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marie-andrée de rougemont

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Posts posted by marie-andrée de rougemont

  1. :biggrin2:




    Heeeyyy ya almost crushed mom's skull with that carpet!

    Beware, those carpets are massively expensive, man!




    You are a very cynical woman ! And a most cruel one too : flashing those lovelies to somebody who has been suffering from dog withdrawal symptoms for years and years...


    To show you there is not hard feelings though, I'll give you a free piece of advice : it they fight over black and brown, choose a beige one, that's teach the little buggers to behave themselves.

    A girl is a very good choice, I have always found that they are more attached to their family and their seasons are not that bad, twice a year, no big deal.


    Enjoy :wub2: !



  2. Id3 and his bad bood are rather annoying sometimes, quite frankly. Bad mood is so low-brow. :shun:


    btw contact is making you develop a similar writing style and use of smilies. :original:




    Nobody will ever forgive you that. :bash::sneaky2:


    You're telling me :roftl: ! But moods and fiery tempers are very Leolike, I am afraid.


    Daily contact, plus education, plus birth sign -he on August 18th, I on August 14th-. And he did introduce me to some of the most perverted smilies. Leos are very generous too :huglove: ... Mica is.



  3. Please, M.Th, don't endanger your life just to send my message. And with his 50 pounds of meat you could also deliver him a picture of a semi-naked popstar of your choice, hairy or hairless, whatever your choice. Though I'm not sure what's worse: an angry beast or a horny beast::drool:



    Oh, my god! I've been a bad fan. I never read such rule. I even treated LadyGaga well:shocked:


    The point is : a Leo can be at the same time angry and horny. And hairy, but that's another story.

    Tricky beasts to handle, Leos are...



  4. Honey, waxing is hardly final. If it was, I would be as smooth as a baby:biggrin2:


    Oh, and Marie-Therese, if you see Id3 can you say hi for me? Him and his sense of humour are greatly missed (by me at least):wink2:


    Yes, so would I, I suppose... but then there are patches of baby skin with some turfy spots, not very yummy, which you have to shave. Messy.

    And in my drooling opinion he looks much better as an illustration of the missing link :fangurl: .


    Well, Id3 is in a foul mood :furious: which, talking about a Leo, makes him very dangerous indeed. When he has just been fed his next meal of 50 pounds of raw meat, I might -but I can't make any promise- ask him to message you.



  5. Yeah, imagine dealing with 5 strong willed kids and make a household functioning!:roftl:


    And moving to a new country….twice!:wink2:


    That woman has all my respect I’ll tell you![/QUOT :E]


    Money does help though :wink2: .


    The Lebanese are notorious nomads, they keep their country in their heart so they are never far from it :wub2: .



  6. [quote



    I do have a Labrador (a male), yes, and also a German Sheperd (female). Of course I would say that they are beautiful, but they really are very sweet dogs both. And very clever, of course. But what would I say, I am a proud Mama :roftl:.





    Well spotted Rose, I never remember to think that there is a person behind the cam, but of course you are a lot more Andyfocused then. aren't you? :naughty:

    And btw, flag arrived safely. On its way to Berlinnnnnnnnnn


    I haven't had a dog -and I love large ones- for almost 10 years now -too dangerous for my mother, might make her fall- and I tend to drool whenever I hear about people having them or meet one in the street.

    I couldn't help noticing that you very diplomatically did not comment on hubby training :wink2: ...


    Is she, now :fangurl: !



  7. I was thinking that, about the nervous laugh, had another look(any excuse), and yes it is a nervous giggle he does, I think he was relieved that it didn't hit his mum.

    Of course the one person who could have stopped it and didn't, was holding the camera, and I'll be having words should we speak again!

    Bad bad man! heh heh!


    Good to read at last a positive comment on the rolled carpet situation and Mica's reaction to it :shocked: .


    We are all the more relieved JP wasn't hit by the thing that if she had it would have been edited and the blog would have been much less fun to watch :wink2: .



  8. Ok now I will have to go and watch the damn video :sneaky2:.

    Oh and I have the lab already so I would only need to get the white stick to have my 'blind pack', which is good. If you end up being right about that, I will demand my money back for my laser operation which guaranteed that if my eyesight started deteriorating again at some point(which it so far hasn't, despite your opinion :biggrin2:), it would start again from 0 to 1, etc.. as it does when you first start having eyesight. Which would mean that I'd still be far far far away from the blindness stage :roftl:.




    Are you calling me a trollie? :crybaby: Should I mention that I am a single mum and have two kids? And my name is Helen, or what was it again??





    We are good trolls then :naughty:



    You have a Labrador ? No, you're are just saying that as a petty revenge on me for shattering up your hairy top of heads fantasies. Which I shouldn't have, it is cruel, accept my deepest apologies ! And don't watch the video unless you are happily drunk...


    Seriously, a Labrador ? Lucky you ! Is it trained to take your hubby out for a walk when you are in the US ? They are such clever beasties. Labradors, not hubbies, the latter being men, one can't expect too much from them They can be house trained though.


    Oh my God, I am so going to be banned for female chauvinistic posting :mf_pain: !



  9. Will there really be any elephants or is it a metaphore?:blink:


    They are metaphorical up to a point.


    The first autograph I got was from a Lion tamer. I must have been 8 or 9 and was mightily impressed because the guy's hands showed very deep half-healed wounds where his beasts had playfully stroked him with their claws :shocked: ...

    We would always buy seats right against the ring and would see the elephants swing their plump rear ends just under our nose, like overweight Marilyn Monroes :biggrin2: ; and we were allowed to touch the snakes, which was great because I was not afraid of them and realised that their skin is very soft, not scaly :wub2: .


    Let's hope they put a cage round the Leo though, they can be dangerous :wink2: ... I should know !

    Then we can enjoy his notorious pelvic movements :fangurl: without feeling too scared.



  10. :lmao:I can't believe that you're going on about the hair thinning again . His hair is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, it's not thinning, but it surely will be soon if he doesn't stop using those freaking curlers! :aah:



    Oh and it could be a possibility that my brain was damaged before I started hopping on planes to follow Mika across the pond :biggrin2:, so maybe the decadence is a symptom rather than an effect?

    :naughty: Food for tought


    Oh it could be a possibility that I go on about the hair thinning because I don't live in denial, unlike some people better left unamed :wink2: .

    His hair is thinning at the top, it's a fact of life, actually hairy men become bald more quickly and more completely than others, as if nature wanted things to be fair.

    If you don't believe me and you feel tough enough to face the hard, hard truth : toffee doll video, waiting in an airport and having the top of your head filmed by a blundering camera person :shocked: .

    And if you still can't see it : white stick and labrador guide dog. The latter are adorable :wub2: .




  11. So reassuring some people on MFC have an answer to everything... :naughty:

    (.. we should probably start a 'mind readers' thread :mf_rosetinted:)


    Realising that Mica is obsessed by his looks doesn't mean that you can read minds, only that you are neither blind nor braindead :naughty: .

    And it is only fair that he should be, given the job he has chosen.


    But then it may only be wishful thinking on my part, I am absolutely opposed to male chest waxing.

    If God had meant men to be hairless creatures, he would have taken care of it.



  12. He LAUGHED! :P


    It was a nervous laugh, he was genuinely worried :shocked: . What's wrong with you all, he is a devoted son :huglove: !

    Come to think of it, when that photographer fell over at some kind of after party gathering of paparrazzi, he didn't laugh, just showed his concern... but then, he must have been slightly drunk :wink2: .



  13. He did run, a bit slower than he should IMO...:shocked::naughty:


    Maybe she should resign herself to shopping downtown and refuse to go when Mika decides to visit the Mecca of rental nonsense again...:biggrin2:


    Oh, that's so unfair !


    Honestly, how many of us who are cursed with a twentyish son would bet on his running to our rescue instead of giggling uncontrollably :floor: ? I wouldn't :no: .



  14. Yeah, down with them! :mf_lustslow: He just looks so gorgeous natural, I don't get why he has to use the granny curl do. Totally unnecessary.




    Pah, that one is getting old now, he could not possibly use it again :naughty:


    He has to have his hair permed and put on top of his skull because it is thinning, that's why :roftl: !

    Really, Sara, all that frantic crossing of the pond has impaired your lucidity. High time you stopped... Decadent ? Brilliant. Brain damaged ? Not so good :naughty: .



  15. Yeah, that was funny ...He sorta uncovered his nosy side by admitting that he knew about that :roftl:. Hilarious.





    Well, we did have a chat about his head hair but that was initiated by me :crybaby: and he just sort of went with it and swiftly moved onto the jacket after saying that I was picky :sneaky2::roftl:


    'uncovered' ? Welcome to planet Mica, the Forums are scanned on a daily basis, if not by him, at least by his people :naughty: .


    So, nobody has ever had the guts to have a chat about his chest hairs yet ?

    Hmmm, tempting :wink2: ... I usually only manage to mutter a shy 'Thank you', I could do with a few fresh lines :blush-anim-cl: .



  16. But he can't do that on his own. :mf_rosetinted:


    I suppose that's the beauty of it : kinky waxing :blush-anim-cl: .


    But he will never -in my opinion- do something as final as waxing, he is too anxious to be able to try new looks every time he feels like it, to be able to change them when the fancy takes him.

    So more likely kinky shaving, much less painful ; frowned upon in SM clubs but favoured by people who are sensitive to pain and somehow I can't imagine Mica enjoying it :wink2: .


    I will always favour the missing link looks though, getting rid of his dark pilosity is a subliminal way of refusing to be male or adult, a little like a teenager trying to hide her breasts. Let's hope 'the boy' stops doing that. Not hiding his breasts, stop giggling :rolls_eyes: !



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