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Everything posted by pinkfakecheez

  1. Brian: Look, I like your music and stuff, but will you just GET OFF MY HEAD! Meeks: Wooooo, cosyyyyy...
  2. Mugger 1: I think he's dead...wanna poke him with a stick? Mika: *muffled* I'm not dead! Mugger 2: What? *silence* Mugger 1: Let's go get that stick.
  3. It's from Family Guy. (Peter tries to cure his alcoholism by smoking crack, but ends up hugging a pillow and saying ^that.)
  4. You may not get this unless you've seen Mean Girls... Dear Marvel, please stop sending your characters to kick me in the face and knock me out so you can promote your comics...
  5. Going home from Cheadle Hulme, saw this place (All the cedars caught my attention.): "We're going to get mobbed by fangirls."
  6. Well I say it's your thread because most of the captions in here are yours. Thanks for the compliment! I never really know how good I am at cracking jokes, I try but people just ignore me sometimes.
  7. Maybe he did it to look like some voodoo-based thing? *David rips paper Mika's head* M: Hey, I'm having a pretty good time he- OWWWW. OOOOOOWWWWWWW OH GAWD MY BRAINS. AAAAAARGH. Anyhoo, more picspam: DUN-DER-DER-DER-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUN. I know I'm a year out, but still. (I know a kid who looks like him at that age. *shudder*)
  8. *snort* Didn't notice that 'til I quoted. Srsly though, did anybody know why he was doing that?
  9. That's meee. You're awesome at sketches though.
  10. http://pinkfakecheez.deviantart.com/art/Mika-Fan-Art-1-156164675 Technically only contains half a swear word! ^^;
  11. He was signing autographs after a show, but when he got to me all I could say was "Dad. DAD!" because my father was the only person out of the two of us with a piece of paper to sign. He never talks in my dreams. I think it's because my brain doesn't know how his voice works.
  12. ty. It was originally the outfit of a video game character.
  13. Just one more question. Which song was the chair posing in? I've forgotten.
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