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Everything posted by fantapantsprice

  1. Is the actual final on this Saturday?? I really hope iceland win, she deserves it. It would make a change from the gimmicky usual tripe that wins(no offense to anyone I just think it's gone seriously downhill)
  2. Oh btw, I just heard Slovenia, it reminds me of some kind of theme tune from a movie or tv-show, I just can't remember which one:aah: ARGGGH I just listened to it too and I can't think what it reminds me of!!
  3. She is a hell of a performer, what a voice!! and she's only 18:shocked: AMAZING:thumb_yello:
  4. when you were picking what type of card you were using which one did u put?? Yhanks!!
  5. I loved Iceland's performance-what a great singer and a lovely song!!
  6. I do nothing else but watch telly!! I love Graham Norton Grey's Anatomy is prob my fave tho (apart from Family Guy which I watch on dvd every night!!) Did anyone see Iceland's entry for the eurovision?? I loved it, thought she was amazing!!
  7. How about Ireland, I reckon we could win it......NOT!!!!!!
  8. Ya I think that's what I'll do-I wonder could I fly home the same night do u think or should i stay there??? Oh I really should just go for it
  9. I'm seriously considering it now-but I'll have to hang with u guys if that's ok!! I can get really cheap flights...hmmmmmm What time on the Monday are u going??
  10. Well day dream is all I can do seeing as he's not coming to Ireland Unless I win the lotto?? Does that count as another day dream?!
  11. Oh I'm so super jealous did u get cheap flights? where are u staying? JEALOUS!!!!
  12. Oh...maybe that is what happened with Dublin But no I refuse to believe it-he will be here:thumb_yello:
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