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Everything posted by LeiRe

  1. Sorry! I felt a bit "random" last night... http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=S50L1DHB http://www.megaupload.com/es/?d=X9TX8ESA
  2. Ups, sorry, you were already talking bout shorts
  3. What about you?

  4. Nor have I... The EYELASHESFANCLUB, you mean, or his EYELASHES???
  5. Impresionante!! But his eyelashes had a fanclub before, for sure...
  6. I know... Won't be surprised when it's created, even though I'm a newbie... But he has nice nails, doesn't he?
  7. Let's search... There must be some part of his body without a fan club... what about nails??
  8. Thanks! Don't know why I imagined there was... Guess I'm a bit late...
  9. Is there any Mika-teeth-fan-club?
  10. Don't think they're soooo long, just a bit more than average... Do I make sense? I mean like these:
  11. I don't know, but that was a rainy day... till he started performing
  12. next week, when I'm come back to work (I'm in holidays!!), I will scan pics, I swear... Trouble is, I don't know where to post them...
  13. I don't really know where I got that pic from And I don't remember seeing you, sorry!!! Maybe next time...
  14. Where do you live??

  15. Sorry if someone feels like she doesn't want to be there... I actually don't know where I got that pic from... Mmmm...
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