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samantha who?

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Everything posted by samantha who?

  1. Im listening the same d*mn song again and again, and in different styles Its called Kalinka, is a famous russian folk song:hypo:
  2. Im totally bored!! Im at the same time very busy! trying to find a Russian song! omg! I need to sleep!!
  3. Hey lena another question! Probably you're think that I bother a lot! Which is your typical dance? and music? I just have a piece of a symphony of Tchaikovski, that I had listened many times in movies about Russia and a famous song called Kalinka
  4. yes. you're right! he will receive tons of questions! And I think most of them he would answer WTF!!??
  5. One of my questions: "Mika do you think you have a nice butt?
  6. Oh God! The new blog it was what I always wanted!! I have tons of questions for mika!! But I cant remember them right now!
  7. uyyy q solo esta aki! hey d q sueño hablan? hahhah ya me dejaron con curiosidad!
  8. Welcome to MFC! I hope you have fun!
  9. hahahah yeah!! I can't stop singing and dancing that song! "para bailar la bamba se necesita un poco de ...MIKA!":naughty:
  10. Y otro problema q tengo es q n mi ciudad no hay muchos lugares a donde salir! lo mejores lugares para salir estan en San Pedro Sula y yo Vivo n el Puerto! aki solo se pone bueno el ambiente n el verano!!
  11. q suerte la d ustedes!! aki casi no dejan entrar bueno en realidad si dejan pero sobornando a los q cuidan la entrada o sino es demasiada cara la entrada y de remate no tengo con kien ir!! porq mi hermana mayor esta d viaje!! y todos mis amigos d mi edad!! Ps. Si flor me puedes llamar Sam! p
  12. hey flor! felcidades ya sos toda una mayor de edad!! podes entrar a cualkier lado!! yo no! aki son pocos los lugares q dejan entrar a menores!!:/ buuhhh!
  13. :/ q mala suerte! ojala t mejores! de tu panzita:wink2: yo tmbn me kede n casa aburrida! q feo los sabados sin vida social!
  14. hahaha hola lau!! yo tmbn acabo d comer pizza! pero en vez de diet coke pedi sprite zero!xD como andan hoy!?? casi no hay nadie!
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