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Luna live

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Everything posted by Luna live

  1. Ohhhhhhh how wonderfully absurd!!!! Now I actually have a REASON to dress up as nonsensical creatures!! (Although lack of reason hasn't exactly stopped me before) :-P Thank you so much for making me feel cozy and welcome here! I LOVE it here!!!!!!!!! Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna
  2. Awwwwwwww thank you!!! Everyone is so FRIENDLY here- It absolutley baffles me- it's the most wonderful thing!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D MFC meeting??? In Orlando??!? YAY! Mind if I PM you for details? :-P Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna PS I LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Motion in Cartoon Life... Love that! So clever Or some other jumbled-up version of LICM... :-D Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna
  4. KI(nb nbbbb lfd3e4 bn mkmiiqzq AQZHED NTYHE NJMKRFDC ...Oh goodness that was horiffic! ...I cheated a bit, I pressed the space key with my lower lip because you have to jarr it a bit to make it work... Oh, and my keyboard smells like catfood. Is my cat using my laptop without my knowing???!?!?!?? :-P Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna
  5. Having a majoooooooor tummyache... Oh grooooan.... has anyone ever polished off several dozen fruit rollups and a couple of sour patch kids in about ten minutes?? Fun at first... I think my metabolism and I are at war- who will slow down first? :-P Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna PS- I'm also *doing history homework*. Wink, wink, wink! !!
  6. OH YES (But they suprisingly don't fit up a straw...) Are you brown, blue, violet sky, hurtful, purple, green, mean, or Everything more? Loooooooooove, Love, Triple Looove, Luna
  7. Ohhh this sounds like fun!! I pretend to be Mika for the last question, right? Hmmm... MIKA- 'Oh, of course I'm doing that right now, Inezzz- why don't you do it all with me?? In fact, let's invite Luna and all the other MCF denizens and we'll have a big 'MIKA'S-BLOG-PROMISES-TO-FULLFILL' checklist, and paint pictures and play Chubby Bunny!!' :-D How was that? ...My question to Mika- Mika, if you could have a superpower, what would it be and why??? Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna
  8. Awww- of course the weather has feelings!! It can cry and storm and sneeze out lightning bolts. Maybe the weather's sad- we should throw it a great big party!! Hooray! We can sing and laugh and dance in the moonlight and invite Mika and have a pinata! :-D I wish it would rain more here- (Orlando) all we get it heat, heat, heat. It's February, for crying out loud! Where are the sweaters?! The snow? The icicles? The silvery breath you get to see?!? :-D Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna
  9. Heya!! So, is anyone else here a Hazelnut?? Sister Hazel (most popular song is 'All For You'...) would have to be my favorite Artist group- BUT NOT COUNTING Mika, of course! :-D My favorite song by them is Mandolin Moon... So does anyone else know/enjoy them?? I know no other Hazel fans.... so I thought there might be some here Having tons of fun on my first day here!.. Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna
  10. Oh Mika Mika Mika... You amaze me, so constantly! If there was one thing I could say to you, it would not be a say at all, only a suggestion- a book suggestion (Waggly-eyebrows smiley would go HERE, if there was one! ) ...'Stargirl', by Jerry Spinelli. My absolute faaaaavorite of all time... ever. It opened my eyes, changed my life- and, you remind me so much of Stargirl! (If she was a male) :-P I bet you'd lurve it- it's actually not that long, only 200-some-odd pages and an epilogue of sorts. It's such a nonsensical, sweet, wondrous story of a girl who's just a bit more in touch with what we once were, before ripped jeans and lunch tables came around. I think you'd enjoy it very very very much- if, by some fabulous happence of nature, you were reading this now while sipping tea. How fantastic would that be?!?? Anyhoo... Have fun leading your oh-so-magical life, and I hope it's kind to you. I wish you clear skies and strange new highs, always. Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna
  11. Aww thanks!! Heehee, 'crazy' - perfect choice of word!! It's fantastic how many of us there are, isn't it!? :-D Looking forward to having Mika fun!!
  12. Hey there! I'm a new fan/MCFer- and oh my gosh, there's just so much!!! :-D So, this is me, I suppose... My name is Luna, but call me whatever strikes you best. I first heard of Mika... in the backround of some movie, Grace Kelly was playing; that song (actually, just the part of the chorus 'Green... be mean, Ev-ry-thing more!) kept rolling over and over in my head, like a grape, until I finally looked it up a la yahoo answers... Wow. So, okay, I've been to Mikasounds and seen some interviews with Mika, and he amazes me so much!! Thoughts and words flying out of him like birds, crazy and free. Such a refreshing change- he's so REAL. I love it! And when I heard he decided his old school needed a Christmas tree and brought one in when he was younger, I cried out right there! It takes some explaining to your American Gov't class why you just fell out of your chair giggling :-P My favorite songs by him are My Interpretation and Grace Kelly. What a wonderful person!!! I'm so happy to be apart of the Mika community now, and I have but one question...- What are Mika fans like???? I've never met any. Ever. My school has a whopping one fan- me. So please, I want to learn everything about you all!! :-P I gotta go now- hope to hear from you all soon  Love, Love, Triple Love, Luna
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