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Status Updates posted by sofimica3212

  1. Omg, thank God you didn't straighten your hair! How cool that you're going to Niagra Falls, I hope you have a fabulous time! :wink2:


    It's not hot ALL the time but you know...95% of the year it's over 80 degrees. :lol3:

  2. I'm back!


    Is it still raining now? It's been hot here lately....

  3. Oh yeah those are awesome when it's cold. I always take one when I go anywhere out of Miami in winter.


    I'm gonna go now, I have to get stuff ready for school tomorrow. Good night! :bye:

  4. Yeah he knows I would have started a tantrum if I had to. :naughty:

    And as if I hadn't learned my lesson about taking spare ties with me, like a month later the same thing happened but I was with my mom that time and we went to a supermarket and bought some more, and now I just always keep a spare hair tie in my bag.

  5. Of course! :lol3:

    Once in the morning when my dad was taking me to school my hair tie broke like it just popped I guess (idk how to explain) and my hair was in a bun and it was all curly and stuff so my dad took me to a pharmacy to buy more hair ties because I was all mad.

  6. Only the one I have in my hair if I'm wearing one but if not I have 1 in my bag for school, lol. :lol3: But I always have 1 extra hair clip in my pocket just in case. :naughty:

  7. I can't imagine what my hair would look like if it got all wet from the rain, probably all frizzy and ughhhh.

  8. Oh that sucks, good thing you didn't straighten your hair. :lol3:

  9. Yes, very! Then I need to stretch my legs, and my legs are long so I like put them across where my sister sits and then I still don't feel comfy, and it's just awful! :hair:

  10. Yea almost the same time, imagine the cost for the gasoline! For my dad's car it takes one tank to go to Orlando, so imagine all the way from Toronto. :shocked:

    I can't stand being in a car for so long, I feel boxed in. The first like 2 hours I'm okay, but then I start shifting in my seat and I feel all weird. :boxed:

  11. I know, from Miami to New York in car takes 1 day, my dad's friends came once and they said it was endless! And I get annoyed by being in the car for 3 hours when we drive to Orlando. :lol3:

  12. Cool, I love how in Canada it's providences instead of states, it's like that in Argentina too.


    I'm gonna put it on the post your picture thread.

  13. On Friday we were on the Turnpike (a highway) and then my sister saw a car with a license plate from Quebec and I remembered you since you're in Canada. I couldn't believe they drove to Miami from Canada! I was like omg!


    I'm going to straighten my hair tomorrow, right now its just wavy, but it's in a ponytail.

    I just took this pic on my webcam...


  14. That's what I did today, I've been making up from my lack of iPod (since my iPhone didn't work and my old iPod gets me frustrated) I listened to music all day and txting my friends, then my uncle came and we took some pictures because his friends from Argentina were coming today to Miami Beach so my uncle wanted to take pics for them to see. Also we had lunch and we talked and stuff. I had a very relaxing Sunday. :original:


    How was your day?

  15. Lol, it's been very quiet around here without you!


    I couldn't go buy the stuff for my phone...:no:

    I had to stay home today but my uncle came over and it was fun.

  16. Bye, see you later. :bye:

  17. No one told me, I woke up and my phone said 11 something and then when I went downstairs I asked my mom the time and I asked her if it had changed and she said yes and she told me the correct time and I noticed my cell had changed t by itself. :lmao:

  18. Luckily all my clocks changed by themselves, except for the one in the kitchen. I think my mom hasn't changed it yet. :lol3:

    Last night I wasn't sure if it was like changing yesterday at 12 or tonight at 12. :roftl:

  19. What's your project about?


    I'm kinda hungry too.

    Did you have to spring the hour ahead in Canada too?

  20. Lol, thanks.


    So how are you? :original:

  21. I know, but I'm not sure if they have those for the 1st model of the iPhone. This lady that works with my dad has the same iPhone as me and she has the case I want so I'm gonna search for one like it. I also wanna buy a screen protector, because my Sidekick's screen is sooo scratched, and the iPhone is like only a screen so I don't want it to look all scratched and ugly. :lol3:

  22. Yea the back of the iPods are very sensitive, they scratch like the minute you take 'em out of their case. :sneaky2:


    I wanna buy the case that looks like the ones for the 3g but idk if they have those for the original iPhone. Because the cases for the one I have are uglier imo. Like these



    But I want one like this



  23. Yup, like in my house there's wifi, and at malls and stuff too. Like I always have basic service like txt and calls but the internet it depends where I am.


    I know, I love how the 1st iPhone looks, I think the 2nd one looks a bit plastic. Like since the back is black and made of plastic, idk I just like the silver aluminum one better. But tomorrow I'm gonna buy it a new silicon case cuz I don't want it to get scratched in the back.

  24. Yeah and my dad's friend installed the like software for the 3G so it's as if I have the latest iPhone but with the 1st model. The only down side is that with my Sidekick I had internet everywhere I had service, but with the iPhone I only have internet where there is WiFi because my carrier isn't supposed to have the iPhone so the internet doesn't work with it. :thumbdown:

  25. Yeah whenever someone doesn't do their part I just don't put their name on MY work. :sneaky2:


    We would flip coins and that would decide like our imaginary genes and then mix ours and then they'd be our baby's genes. Then we just draw our baby on a paper. :lol3:


    I just got back from watching the Jonas Brothers concert in 3d, it was good. Oh and also I finally got my iPhone back and now I can put apps on it! :biggrin2:

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