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Everything posted by Ankmet20

  1. oh will do *save save save* I am even taking them to my phone. wootlies. a traveling photoalbum of Mika!
  2. that is absolutly great in my mind. hehe I am 18 years old and my chickeny thoughts are still raging...plus I would look damn good in that big girl costume. Mika can sate me any time!
  3. I agree completely. hehe I am raiding your album on photobucket and saving them to mine...mm...
  4. Dani your killing me! in a very nice way of course... wow that big girl costume certainly goes up pretty far in the arse eh?
  5. Its almost too much for me! almost..but not quite. *quickly saves pictures*
  6. just watched the actual video from Sweet dreams instead of the animation. Yep. definetly a Mikagasm.
  7. mmm mika looks so amazing at glastonbury
  8. anybody have the actual video for that? *drools*
  9. Hello! it sucks because when I come back from work I have to catch up! and my parents are starting to worry about my Mika craze...
  10. gah. that song drives me absolutly insane. in a really really chickeny sort of way. :chkn: :chkn: :chkn: Mika has this distinct ability to make me think of Chicken like nobody else I have never met before.
  11. I think I want to buy this DVD....no, NEED to buy this DVD lol
  12. yipes!!! this video, I would turn your sound down and just watch from the beginning into about 30 seconds
  13. wow, that was excellent. I love that, his music is brilliant, you just don't like it. I am so putting that as a facebook quote. (me=nerd)
  14. ehehe I am currently studying thighology. lovely.
  15. lalala Imma browse for Mika pictures (not like I need more)
  16. I dunno, its like people aren't willing to like Mika or something..I don't know..they like listen to it and are like "wow that is too happy" or something and I just want to scream LISTEN TO THE LYRICS! I think people who actually listen to music fully are the ones who are the hardcore Mika fans, because I hear other songs now and I am like..ugh..thats certainly not as good as say Any Other World..though. I do love Imogen heap.
  17. that is so frustrating! and having no one around you who feels the same way about him and his music sucks too, or listening to posers saying how much they live "M-EYE-ka" and then they attempt to sing the songs and end up butchering them then saying your way to obsessed when you know all the lyrics and how to say his name.
  18. his throat looks particularily...tasty..in that picture.
  19. very much so! actually..I am making a point of playing my music really loud to have people ask "who is that?" and then I explain the glories of Mika! lovely. I see I missed some lessons, can I turn this in for extra credit in anatomy? I do note the nekked-ness and the microphone!
  20. ehehe my screen saver on my phone is of Mika AND I have started taking pictures from the computer on my phone and now I have a Mika photobucket album....eh eh eh eh...
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