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Posts posted by zoidy

  1. I have a feeling she wasn't interested in coming back... the poet woman was Margaret something... came from Tassie... All I can see in my head of her is saying "Did someone say threesome?" after Paul said " I thought we were supposed to be a threesome" to Mikey and Julie...



    The auction ends in less than an hour... It's called Book, and it's short stories written by DAAS...



    Trust me, you'll be happy you never saw that... I think it was in the Flacco and Sandman special at the Melbourne Comedy Festival (must've been around 2000)...


    Yeah! Margaret Scott! I liked her. I can't believe I've never heard of that book :blink: I am starting to have vague flashbacks. I think I might have actually seen the naked Sandman thing after all. I suspect that perhaps I had just repressed the memory until now.





    That's cool... my comment is pretty stupid, but screw it... I'm sure he knows me as the girl who said on video that she liked his hair...

    Is that the one on You Tube? I hope I'm thinking of the right video... That's probably the exact thing I would have said too :blush-anim-cl:




    No doubt you can give her some good tips... :naughty:


    :woot_jump:I WON I WON I WON I WON!!! :woot_jump:


    I don't think I've been that nervous since I went on Ticketmaster to buy Kooks tickets... and when I bought Mika tickets!




  2. Good morning! I think my monitor is just about to die on me. It keeps flickering off for a second every couple of minutes. It was doing it occasionally yesterday but husband said he fixed it. Apparently not. Ooh, it just did a big one :shocked:


    ...Must try and type this fast before it dies completely...


    Now you have a willing audience. Let it rip.


    :naughty: This could take a while... Perhaps I will save it for when my computer isn't threatening to explode on me :bleh:



    You know, that was actually pretty good! I love spastic dancing and bright colours :mf_lustslow:


    Me too, obviously!



    :lmao: I love retarded animal stories.

    Ah, I have plenty of them!



    That's nice of you to let me keep him... maybe if you're lucky you can have him sometime...

    Aw, that's so sweet of you. Most people would want to share their husbands around :naughty:

    Maybe you could just send him over for the day to teach my Sanity guys some customer service skills.

  3. Seriously? That's what I call dedication. :naughty:

    ... And the Dedication to Mika by a fan goes to... Pammy!


    *standing ovation*





    That's a pretty serious thing to admit... but I can understand why you'd not be impressed if he took that long... I wouldn't be either...




    Pammy, if you don't want to post a picture of yourself on here, you are more than welcome to PM it to me...


    Uh huh... It's kind of embarrassing really but it occurred to me a while ago and if I missed him who knows when he'd decide to grace us with his presence again :mad3: ...I don't think I could wait that long. So yes, sadly true :blush-anim-cl:


    I'll take a photo and PM you with it later :wink2:

  4. So I haven't done any study, but I did the dishes and then went through a pile of music magazines I found in my room.

    Uploading pictures now :naughty:

    Well that's just as good as studying :bleh:



    I'm here, recording NCIS through the computer as hubby is out atm, but I'm as interested in NCIS as he is. You're not a fan?

    I am but I always watch it while I'm on the computer since husband likes to lie on the couch to watch it. The only problem is that once I'm on the computer I forget to pay any attention to the TV so I haven't got a clue what has been happening for the last few months.

  5. I went to Myer yesterday, they didn't have it at all :no:

    I guess it looks like JB is the only place that actually has it, and only normal









    :shocked: It's trying to destroy your existence! :naughty:

    No, just the evidence of it. :naughty:




    Possibly. He's being crazy today, even more than usual. He keeps running up to me and acting all lovey and then for no reason he bites me and runs away. he's a freak :naughty:


    Bug hubby for it... I'm sure if you hint about it enough he'll buy it for you...


    Mine offered to order it in... I told him that Mum was going to buy it for me, and he said it would be better to get it soon...


    And I'm keeping my Sanity guy... *huggles Sanity guy*

    Unfortunately for me we don't have JB... comes with living in the country so I'll get over it...


    Well since you don't have a JB, I guess you deserve to keep him :bleh: Yeah, I think I will ask him to get it for me. I'll check if they have it at JB tomorrow and if not he will have to order it in.




    I watch it more for a perve on Paul... it's not as good as before cause Julie's not there... I loved Julie!



    Yeah, what happened to Julie? She was cool, I've got nothing against the new girl but it's not the same without Julie... And that old lady poet that used to be on all the time but I think she died.



    Guess what I found! DAAS's Book! It's there and I bidded on it! :punk: I'm still highest bidder! I plan on getting it... [/Quote]

    Good luck :thumb_yello: When does the auction end? What is the book about? I've got the DAAS Kapital book but I didn't know they had another one.



    I wouldn't mind slapping Sandman either... I was scarred for life when he went naked...


    NAKED Sandman? I am so glad I didn't see that. In fact I probably could have lived without even the thought of it :puking:


    You have us to stalk him...


    We're all planning on going around Oz when he comes back, and we were talking about stealing the Priscilla bus and using it to stalk Mika... you're more than welcome to come along!


    I am there... I don't quite know how I will manage it but I will have to come up with something :bleh:


    You sound like a whining Aussie already!


    That's your right as an Aussie... we are allowed to whine... He's shunning us!

    Oh, I AM a whinging Aussie. I have been practicing for ages, I just didn't have anyone who cared to listen until now :roftl:


    Actually, would you like to help out with our petition book to get Mika to tour here?


    We're doing a petition, and a book telling him about Australia, Asia and New Zealand..


    The link to the petition is in my sig, and there's a link to the ideas thread on the first page of the petition thread..


    Tanya's the one organising the Victorians information...

    Of course! I will have a look in a second :wink2:


    "here's the chat we had with him way back when he could happily walk the streets without people running up to him and shouting, "Oh my god, it's Mika!" and trying to touch his bits."





    And now I'm being booted off the computer :thumbdown:

    Ni ni all... And I bet there have been a whole lot of new posts since I started typing this but I’ll have to read them tomorrow…Unless I can manage to steal the computer back when NCIS comes on later.


    Oh, who is in the final with him?



    Luke. they played both singles and Wes' was about 8 million times better :biggrin2:




    Have you seen the blog thread? it's where people freak out over the periods between blogs, and fangirl over new ones.


    I have! :roftl:


    Did they have the hardcover one or just normal version?


    Normal :(

    I went to two different stores just in case but they were both the same. Is the hardcover one even being released here? Maybe Myer will have it. I'll check tomorrow.





    What's it from/of?



    Jarvis... It should be working now. It kept coming out all teeny but it seems to be ok now.



    I do it all in a big MQ and then count down seven smilies, copy the rest, post that, then open a new reply, paste the rest in, and count down seven smilies again. Usually I will cut down the smilies until they reach multiples of 7 though.


    That's exactly what I did this morning... And will do when I post this. Except the multiples of seven. I'm not that organized :bleh:



    No idea what station for you, not Nova though, but they're at 4-6.



    That's what I thought. I usually listen to Akmal, Cal Wilson & Ed whats-his-name when I'm in the car at that time. They should be on on later so I can listen to them instead of bloody Merrick & Rosso. I can't stand them!



    Psht! The Mikamite tour is planned down to the bus decoration and tour tshirts. Who is your Perthian friend? Why isn't she here?


    Oh that's a relief... Now I just need to find a babysitter. I doubt a screamy 4 year old would be welcome, despite how Mika obsessed he may be :bleh:

    Eh, my friend likes him but probably not enough to spend any time on here :( I might be able to convince her to come to Melbourne to see him though. She usually doesn't need much convincing.

  9. When I was on before, I could hear ripping sounds coming from the kitchen. I conveniently chose to ignore them. then when I eventually went in there I discovered my insanity cat had ripped up my birth certificate. :shocked: but :roftl:



    Ooooh...pretty cakes. Hello Aussies! I recognize chicadee, but haven't had the pleasure of meeting Zoidy or Olivia237. Hello, welcome to MFC, I see you both have gotten quite acquainted already as I read through a few of your posts. :naughty:


    I stalk this thread from time to time, but I'm harmless really, (especially since I'm on the other side of the world). :bleh:


    Hi! Nice to meet you :original:




    And it will boost your post count!


    Ah that is a good idea. I was supposed to make it to 5,000 posts today... I don't quite think I'll get there :bleh:


    I slept in to 2 and the dogs retaliated over their skipped breakfast by attempting to cover every square inch of floor with rubbish from every bin they could find.


    :shocked: Naughty puppies! I'm sure my Charlie would be insanely jealous of their feast if he knew about it.

  10. My aunt offered his first pair of socks, and then he stopped "killing" mine (and my bras too). :blink:

    Now, he has his own pair of socks (one inside the other, to look like a ball), and he runs very happy with is customized toy! :naughty:


    Ah, that's a good idea. At one stage I don't think my husband had a single pair of socks that hadn't been eaten. Now we just don't have any stuffed toys :naughty:

  11. :roftl:


    Ah, it's lovely. Very wedding, but different at the same time. Why too big?

    Because we only had about 40 guests and the smallest that they could make it would have been for about 150. The one we got was even too big, I think it was meant for 80 so we kept the top layer and everyone just got huge slices :naughty: This is what we had except the roses weren't pink.



    Now I must try to pull myself away from here or I will be in all sorts of trouble for being late to kinder. I might be back later depending on how long everything I have to do takes. See ya! :boing:

  12. But he was supposed to come at the end of March and he cancelled on us because of "recording commitments" so in my book the album should already have been finished!

    Thursday is one of those days when I'm out all day and don't get to MFC to my hearts content:sad:

    Oh you don't need to remind me about the March incident :mad3: Yes, I choose to agree with you. I want it NOW.

    Ah, Wednesday is my day out. Thursday and sometimes Friday are the only days I'm in pretty much all day, apart from the weekend.

  13. You've got to be kidding me, haven't you? Why, US of course! Mika coming will involve MFC meetups for sure! I mean, by the time he actually gets his butt over here, you'll probably have named half of us as the god parents of your children!



    Oh yeah... I'm having one of those days where my brain doesn't work... I was stressing over it before I knew this existed. I guess I momentarily forgot where I was :bleh:


    Just for the hell of it, this is my favourite cake ever. I wanted it as my wedding cake but it would have been WAY too big.



  14. Yep... although, you could just eat in front of the computer. It's that pesky meal preparation that takes up too much time! Oh and I find that if I sneak off the pc for 5 or 10 minutes, I can still get little bits of housework done so that it doesn't look like I've spent all day on here!


    It does take a while though to branch out into more threads. I remember when I first joined I mostly just read the Aussies and it was at a time when Mika was gigging and I missed some concert threads cos I didn't know any better.


    Heh, I've been doing that too. I just ran off and did the dishes before, luckily there doesn't seem to be too much else to do so I can stay here until I have go out, even though that's only another 20 minutes.


    I guess I'm lucky then that he isn't doing much at the moment except NOT blogging :naughty: Oh, now I'm just getting mean. Of course recording an album is nothing. :blush-anim-cl: I will try and get to some other threads in the next few days. I probably won't be on much tomorrow but Thursday I will definitely try.

  15. I'm trying to picture Kate. *goes off to google Kate*


    Oh, her! Hmmmm, I'm not sure if I'd be listening. I don't really like Hughesy and I only sometimes like Kate. But to each their own!


    lol, I understand, she is a bit of an aquired taste. I have wondered before if I hadn't been listening to her for so long whether or not she would annoy the crap out of me.


    Wow, what a feat! You did well considering. That's the kind of dedication we like to hear about round here. If Mika ever comes, you're definitely hired!


    Woo hoo! :punk:

    Actually I am a bit worried about what I am going to do if, I mean WHEN he comes. Gotta stay positive :bleh: I know my husband will go to one show with me but what if he plays more than one? I only have one friend that likes him and she lives in Perth. Who is going to stalk him with me?? :crybaby:

    Best not to think about it right now I guess. Besides it's not like he seems to be in too much of a hurry to visit us anyway :(

  16. hallooo. me not at schoolies today :)


    whats everyone doing?




    Hello :original:


    Today's main activities include sitting here and avoiding doing anything constructive.

    Not that this isn't constructive or anything...:fisch:


    Isn't this pretty?




    I want one. I wonder if it's fruit cake or chocolate cake underneath...

    Oh, that is pretty. I love pretty cakes.

    It could be both! My wedding cake was mocha mud cake on the bottom and fruit on the top. Mmm...


    Pammy, I just wondered if anyone had pointed you in the direction of the mikagasmic thread yet?


    Lots of lovely pics of Mika and they're up to part 17!:shocked:


    Nooo... I haven't. I did see it in the list and wonder what it was about though. I really should check out more threads. So far I'm limited to this one, the photo thread and the psychic palm reading one. I should broaden my horizons but I spend so much time on this one alone, what else can I cut out of my life to make time for more? :shocked: I will though, I'll just have to cut out eating as well as sleeping I suppose :naughty:

  17. Well, I do spend rather a lot of the day on here on some days, and on those I don't mind so much giving it up in the evenings, even though most of the Aussies are on then and so I don't get to chat with them so much. But on the days when I've not been on here and I'm dying to catch up with what's happening I find it hard. I tend to try and lose myself in the tv on those nights...


    For some reason, not long after we got married hubby started listening to local ABC. We were in Brissy then and some of the presenters were great. But you don't really get to hear commercial music much on that and there's an awful lot of talkback. But I was working night shift in those days and asleep in the day so I didn't really care too much.

    Actually, Dave Hughes is someone I would want to punch in the face! It's taken me a while to love Hamish and Andy as well, but I actually do now. Although I prefer them on the telly than the radio, strangely enough.


    Ahhhhh!!!!! Yayyyy!!! I can't believe you were close enough to even get a crappy pic on your mobile! Does it matter that it's crappy? It's personal. You were there! And it's not actually that bad a pic. It's definitely recognisably him and that's all that matters! Doesn't he look great?


    Yes, I didn't appreciate the Sandman terribly much. I kept wanting to slap him and tell him to get a grip!


    I've never actually listened to Hamish and Andy on the radio. They're on in the afternoon right? I don't even know what station they're on. I just seem to leave it on Nova all the time now. I tried going back to RRR for a while but the husband complained about it so much that it wasn't worth it, he thinks there's too much talking and it's boring. I took a while to like Hamish and Andy too. I remember that I hated their first TV show that was on Channel 9 a few years back, not that I watched much of it. They have grown on me though. I don't mind Dave Hughes, although I went to his show at the comedy festival earlier this year and was majorly disappointed, I barely laughed at all most of the time he was either picking on people who turned up late or telling stories that I'd already heard on the radio :( I love Kate Langbroek though, I used to listen to her when she was on the RRR breakfast show, I think it was about the time she left that I stopped listening.


    Ha ha, it was SO hard to get that photo! At first I was fairly close to the stage but Thahn kept getting his big head in the way, then he moved and just as I was about to get a good photo, bloody Sophie walked in front of him :furious: After they sat down I went upstairs and had to strategically hold my camera in between some lady's feet without her noticing, so I guess putting all that into consideration it's not too bad a photo :naughty:

  18. Snap! I have the same problem with the computer being monopolised in the evening by hubby. There was a very short stage there earlier in the year before we moved house where we had two computers networked and I could be on at the same time as him, but the layout of this (much smaller) house makes that impossible

    What were you listening to if you weren't listening to commercial radio? I tended to find that all the radio presenters on commercial radio were gits who got on my nerves, so I rarely tuned in and I'm sure I missed heaps of good stuff. Plus, there was a large serve of crap music out there that I couldn't be bothered sitting through. I found Mika by accident on the internet. God bless the internet!


    Yeah and what really sucks is, if I want to use it at night he's all like "Oh but you get it ALL DAY" as if I'm not running around all day cleaning and doing errands for him. It's not like I sit here all day... Well except yesterday :fisch:


    I used to listen to community radio (RRR) but then all the shows I liked finished so I didn't really listen to anything at all for years, which is why I got stuck in 1997 for so long. Then the husband got a job that starts at 7am and since he doesn't drive I have to take him. Then the CD player in my car broke so it was radio or nothing. So I started listening to Nova since Dave Huges & Kate Langbroek were about the only breakfast radio presenters that I didn't want to punch in the face :naughty: I still hate about 90% of the music hey play but going from 0 to 10% it still ok with me.



    He's fantastic! I got all excited last night cos he (Wes) made it through to the Opera House and I started thinking "If he wins, he gets to make a record (which I'll def buy) and he might tour! He might come to Canberra!!!" I could get real fangurly about Wes



    lol, that was exactly what I thought! Well, except Melbourne, not Canberra :bleh:


    I saw him a few weeks back. I accidentally happened to be at the mall when they were making an appearance. Wanna see my crappy mobile phone photo of him?





    Urgh! Sorry, but Flacco is one of the people I DON'T miss from the old GNW. I do miss Paul doing more singing though... *sigh*

    I agree. I loved Flacco on DAAS Kapital but once he got together with the Sandman it ruined him :( I am SO glad they ditched the Sandman for the new GNW but yes, more Paul singing would be lovely :wub2:

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