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Status Updates posted by ce_mika

  1. what???? I've never been sent to that corner!!!!!....c'mon! tell rosa if she nevers has thought about it! :lmfao::lmfao: same for youu!!! :lmfao:

  2. you sing that everytime you sing Lollipop! that's to have an idea of what how dirty his lyrics are!!! :das:

  3. Estoy babeando por Mika!!! :lmfao::lmfao: OMG!!!!!! excelent!!!!!!! good student!!!!!!!! :lmfao::lmfao: you should learn: Quiero chupar el lollipop de Mika! :lmfao::lmfao: OMG!

  4. My sweetie!!! :boing: I finally have my tickets with mee!!! :swoon: I couldn't reply you in the twitter, cause the stupid twitter doesn't work for me now, and I don't know why! :dunno: I clicked when it said: New Twiter, and it doesn't work for me!!!! :chair: now I want to come back to the twitter I had before and I can't! I'm desperated!!!!


    Hope you're doing great my starshine!!!!! LOVE YOUUU!! :huglove:

  5. awwww!!! thank you so much my friend!!!!! :huglove::huglove: I actually had!!! it was quite as well cause tomorrow I have university, but it was a wonderful day with my friends and family!! :wub2:


    take care!!!!!!! HUUUUGS!!!


  6. awwww!!!!thanks soo much my friend!!!!!! :huglove::huglove::huglove:


    yeahhh, I'm soo excited, it's been the best birthday gift Mika could have ever done to me: make a gig this year in Argentina! :fangurl: I feel soo pleased I'll be able to go!!! :wub2:

    ohh, I know what it measn when school takes over all your time!!!!....:chair: ....food poison???? WTH???? :shocked: but are you ok now?????? ...... take care my dear!!!!!!!!!!! :flowers2:


    TE QUIERO MUCHISIMO AMIGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huglove:

  7. sweetie!!!! when I realised it was 'My Interpretation' I was like: OMG!!! :swoon: that's my soong!!!!!!!!! :tears: I loved every minute of it!!!!!!!!!!!! :fangurl: it was sooo special!! all the captions and my favourite song from a person I love so much, it's just the perfect gift!!!!:huglove:


    BTW, my friends came yesterday and saw your package, they literally loved it!!!!!!!!!! :naughty: specially with the lollipop!! they were like: :shocked: that's hugeee!!!! :das::das: :lmfao:


    LOVE YOUUU!!!!!!!! :huglove:

  8. OMG ROXY! you've made me cry!!!! :tears: your comment in the thread and your video has left me speechless!!!! and I have tears in my eyes!!!!!!! I'm thankful to life for having met you too!!!! and be able to call you friend! actually one of my closers friends!!!!!:huglove: thank you soooo much my dear!!!!!!!!!!! thank youu!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOUUU!!!!! :huglove:


    P.S: MIKA CAN't wait til november to see meee!!! :swoon::lol3:

  9. ohh yeahh!!! :fangurl: Sweetie, gotta go to have lunh, and to see RAFAAA!!!! it's on tv now!! the semifinal is about to start!!!!! :boing::boing: let's cheer up for Rafa together!!!!! :boing::yay:

    LOVE YOUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huglove:

  10. :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:

    OMG!!!!!!!....... you crack me up Roxy!!!! :floor::floor:

    I'll do it!!! be sure of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmfao::lmfao:

    I can't stop laughing imagining that!!!!!!

  11. aww I'm glad you liked it!!! :huglove:

    what cool that you're having fun with your collegues!!!!:boing: it's good to have some fun between the work!!! :wink2:

    I'm fine, getting ready for my term tests, but REALLY EXCITED cause I have my tickets to see MIKA in November!!! in Argentina!! :swoon::swoon::swoon: it's soooo surreal! three months ago I was talking about it as a dream and now it's become real!!! I can't believe it yet!!! :fangurl:


    Take care my sweetheart!!!!!!!!!

    Love you! :huglove:


  12. aww I'm glad you liked it!!! :huglove:

    what cool that you're having fun with your collegues!!!!:boing: it's good to have some fun between the work!!! :wink2:

    I'm fine, getting ready for my term tests, but REALLY EXCITED cause I have my tickets to see MIKA in November!!! in Argentina!! :swoon::swoon::swoon: it's soooo surreal! three months ago I was talking about it as a dream and now it's become real!!! I can't believe it yet!!! :fangurl:


    Take care my sweetheart!!!!!!!!!

    Love you! :huglove:


  13. Roxy, Sweet.pixie already bought the tickets!!!! it's official!!!! Mika, wait for us!!!

  14. you took the words from my mouth sweetheart!!!! 3 months ago we were talking about it like a dream, and now, in 2 months I'm gonna see him!! aww, my dear, you'll be soo present in my heart!!!! :fangurl: really!!!!!! but don't worry, Mika is sooooo unexpected that maybe he'll come up to you with a surprise! :das:


    Internship in a hospital??? :shocked::shocked: what is that about??...it sounds freak to me cause I'm terrified of hospitals, since I had bad troubles when I had a surgery in 1998. I was just 7 and it was an awful experience! :tears: still hasn't got over it!....


    aww tests are soo exhausting! but we'll get over them sweetie!! and the bunny sister'll be back recharged!!!!! :das::das::das::lol3::lol3:




  15. Hello my dear!! how are youu????? :flowers2: Hope you're better with your health my friend!!!! Love you!!! :huglove:



  16. Just felt like posting! :fisch::huglove:



  17. Amiga!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bye::boing: How are you my dear????.....started school already??? aww! don't worry, you'll do it great!!!....I actually have term tests on the 22nd, but I don't even care about them,cause I'm over excited with my Mika-ish event on november! :wub2: in addition, on sunday it's my birthday, and my parents already told me they are gonna give me money to save for the trip! :fangurl: I'm going with one of my closest friends, who also loves Mika, and then we're gonna meet with a friend I have in Argentina! she's gonna buy the tickets tomorrow!! OH-MY-LORD!!! :swoon: it's soo surreal for me, to say I'll have a ticket to see Mika, I think I'm living a dream! :wub2: still can't believe it!!! Finally!! :swoon:


    Hope you're doing fab my friend!!!! Send all my love to your mum!!!!!!!!!

    LAS QUIERO MUCHO AMIGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Love you friends)



  18. Holaa!!! de Uruguay??? geniaal!!! :boing: SoY Cecilia! de Montevideo tmb!!!!!!! que bueno! vas en noviembre al metro fest!! yo tmb!!! un gustazooo!!!!! y ya t paso el link del uruguayan thread xa q podamos conversar más trankila!! a las ordenes!!!! :huglove:

  19. Hola diviiii!!!!! :bye: las letras son del Paint! las tome de ahi. no me acuerdo del nombre del tipo de letra, pero estan en ese programa! :wink2: espero que estes super bien tmb divii!!!! :huglove:

  20. aww!! exams?? I'm sure you're doing great!!! :clap::clap: when do you have holidays dear??....yeah...I'm gonna see him!! :swoon::swoon::swoon: anyway, I don't wanne get really excited until I have the ticket in my hand! :fangurl::fangurl:


    I'm fine!!! on 22th I have term test! :pew: .... my subjects this part of the year are not the best! I love the career, but the first part was better! :aah: I have one subject that....OMG!!!... it's soo sooo sooo boring!!!!!!....hate it! :lol3:


    missing so much to talk to you my sweetheart!!!!

    LOVE YOUU!!!


  21. sweetie! :boing: yes!!! unfortunately it seems like he won't make any more gig this year, except for the ones are already scheduled! :dunno: anyway, tomorrow I'm sending the money to sweet.pixie and she'll buy my ticket!!! :swoon::swoon::swoon: I'm sooo nervouuus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fangurl:

    how are you my dear?

  22. ceciii!!! :boing: como stas?? diviii, necesito que leas urgente el mensaje que deje en el uruguayan thread, y me digas si t saco las entradas para Mika o no?? BESOTES! :huglove: el jueves le mando la plata a mi amiga xa que saq la entrada mia y de una amiga! confirmame si queres que saque la tuya tmb! pero primero lee el mensaje divi!


  23. Hi! ahh, :aah: ok, don't worry!:wink2: ... waiting for your reply then! :wub2::bye:

  24. no t preocupes divi!! antes del viernes t mando todo!!! t aviso en el correr de la semana!:huglove:

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