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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Cherisse is wonderful. What would be the band without her?
  2. Oh my god, that's really something that cheers one up!
  3. Mika's laugh. Because everybody feels like laughing when the angel laughs.
  4. Hey! Welcome here!
  5. Oh, so cool, lucky you! Wanna see it!
  6. Oh my god, this is insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane! I love it, love it, love it! I'm so impressed!!! Mika would love it!
  7. Oh my God that is crazy! That's just so cool !
  8. Thank you. Well, I've done other portraits of Mika, this one is the fourth I think. But they were posted on the former 'ALL MIKA fan art' thread. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3041&page=333
  9. Thanks. Can't wait to see your Mika! Can't get to the Mr Twitter page. It does not work for me.
  10. Hmm, kind of a lot to answer! A huge thanks to everyone. I'm really happy you like it. Just wanted to add that it is actually weird. Mika changes so much from one picture to another, and if you take a picture of him, he would have looked different (but still so himself) a second later. I've noticed that my portraits never look the same.
  11. Oh, thank you, thank you so much, it's a real compliment.
  12. Thanks everyone for posting. Your reports are awesome and so are the pics I'm loving them. That gig was amazing, again. (love his pink jacket)
  13. What? You "have to do a Mika"? Can you explain?!
  14. Hey Alice!


    So do you want to start organizing these lessons?

  15. Wow, you've been so quick! Thank you! i'm happy you like this one too. Thank you natalie That much? oh thanks! >Again, You guys are always the first to comment on my drawings, thanks.
  16. Here's another portrait of Mr Penniman I've drawn about one year ago.
  17. Okay, guys, I'm posting another drawing.
  18. You know I feel really sorry, Chantelle. I do hope as well that Mika will throw some other summer gigs
  19. Anyway, have a good time in London!
  20. One month to go ... Holiday starting from july 6th for me. Horrible. In addition, I'm missing all the gigs ... well. Don't want to spread my frustration or sadness, here, sorry! But I do hope the man will plan on doing some other summer gigs!
  21. Sorry to ask for more as you guys already did a fantastic job, but is there any Rain video? I love this song so much, and Mika hasn't performed it a lot for now ...
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