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Status Updates posted by sofimica3212

  1. I hope you got good grades on everything. :original:


    I've had better days. At like 12 I got cramps and my back hurt, then I got really hot so I took off my hoodie, then like 5 minutes later I was cold and then I got like normal. While I was at lunch I called my mom to pick me up because I felt really bad so she picked me up at around 2 and now I feel a lot better. She says my blood pressure must have gotten low because I was also really pale. :boxed:

  2. Hey! :bye:

    How was school (I'm guessing you went lol)?

  3. That always happens to me, like I think that it's the morning but it could be like 9 pm!

    Yea I'm gonna go to sleep already, my eyes are closing and then I won't be able to wake up tomorrow.


    G'night! :huglove::bye:

  4. So I'm back, and so are you. :bye:


    For some reason I'm really sleepy...:blink:

  5. No he does not! *wags finger at Joey*


    I'm logging off for now, but I'll be back later. Bye! :bye:

  6. Hmmm......Joey would be a good name for it. :roftl:

    Me and my best friend have code names for some people like cause we always say who would make good couples and stuff and we were just talking about "Joey" so I just thought it would go. Joey got back into the bracket cuz it was afraid I might start to really give it a piece of my mind. (I didn't yesterday just in case it would never come out :lol3:)

  7. I know, I mean he's tall and all but still!


    My mom said that maybe it was alive. You're both on the same page. :lol3:

  8. I love all those pics they really look like he's flying.


    Oh! Today while I was in school the wire that was popped out got back in by itself! :blink:

  9. Thank you! I've been looking for this thread and I couldn't find it! :flowers2:

  10. Yea, I wish it were true. :naughty:


    How are you?


    Btw, do you have a pic where Mika is jumping and it looks like he's flying?

  11. I had weird dream, that's for sure. :lol3:

    I was with my dad in Milan and we were at a mall and my hair was straightened and then we were going to London later so I made my dad buy me a hoodie so my hair (that had just gotten straightened) wouldn't get ruined since I've heard that London weather isn't always the best. Then we magically appeared in Disneyland Paris! :shocked::blink: Oh and then I woke up so I never went to London. :tears:

  12. Lol, my friend always sings songs randomly so I call him an iHome on shuffle and he calls me an iPod on shuffle because I always have different songs in my head.


    I gtg, talk to you tomorrow! :bye:

  13. Now I have another song in my head, one in spanish from this singer my mom listens to. :lmao:

    I feel like an iPod on shuffle. :naughty:

  14. It's gone already!

    Finally!!! :boing:

  15. How did you know!?!

    It's a really catchy song. :lol3:

  16. While I was writing my message before about how it feels empty, Eminem's song :Without Me" came into my head and now I have it stuck in there. :lol3:

  17. Lol me too.

    Omg, MFC feels really empty tonight. :blink:

  18. No, they make everything worse! :hair:

  19. It was 7 I think, out of idk how many. It was this language arts test that we have to take every like 3 months with like 5 boring passages and articles, then we just have to bubble in the multiple choice answers.

  20. Yea, lol. Mine was just to write down how many questions wrong I had gotten on a test. :naughty:

  21. Kay, good luck on your homework, I hope it's as easy as mine was. :naughty:



  22. Finding out my name is way too easy. :naughty: Both my names are on my username and siggie, well my full names are on my siggie and nicknames on my username.

  23. I'm not sure if you had told me your name, but I knew if from like when we were on threads and people called you by your name :wink2:

  24. Lol, so would I.


    Thanks, I had put your username just in case people didn't know you by your first name. I had loved that caption cuz I can really picture him saying it. :lol3:

  25. Yup, one that tastes like apple juice or something. :lol3:

    I'm so ready to get into government, with all these bright ideas. And of course I'll credit you. :wink2:


    Btw, you inspired me with that picture of Mika and the rocketship in his hand and I made a siggie with it, and I wrote in my album that you inspired it. :naughty:

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