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Everything posted by lala_lollies44

  1. I mostly daydream about Mika. Today I was shopping for new school clothes, and I was standing in the middle of the aisle, just staring at nothing, thinking about Mika. I didn't realize that I was in this girl's way until she was like, "HELLO? You're kinda blocking me!"
  2. Okay, good I'm not going crazy. I repeat so much Mika ramblings to my friends and family that I can't remember what I said to them and what I said on here. lol
  3. I wanna join! I've had more than one dream about Mika. The funniest one was when I had a dream that we were in jail together. I asked him what he was there for, and he said stealing. I asked what he stole, my heart? He said no, a taco. heehee. I think I've said that b4 on a different thread.
  4. Crossing my fingers, arms, legs, toes, and eyes!
  5. WOOHOO! I'm so excited. I love watching Mika perform and pretending like I'm there. lmao:blush-anim-cl:
  6. I have not been on in awhile because of my stupid computer. grrrrr I'm having Mika withdrawal.
  7. The only thing I find annoying is hearing the same things over and over, but that's not his fault. He does get asked the same questions all the time. As far as language, his dropping the F bomb isn't annoying to me. Some people sound trashy using that kind of language and some don't. I think he sounds cute. haha
  8. I need to join. I have a severe problem. I've watched Live in Cartoon Motion 4 times today.
  9. The day I bought the LICM CD, Grace Kelly was being played in the music store in the mall. I walked in and I was like "AAAAAAAAHHHH, THIS IS MIKA!" because my sister had never heard of him. Then when I was at the cash register the clerk asked me if I was the one who was yelling about Mika. I acted like I had no idead what he was talking about.
  10. talking to my sister on the phone, eating scrambled eggs, drinking grape juice
  11. haha, me too. I don't even care what flavor it is.
  12. I love it when he does the tongue burn thing. lol so cute
  13. He says it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVG_YhNYkLM
  14. Okay, this seems kind of weird and stalkerish, but when my sister and I were obsessed with Backstreet boys in the 90s:blush-anim-cl:, we used to imagine what they were doing at random moments during the day. We didn't necessarily think of realistic things, it was just a fun game we played to see who could paint a funnier picture. SO, what do you think Mika is doing at this very moment?
  15. Well, I had 2 imaginary friends named Jessica and Michael. They were kind of boring, but I also had imaginary teachers because we didn't have enough money for me to go to preschool, and I really wanted to go. My imaginary teachers were Mrs. Macaroni, Mr. Fudge, and Mrs. Pickle. One day, I saw on the news that a teacher was fired for doing drugs. I didn't really understand what that meant at the age of 3, so I said that the same thing happened to Mrs. Pickle and that she cried so hard that we needed a boat to get into the classroom. The imaginary people went away when I started kindergarten and realized that school was awful. haha
  16. haha, I was supposed to put a plural! oh well
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