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Status Updates posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Now that you mention the title I do remember seeing those books at wal-mart a few years ago. I looked at them but never got around to reading them.

    Well it's past my bedtime and I have to work tomorrow so I'm getting off. It was great getting to chat with you!

  2. Thanks for the Birthday wishes. I don't get online much these days. :-(

  3. It's like a giant writing exercise. Write the 50,000 words and you won.

    The last few days of the month you'll be able to verify your word count, no one reads it, then you get a certificate you can print out and a pic you can post on your blog or wherever to say that you won. lol

    4,000 more words and I'll be half way there. Still very unmotivated.

  4. Still working on your nano? hmmmm?

  5. It worked! How goes the writing? I'm a little behind, I'm gonna try to catch up this weekend.

  6. I sent you a PM on the nano website. To add me go to my profile and click add buddy under my picture, then another page will come up and you have to click add again and that should do it.

  7. I'm glad you signed up for it! If you want to add me to your buddy list my username on there is TLFrench. Good luck!

  8. Sienna, not everyone writes their NaNoWriMo in English. There's a lot of people from other countries who participate, so don't let that stop you if you want to join.

    See you around MFC.

  9. Haha, I do my dishes like once a week, I start to run out of them after that. I really should clean more often.

    I made a post about NaNoWriMo on here somewhere. You try to write 50,000 words in a month. It's probably the most I write all year, kinda sad.

  10. Thanks.

    It's a pretty good day so far, nanowrimo (national novel writing month) starts at midnight, can't wait for that, took off an extra day for it. I'll probably spend the day cleaning cause I won't have much time the rest of the month.

    Sorry, you have to work, it can all be a little overreated sometimes can't it? But you still need the paycheck. My work week was really boring too, I wanted to cry I was so bored.

  11. Hi! Thanks for the add. How are you this fine day?

  12. I think the only one of those books that I've hear of is the maximum ride books and I believe I've only read the first book in that series. I will have to check that one out.

    I just finished BoneMan's Daughter by Ted Dekker, not a book for kids, was sadly very dissapointed. The author used to be such a good writer. His last couple books have been terribly! I don't believe I'll be buying anymore of his books, at least not without reading them first.

  13. Thought I would stop by and say hiiiii!

    How is everything going?

  14. Hi! Thanks for the welcome!

  15. No, I don't think I have. I'll have to check it out, see if I can get my hands on a copy.

  16. Haha! Yay!

    Let me know if you and your son read any good books.

  17. So the stuffed peppers I made turned out really way! I have a lot of left overs, I'm going to be eating rice for the next week. lol Want any?

  18. Well someone has to! lol

    How are you doing?

  19. Hehe, I've gone in there. Just haven't said anything yet. :-D

  20. I'm doing pretty well. I'll keep checking back with that thread and see if I can catch you on sometime.

  21. Glad to hear that you are doing well!

    Cool! Are you happy the way your short story turned out? What's it about? If you don't mind my asking.

  22. Well, I started writing the rough draft on Saturday! :-D We'll see how I feel about a couple thousand words in. lol

    How are you?

  23. :-D Thanks for adding me!

    Now I have someone who can keep me updated on Nessie. :-P

  24. Ick, I hate headaches. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  25. Hi! Thanks for the add.

    How are you tonight?

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