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Status Updates posted by musicstarlett

  1. Happy new year to you too, did you have a fun time in London? x

  2. Merry Christmas to you and all your family too :D, no snow here tho, we never really get snow being on the coast, has been very wet tho :s x

  3. Heya, yah its starting to get cold down here too. Let it snows really sweet...it doesnt snow for christmas in Australia tho does it (coz its there summer isnt it, so that must be a bit wierd.) Good luck with your shopping, havnt started mine yet...i know its not long but it still feels so far away dont ya think. x

  4. Hello, im glad you had a fab time! My friends had all arranged to come back down to me from thier uni's for my birthday (I made then promise they would before they went) so i had then all round. I tried to persuade them to go to see mika with me...they weren't really feeling the idea tho :(. Really wish i had gone, the vids look amazing, still got the tour to look forward to tho! x

  5. Hi, Thankyou :D ! Hope you have a fab time at the concert toight! x

  6. Hello, havnt heard from you in ages. Im okay thankyou, yourself? ...and no im not going to the little noise thing, its on my birthday so i wasnt alowed :( , Hope you have fun! x

  7. Ive got tix for London, Bristol and Brighton :D im very happy... That sounds good! I think im going to stay over in Brighton as Bristols the very next day, so ill probably drive straight from there. It's hard to plan stuff so far in advance isnt it. Its still like half a year away...x

  8. Okay, ive got my mum booking mine for me...as i dont finish work till 5.30...and id spend the whole day paranoid that they'd sell out :D...good luck with your tickets! I think im bringing my little sis to Brighton, as its the nearest to us so less travelling for her. I'll see you in London! yay! x

  9. actually bristol and brighton have stalls too, but way more seats then standing. The london one has stalls but there behind all of the front seats so it'd be better to be seated for that one i guess, oh from a different picture its all standing at the front :S ...can they just move in and out seats ?...oh i dotn know, dont listen to me i dont know aht im talking about :D x

  10. ...from google imaging the 3 southern ones all of them show seats...like a theatre almost. x

  11. Im pretty sure it is half term yeah. Nevermind...the flights are much more expensive that week as well as its half term. I supose Bristol isnt that much further no...you should think about it! (its a thursday)...Are you going to bring your grandaughter like you said the other day...im thinking about bringing my little sis to one of them. I think ill probably do the southern 3 (london, brighton and bristol). x

  12. Helloo, cool, im definately doing london and brighton, am considering dublin and bristol as well. The thing is we need to decide by tomorow morning!...it looks like everywheres seated, do you think its reserved seating?...so that if we dont book it first thing tomorow we wont get good seats...or just general so we'll have to queue?...let me know what you decide on about dublin. x

  13. Hey hey! How are you?...have you chosen what dates your going to do yet? x

  14. no, not yet...still thinking on it. Im so gutted about the monday show, if id left straight from work i could be there and i wanted to go soo much ...ohhhh. My cd arrived in the post this morning, ahhh! i love it so much :D

  15. You won paul o'grady tickets, wow! am so jelous. Depends on the times and everything, i finish work at 5 on the monday, we'll see. x

  16. hello, are you going to try and get to london on monday? x

  17. Heya, yeah it was amazing :D...have you entered the london mng comp, its on my birthday !! Thanx for texting me when you got in, i bet you were shattered, had to go to work on the sat with 2 hours sleep, would do it all over again tho (well maybe without the unnesasery queing). x

  18. Hello :D, it was great meeting you aswell, thanx for getting videos of everything, there really good, all my pics were all blurry. Hope to meet you again soon. Kath x

  19. Hellooo, sorry im a bit slow replying, i got home fine thanx...hope you did too. The show was really amazing, managed to get my balloon home without popping it (am very proud of myself for that :D)...cant wait till friday, i am borrowing my mums phone (which has the internet) for the day...so we know where and when this evening show is, so that we can try and get to that as well if possible, ill pm you my mobile number later (i dont know it off the top of my head.) x

  20. Hi, yeah im travelling up on fri, i dont know what time ill queue at yet, my bnb is just round the corner so i guess ill just see how the queue goes, I hope you have a good journey too and will definatley see you there. x

  21. Hey..im soo exited too...i told my auntie that i was going and she said that she wanted to come, so now shes coming over from ireland (where all my family are from) to come with me insted, so were making a proper little holiday out of it :D I wont be going to any pubs after no i dont think, i dont drink at all. But i hope you have fun, are you going with people from here ? x

  22. Yep, i booked mine earlier today...it allways seems to be about the same everytime i go really. I have to get adult fares this time tho considering the hours ill be travelling :(...but everythings all booked and sorted now. x

  23. Yay for you!..it'll be my 3rd this year...all within 6 weeks haha, x

  24. Yep, sounds good to me :D...we can meet there, find the venue, go get something to eat then queue, yeah. x

  25. Okay, urm , ive just had a look and i can get a train that arrives at kings cross at 12.25 ish... its just a short walk from there to it isnt it, or would we have to get the underground. x

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