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Everything posted by lala_lollies44

  1. The only hint we can give is.........ummmmmmm...............but not in a nasty way. lol:wink2:
  2. Hmm, I never thought about that. But wait, didn't he say he was talking about Carolina, the hooker girl? She was too old so she dressed like a kid to get attention or something? And the girl in the blue is a 16 year old who does bad things when her parents are out...... at about 5:12 he talks about the song.
  3. Really? We have to do it, but if you're in advanced placement, you have to do the program We The People to. I did the jr version in 8th grade, and I despised it. I don't wanna do it again. That's cool that you get college credit though.
  4. My homeroom teacher is the American Government teacher, and there are always students coming in to make up tests. Some of them just skip it because it's boring. I have to take it next year.
  5. Oh, duh! My English teacher just confuses me so much that my brain is melting. Thanks guys!
  6. Okay, I need help w/ my paper AGAIN! How do you refer to an author if you're writing about 2 authors with the same last name? Using their first name seems too informal.....
  7. My school started the 11th of August. Grrrrrrrr I'm still working on my stupid English paper. ---K8lyn
  8. What is bubble tea? Apparantly, that's what I am... My name says: Intuitive but high strung Your name also says you are: Ambitious but stubborn Dynamic but aggressive Passionate but flighty Idk about high strung though.... ---K8lyn
  9. Oh, and don't be scared to be our partner because we are two people. We don't expect twice as much stuff. lol:naughty: ----K8lyn
  10. Anyone not from the US wanna be our partner? pwease?
  11. Aww, sorry. Hopefully it will be better than you think. I thought my year was going to be REALLY bad after the first week, but now it is fine.
  12. It had REALLY bad acting and a lame 80's intro too.
  13. Ha! Last year in Geometry we had to watch a video showing how we would use Geometry in life. Some things were a stretch.
  14. What all do you have to do? I hate projects on the human body. It grosses me out.
  15. I know! haha My teacher is always saying, "I know it's confusing but so is life." Pshh, when will I ever have to do that in life?
  16. lol, I was looking at your cat picture(in the corner of my eye) when I read that, and imagined the cat saying it.
  17. Haha, that's okay. I didn't really expect anyone to know how. It is so confusing. Last week I had to write a summary of a summary. lol
  18. Okay, so I'm working on a paper for English. Here is my question: Does anyone know how to write a critique of a critique without being too repetitive? lol
  19. One more before I sign off for the night.......... Every Time We Touch in my pants haha
  20. I'm supposed to be writing a paper, but instead I'm eating a Popsicle and looking at Mika pics. lol
  21. You are awesome! And yes, I don't think your mother would be very happy if she got woken up because of dip:roftl: Thanks. Yeah, one time when I was younger I woke her up to tell her that my cat was being cute. lol oops, where did the quote thing go? lol
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