tried to direct a stray pube down a plug hole :shocked: ? Neither have I but I don't think it is that easy, the blasted thing probably goes whichever way it feels like going :mad: ...



  11. lolll :biggrin2:


    I'm working till 4 tomorrow, but Tuesday.......I have the entire day off! AND wednesday as well! :biggrin2:


    Some people are born very lucky indeed :thumb_yello: !


    For me Tuesday 26th means meeting after meeting after boring meeting, at least all morning long :mad: ...

    Do you think I could catch some disease that would make me stay at home, hanging onto my laptop for comfort :wink2: ? It is a well known thing that Spring flu is the worst :naughty: .



  12. :no:


    not in Hungary, though... There was basically only one station playing Grace Kelly and I think I heard Big Girl once as well but he is basically unknown in my country - the upside of which is that he can always come here on holiday and no one will recognise him....:blush-anim-cl: ... unless he bumps into Zsina or me, of course:naughty:


    Oh my goodness :shocked: , move over to France, I have heard that there are lovely houses to sell near the Fontainebleau forest. Good neighbours too :wink2: ...



  13. marie-andrée de rougemont ..... i dont have a scooby-doo what the hell your going on about :blink: are u having a squabble with Blue Sky :blink: you know mika as u call mica *dont care*

    lets all get back on the subject ...... no tweets :sneaky2:do u think he`s pissed off with the youtube video leakage ? maybe ! im hoping rains his new single , its so mika unlike lady jane & the alkie song !


    Oh but he does...


    We should be the ones pissed with the case of the disappearing blog number 32 :furious: .


    Yep, Lady Jane sounds a bit 1940s sugared romance... a bit decadent -sorry, Sara, I couldn't help it, I can resist anything but temptation :blush-anim-cl: -still very pleasant to the ear.


    I miss Toy Boy, where has it gone ? Crouching at it master's feet inside the locked up flat where the latter is trying to get unhooked on Twitter ?


    Miss them both, actually :sad: .



  14. I've just done it, edited a typo, and it's brilliant, thank you so much, thanks to you I feel a little bit less illiterate :thumb_yello: .


    Will give your lovely PM the long answer it deserves. Later on, a bit too busy at the moment.

    BTW Id3 likes you too, he finds you deliciously obnoxious... birds of a feather, I suppose :wink2: ?



  15. Thanks:thumb_yello:

    It's weird though that it is now taking so long to get connceted via the net... perhaps it's no longer working from my country.. It used to, though:blink:


    Let's not get our knickers in a twist :wink2: , we'll soon hear it so often that we'll sing it all the time in our heads, first thing in the morning until last thing before going to sleep and during the night when we'll get up to answer a call of nature :shocked: .


    I listened to it about ten times yesterday evening on Mikasounds and it has a stubborn tendency to stick in your mind, believe me :naughty: !



  16. Just for the record...I don't know WTF M-T de R/D de baguette/Id3's mother/grandmother/whole family is even talking about any more than any of you do. My initials are indeed BS, but she is the one who is obviously full of it.:aah:


    But FWIW, M-T de whatever, blue and violet are different colours.


    And Rose, I am excited to hear Mika was on the radio, that might mean BE is the first single??? He has been in some of the obscure Japanese music press here lately too. Nothing we don't already know.


    School bully = Mica : :no: .


    Common = :thumbdown: .


    I am pettily happy to realise that I am not the only one whose memory is going :wink2: .


    Don't you remember receiving from Id3 a VM which advised you who to ask in order to make sure that there actually are three of us, same family ? You never did, probably wise of you, she may be a lovely lady but quite formidable too, and unlikely to enjoy being pestered by fools.

    It triggered off a hate post where you did your 'you are full of what my initials stand for' thing, mildly funny once, even if rather common, pathetic twice. Is my son full of butt skin then ? Given his s o it is a bigoted thing to say...


    You also 'threatened' to ignore him -again, the prep school touch : 'You're no longer my friend. There !'- but couldn't resist.

    Probably a memory problem too.


    And yes, BE on radio, that's good news for Mica.

    Things are beginning to gain up speed and we are delighted for him. As excited as fleas, as we French say.



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