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Everything posted by ce_mika

  1. thank you so much Suzie! I've been waiting for a being in one of his show for 3 years, and now I did it, but it was more perfect than I've ever imagined!.... yes, I'm from Uruguay, but although it's close to Argentina, it's not cheap...I had my first job and all I earned, I spent it on this...but it was all worthy.... thank you for your lovely words!!!!!!!!
  2. awww!!thank you so much my friend!!! as I can see in your avvie, we were dressed the same waay!! and with the same mask!!! :lol3: :huglove:
  3. thanks soo much for your lovely words!!! I'm glad you liked it!!!!!! :
  4. (3rd and last part) ..... Then Relax started, and OMG!!!!! ...the festival blew up!!! ..... soo amazing!!!!!!!!.......and finally our moment!!!! During the song Big Girl, we went to the stage and danced!!!!! In my case, I danced a looot with IMMA!!!....we danced together during all the whole song!!! she's sooo sweet!!! love her!!! then we saw the wonderful show at the venue, casue Yasmine let us go outside to see the show better, and during Love today, we had to come back, and that's what we did!...Finally, we did our last appearence in Lollipop! OMG!!!! what an amazing feeling and energy!!!....can't believe it!!!! Then we said 'Goodbye' and took a bow for the crew who was ON FIREEE!!!....and I was next to Cherisse!! she's soo sweet!!! The show itself was fantastic!!!!! Then we changed our customes and had our special Meet and Greet with a pic included (my second one!! ) he was soo cutee!!! and for some of you..in this one he did 'LIPs Biting' And finally, my moment!!!....I had made a Toy Boy's paint for him, with relief, and I gave it to him: Me: Hi Mika! Mika: Hi!!! Me: I have this for you (shows the paint)... Mika: OH GOD!!!...you did this???.... Me: yes...I wanted to make you something special for you, because it was your first time in South America, and it was my first time in one of your gigs! Mika: IT'S fantastic!!!!!...soo amazing!!! I absolutely love it!!!!! Thank you so much, it was very kind from you!!! and then, we stayed like for 5 seconds, looking and smiling at each other, and that's the best moment of my life!!---I'll never forget his smile and eyes looking at me...it was like for 5 seconds, It was just us!---*fangurls* such a special moment!!....then we said 'Goodbye'. So, all I can say is these two days have been more than amazing! I can't find a word to express how I'm feeling and how I felt!!...I never expected all this!!! at all...! I've made real one of my biggest dreams! Finally, I want to make 2 special mentions: *to the amazinf fans I've met before the show!! I think one of the most wonderful thing about gigs, is that you met fantastic people and spend a wonderful moment with them!!! it was a big pleasure to meet all of youuu!!!!! specially my friend Sweet_pixie! without her nothing would have happened!!! *and to Mika's sisters!!! I want to thank her a loot!! they work soo hard backstage for the entire show!...and they were soo kind with us, that made us feel very comfortable and so good!!!we talked, laughed, having a wonderful moment between the fans and them!!...btw, we asked for Paloma, and Zuleika told us she's fine!! so, thank you soo much to the band, to Yasmine, Zuleika, Mika, and the new friends I've made after this day, and to the friends who ( via twitter, or Facebook or sms,) sent me excellent wishes, for being part of the most wonderful moment of my life!!!! GRACIAS!! huugs!!! THE END!
  5. (2ND PART) THE SHOW! We started to form the line for the gig at 11.00 am, and the doors opened at 3.30 pm! The queue wasn't very quiet, and the organisation was absolutely terrible!! Anyway, we made a terrific group of friends between some of the fans who were waiting! It has been soo amazing to meet youu!!!!! After running a loooooooot, we managed to be on first row!!!!! Yeahh!! IMO the bands before Mika were really ugly, except the one right before him!.... Suddenly, I saw a thin, fashionable, and beautiful woman, and realised it was Yasmine!!!! And nobody realised it was her but me!...so I called her, and she turned around and came to me, asking me (IN SPANISH) if I would dare to dance on stage, and I said 'YES!!!'of course!!! and she picked other ones too!!! (between them Cecilia Barrios, the other uruguayan fan who went with me! she's the Big girl that appears in the pics of the first page with Mika!!) 45 minutes later, we met her next to the stage, and took us backstage where Zuleika was. We got our outfits, and mine was the green one, which Zuleika helped me to put on. We had a little chat about South America, where she told me it was her first time there and she loved it!! ... she is fantastic!!! .... Then the gave us our mask!! :shocked: ...OMG!!!!! what a hard thing to wear!!!!!!!!! I could barely see something!!!it was heavy, but pink!... While we were backstage, ready, we could hear people screaming: MIKA! MIKA! MIKA!...and oh god!! I got thrilled!!!! SUCH AN AMAZING VIBE!!!! ....seconds later Mika and the band came where we were, all dressed, behind the stage!!! ...they're all so lovely and fantastic!!!! and suddenly, Mika comes to me! and speaking spanish and looking at me, tells us: "Enjoy the gig, have fun, dance a lot, jump, do whatever you wanna do!!"...I couldn't believe he came and talked looking in my eyes!!!!
  6. PART 1 If I had to plan a perfect first gig, in a festival, in another city in which I've never been, I think It'd have been like this. Since the first day I arrived, I had never expected I would have experienced so many surprises.That's the reason why my report needs to start the day before the gig (when I arrived) THE PREVIOUS DAY: As we arrived early in the morning, the MFCer Sweet_pixie decided to give my friend and me a "small tour" around Buenos Aires. However, minutes before we met, I saw on Facebook, that Mika might be in a specific hotel for a press conference, and luckly the hotel was near of one of the places we were going to go,so we went to see what was happening. We went to the hotel's door, and surprisely, there were five people who told us Mika and Sissors Sisters were there. To be honest my expectations were to see him very fast going to the car o another place (if we managed to see him)....but I was wrong! After two hours, we saw the band going out the hotel (and took a pic with Imma!!! amazing woman!! soooo friendly!!!), we said 'HI!', and they did as well. And 30 minutes later...MIKA!!! Before he appeared, his kindly driver, told us he had no problem to come and meet us as long as we didn't start with this kinda 'groupie histerical attitude', and of course we were very respectful and quiet. To see Mika in my very first time in person was the most wonderful moment in my life!!! With his new look (is fantastiiic!!!!), his green and big eyes, a wonderful smile and being veery tall, Mika came up to a 'little Meet and Greet with us'....and he was soo kind!!!! This was the dialogue: -Mika: Hi! -We: (shocked:shocked:) ehhmmm....Hi!!! -M: (he realised we didn't got over our surprise) HOLA!! Puedo hablar español (I can speak spanish he told us).... -W: (OMG! HE SPOKE IN SPANISH TO US!!) Genial!!(great)...(we didn't know what to say:aah:) -M: I can sign you something if you want... -W: yes please!!!...thank you soo much! (Mika comes to me:mf_lustslow:) -I: Hi! I'm coming from Uruguay with my friend, just for your show! -Mika: OH MY GOD! really?? that's soo great!!!! soo cool!! can't believe it!!!!! -I: (speaking to us) Mika: let's take three pics, so we can form 3 groups.... (speaking to me) -Mika: as you come from Uruguay, let's take a pic together (so I have my pic with mika, my friend and Sweet Pixie together) then we said goodbye!! What a smile!!!he's so fantastic, so kind and sweet with his fans!!....an amazing person!!!
  7. Hola chiccas!!! me tomo el atrevimiento de venir a postear aqui, porque en el thread de Uruguay no hay nadie en este momento! y era para tambien decirles que estoy HIPER EMOCIONADAAAA, que queda re poquitoooo!!! :boing: ya quiero que llegue el viernes!! esta noche viajo para ahi, y llegaré en la mañana y aprovecharé para recorrer la ciudad! Sweet.pixie me hara un tour por Buenos Aires...asi que espero el viernes poder conocerlas!!!! por cierto..alguien sabe cuando se publican los resultados del concurso por el meet and greet?? besos!
  8. aww! you're welcome sweetheart!...I did my best, there are some spelling mistakes, and maybe it's not literally the same, but I can assure you, the idea remains! :wink2:


    glad you liked them!! :huglove::huglove:

  9. te juro que yo estaba trankilisima hasta que lei tu mensaje, y ahora no tengo ni idea de como voy a dormir...si es que duermoo!!! awww!! fue tan lindo leerlooo!!!!!!!!.....muchas graciass taaz!!!! y tal vez en este no se dio la oportunidad, pero estoy segura que en la proxima, estaremos todas!!!!! estaremos alli representando a todo el fan club, y tu estaras presente xq iras en nuestros corazones!! te quieroooo mcuhooo tazitaa de teee!!! :huglove:
  10. sweetie the festival will be able to be listened by radiooo!! :boing: check the hot festival thread!!! :swoon:

  11. so, now it's just MIKA! loool!!


    aww, I'll send to my mum your hugs! she's sleeping now, cause she's to work tomorrow very early in the morning! :wink2:

    I'll send you all the pics tomorrow via PM! :wink2: it's cause my pc got broken, and I'll go to my friend's house, and I'll upload them!!!!!! they're very mika-ish! even my mum adored them!!! :fangurl:


    well my sis, I gotta go to bed now! :tears: tomorrow I have to wake up early too, cause gotta fnish studying for that stupid term test!!:chair:


    LOVING YOUUU SO MUCH!!! it always makes me soo happy to talk to youuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huglove::huglove:


    send my love to your mum too!!!!!!


    TE QUIEROOO HERMANITAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! muuuak!

  12. yeahhh!!! I have no idea how I'm gonna to concentrate...it's like: I don't care about what's happening this week, after all, I'll end up in Buenos Aires, in my very first Mika's gig!! :yay::lol3::lol3: the funniest thing, is that once I'm back, I have a family of exams witing for mee!!! :chair: english exams, university exams, portuguese exams.....and then, I'll start my long summer holidays on the 18th of December!!!! :chair: ....but well...who cares?? I'm going to see Mika in a week!! :lmfao::lmfao:


    I dunno, if you noticed, I'm behaving less naughty these days! It's because I'm trying to call him Mika and not 'papito' or 'chicken boss', you know, in order to get used to it, and don't make a fool of myself in Bs.As saying: 'omg, I've wanted to meet you for soo long, Bunny!!!' :shocked:

  13. omg, never read this post... merci mon amiee!!!!!! :huglove: I'm sooo excited!! Finally!!!! huugs!
  14. Amiga!!!! :boing::boing: I'm soo excited about the gig!!!!!! Mika'll be doing a complete show! 2 HOURS!!!!!!!!!: swoon: I'm soo happy, over excited, everything......just a dream about to come true!!!!!! :fangurl:


    how are you sweetie?? and Keti????

    sending you huge huuugs my friends!!!

    lovee you!!!



    P.S: and for sure, there'll be a full report for youu sweethearts!!!

  15. swwetie!! thank you some much for your wonderful words my sis!!! :wub2: it means soo much to me! today I picked up the Uruguayan Mika fan club's t-shirts, and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :swoon: they're wonderfuul!!! I was speechless looking at them! Imagine, even the seller woman told me: Is Mika coming??? :shocked: me and my friend said: no, but we're going!!! :lol3: and she said: awww, enjoy it then!...:wub2: soo adorable!!!!


    and the other new: THERE'LL BE A COMPLEEEETEEEEEE MIKA SHOWW!!!! *brings the champagne, golden confettis, everything she has around to celebrate* 2 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the schedules has been publicated, and Mika'll be 2 HOURS on stage!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!1 :swoon::swoon:


    I'm soo excited!! RIGHT NOW, in a week, I'll be in my FIRST (and of course not last) Mika's gig!!!! *CECI, R.I.P* :swoon:




  16. queda tan pocooo!!! tantas emociones juntas me hacen tan feliz!!! en una semanaaa lo concemos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. haven't talked for I while dear! hope you're doing fab!!!!!!!!

    HUUUUUUUGS MY FRIEND!!!!!! :huglvoe::huglove:

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