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Everything posted by LeiRe

  1. I've never been there, but I know you can do the "Joyce" route, the Ulysses' author, a novel (600 pages) which took place during one single day in Dublin...
  2. For the third time... You want a new blog, don't you? Then repeat with me
  3. What I said, just for the record (I can't translate it literally) was that you shouldn't pay attention to nonsense, basically... I can't believe I'm explaining something when it is me who doesn't understand lots of things everyday
  4. I asked you days ago to repeat some words with me, you didn't and so... he hasn't blogged yet It could have been much easier
  5. In Spanish (I can't help it): "A palabras necias, oídos sordos" Sorry
  6. Thanks for your reply They're just mentioned, it's not that the story deals with them at all... But ok, I won't post it then rules are rules It was a really nice story, though
  7. Or he would, just to start this "craziness" all over again Maybe he would miss it
  8. Is there any thread for fanfics? I found (and saved ) a nice story long ago but I don’t know if it is allowed here to post something written by someone else? It was on the internet for a long time but it’s been recently removed by its author… Family members are mentioned
  9. Did anyone ever tell you you're really mad? Off to bed now
  10. Sweet dreams everyone Fillings? what you're talking about?
  11. "I swear on my many tooth fillings that IT IS ME who wrote it MYSELF!!"
  12. Here martes, julio 22, 2008 LOADS NEW BLOGS! Hey guys. I know I havent been very good at keeping up my Blog!! But am now making up for it! Been on the road the past few weeks around Europe and heading off to Jordan and Beirut in a few days. I've been keeping a Blog, with loads of new vids and daily blog entries over at my website MIKASOUNDS. com. check it out 3 new entries uploaded just today! Ill be posting every few hours about my trip to Beirut. Its getting pretty adictive for me!! www. MIKASOUNDS. com M!!!!!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXX OH! and by the way, YES it is ME who is writing these. From now on this is what we will do!! lol If any comment/blog/bulletin is signed off with an M/Mx?M! whatever! than I swear on my many tooth fillings that IT IS ME who wrote it MYSELF!! lol ok?
  13. When did he swear anything on his (no se cómo se llaman, empastes, fillings??)
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