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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Rain

    Hey Lady!


    I'm fine thx, didn't see you much these days on Twitter.... How are you?

    'Lips, Sensual' LOL


    Have you seen how the MFC works already?


    If you need anything, let me know! I'd be very happy to help you.

    Rain xxx

  2. Hello everyone, I'm sorry I haven't read the whole thread but is it possible for someone to get me this magazine????!!!!
  3. Rain

    Hey Keti,


    Well, so many exams at this time, and the weather is so sunny so I don't really feel like working... :)


    I'm really happy for you, it's good news!

    I'm also working on the MM, but don't have much time now. I promise I will try and finish it as soon as possible ...


    (listening to Toy Boy :D)





  4. Lonely Alcoholic - MIKA (for now through Mikasounds but very soon on the EP!)
  5. I still think it remains quite expensive even for a festival. Grrr... Wish I could go there!
  6. I've tried a better scan. Don't know if that's really better though! @ Avoca : I'm just taking part of the "artistic part" of the Bday present, but I don't think I'm in some special other thread. Is it possible to add it to the book all the same? anywhere you like. And do I send it to you by PM?
  7. Very tempted too but I don't think I will be able to afford it. How come it is so expensive?!
  8. Oh you received it, you're lucky. Still waiting for it... So eager to hear all these beautiful songs and see the book!!!
  9. Rain

    Hey Ruth, welcome on the MFC! Glad you signed in!

  10. Hello Silver,

    I'm joining the Mika's Smile Fan Club, just to let you know. Thanks for creating the thread! :D

  11. Baby-sitting a lovely little boy sleeping at the time being.
  12. Yes, through MSN seems to good. Or e-mail as well if you like. ?


    Glad you like my drawings :D thank u

  13. Oh my god I can't believe he signed your math test! such a great idea!!! 'Death to math' lol. I should really consider doing that next time I will see him!

    Thank you soooo much for the report, you're really kind. I can imagine that was totally amazing (as always :))

    Of course, I will go to the september gigs! hope he will throw some more before, though ... :)


    Yes, I'm still studying. Until 6 july. I'm fed up.

    I do hope your exams went well, Nadine.


    Thanks again,



    Btw, what is your twitter username?

  14. Oh, I love Allen, thank you for the video, she was really good. But why the hell did she light a fag?!!!
  15. I think it's really BEAUTIFUL. I'm sure your teacher liked it, right?
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