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Everything posted by Ankmet20

  1. wow thats beautiful, how old are they?
  2. Im back. sad but true. lol I missed you guys so much I couldn't stay away!
  3. alright I have to get of the computer for my own sanity. I have been on here for like..5 hours today! of course I will be on later ttyl!
  4. I definetly respect Mika, and I really like this idea and the fact that this thread is on the MFC...earlier today we had some issues with that and thank you to purplegrape for stepping in there are lines and sometimes they do get crossed, and it is nice to know that we have such a large number of people who do respect Mika and are not just screaming fangirls saying how hott he is or telling him to get naked, which I find repulsive. However, I do post some chickeny things about him myself from time to time, but it is all for fun and I think as long as most people can read it and laugh or not walk away totally disgusted it is fine.
  5. *starts foaming at the mouth again* I wish I had enough money to follow Mika around the world. though that might get a bit creepy.
  6. Anybody who wants to join in the Foaming can! because I know some of us die a little inside every time they hear about the five or seven times One person has met him and they have never met him once!
  7. You better take a ton of pics!! ...if you talk to him...you should tell him I say hi...
  8. I am dying!! I want to see him live SOOO bad! *foams at mouth* ahh!
  9. lol there probably is! I should go find it.
  10. I wonder what Mika smells like...anybody know?
  11. I never get tired of glastonbury pics or this one:
  12. ahh your soo lucky! Where is my Mika autograph for graduating!?
  13. VERY. in my mind..he is very funny and..I dunno. I had a crush on him for a while. to be honest..I wouldn't have minded being that student...as disturbing as that is.
  14. yuck! she sounds like a whiner. what a sad woman...I can't believe she tries to tell you what to do and stuff! at least she is going home soon though, and you won't have to put up with her!
  15. wow..ahem. looks like he likes that microphone.
  16. should we do that, the banner thing? for the next Mikagasmic thread? Well, I don't consider Nessie a topic subject, more as name for something that occasionally comes up. but its just a simple name, just like chicken, for a part of him. Nothing more than a name. and no we definetly do not want this thread closed!
  17. I have never really found sweating that attractive before..is that weird I am incredibly into how sweaty he is? *twitches* can he do no wrong!?
  18. I don't have the LiveICM Dvd yet! They should have made a Glastonbury one?
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