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Everything posted by Ankmet20

  1. I hope so! well, my sister will be in the dorm room next to mine (were twins) which we were hoping to avoid, because we are sick of being grouped together as one person rather then two, but at least that way if I don't like my roomie then I can chill in her room or vice versa.
  2. Ohhh awkward!! this one time we all went out to eat before we went to a dance and I was wearing a dress that was..rather low cut in the chest area (well not too much) but when I sat down or leaned forward it was like bam! anywhoo across from our table was an old man, and he was not very subtle in his staring. I finally grabbed my purse and put it over my chest and crossed my arms, sooo creepy!
  3. what can we call this study for Nessie? VPL Mythology? or the simpler: it DOES exist!
  4. ...as sad as this sounds, LUCKY! it is JUNE here and yesterday I could see my breath it was so cold! like 35 degrees or something!
  5. hahaha!!! it most certainly does. what with that look on Mika's face.
  6. I want to see this evidence of Nessie you seem to have Anouk!! ps. love the Nessie idea.
  7. Oh you tease! I will remember this and make sure I get to see this heaven thing! tata for now!
  8. I just found out who my college room-mate is going to be..and I found her on facebook and messaged Hi and she went all suspicious on me and closed the conversation pretty fast. like..you know when someone ends a conversation? thats how it was..bad bad first impression. x.x
  9. or watching all the Mika concerts and dying a little inside because you have never been to one! but oh my day will come...
  10. haha neither do I. I just like to see some evidence once in a while..
  11. lol hey, if it is just the pants, thats fine, if its the..VPL (with the other P) then wootlies, it exists!!
  12. do you honestly think that...or are you trying to be innocent?
  13. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=267351&postcount=14 is..is it just me or does he have a bulge in the beginning of this...?
  14. I'm baaack. but now I am off again...I see some amazing pictures coming up...particularily of him jumping..
  15. well I have to go to work now, but I will be back on later...hopefully
  16. gotta love the small things... but I wouldn't call those abs small
  17. holy shiznit! Lookit his abs in that picture!!
  18. sounds good to me! but we would have to capture a speciman first, unless he would volunteer?
  19. Besides, what better way to learn than to challenge yourself?
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