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Status Updates posted by musicstarlett

  1. Good idea, Thankyou x

  2. I know, i love it!...Urm i dont really know, what time are you planning, doors dont open till 9.00. Will we have to queue a long time do you think?...i dont have anything planned for the fri, so i dont really mind. What time were you thinking? x

  3. Right...im gonna come, just booking my ticket now, WOOO! yay :D, im gonna get the 5 o'clock train back as theres less changes. My mum says thankyou. x

  4. Fab! yeah i do, very strange haha x

  5. Okay, good plan. I'll let you know tomorow :)...btw you staying up for the channel 4 thing? x

  6. Oh okay, oh deer. I'm still thinking about it, ive looked and i could get a train at 4.00am, that will be back down here at 7.20am, then ill just get the ferry back to my work for 8.30am - so it is possible...i'd have to turn up at work without any sleep mind and would have to get changed on the train home haha (i asked my sister and she said she wouldnt come with me, so id be going alone if i did) Its a bit of a polava. Thats not even thinking about asking my mum if i can go off to a gay club in London haha. I really want to go tho. What do you think?

  7. Thanx for letting me know:)...Thats a bit late isnt it! Have you had a call yet? I hope you can go. x

  8. Hi, im planning on going golden yeah! I was thinking about going too, but ive got work the next day so i dont know if id get home in time, also its over 18 and ive been refused from clubs before even with ID :(, so it wouldnt be good if i travelled up there and couldnt get in...but im thinking about it. Let me know if you decide to go:) x

  9. Helloo :D, i've booked into a bnb nearby, were going up on the fri and not coming home till the monday, as apparently theres some big fireworks thing on the sunday night :S, i really cant wait now! Are you going to be wearing all golden like the others? kath x

  10. Ahhhhhhh! Really? yay! Where did you manageto get ticket from. I'm really happy your coming. :D

  11. Hello, Ive won tickets :D !!!! I'm sooo exited. I'm sorry you didnt win any (i was gonna give my other one to you, but my mum said i had to give it to my sister as im not allowed to travel up to blackpool on my own.) Are you gonna come over to blackpool for the day anyway? Im still working on my video, ive been really busy and its taking so much longer then i expected. Hope your well, sorry again. Kath x

  12. Aww, sorry you had to go back to work, i've only had the odd day off (i dont get proper holidays now that im not at school anymore:()...are you thinking about maybe doing a video (changed your mind?). I dont get how to do smilies on here either really apart from :):(:D , i dont know the codes for any others. x

  13. Hello again, im fine thankyou, u ? the vids coming on okay, have finished most of the filming, im attempting to put it together using windows movie maker but have never made a video before and im not too good with computors, think its gonna take me a while. No,i havnt heard anything about tickets yet either :(, i am feeling quite lucky tho, you never know, we may just win some. Have you had a good week so far? x

  14. Hello :D, it was nice meeting you too. I had sooo much fun. x

  15. Oh, okay. I know what you mean, espescially as you have to dance around like a numpty! I'll let you know as soon as its done :D. x

  16. Hiya, yeah i think so i really want to and have started planning it and everything, but im a bit nervous about putting it out there for everyone to see, i think ill use tons of face paint and no one in the real world will be able to tell its me. Are you ?

  17. Yep, ive entered. Really hope we win tickets! x

  18. Glad you had a good time! Yeah ive seen it, very hot. I keep going back to watch it again :). Have you applied for the tickets to the blackpool thing seeing as its up your way? x

  19. Hi, yeah it was so much fun :D, i can't wait to the next one now! i hate the feeling you get the day after tho. I got home eventually, got on the wrong underground at first, but yeah was back in time for work. Did u have a nice weekend in london ad did u get ur bracelet signed in the end? x

  20. Aww, thankyou :D

    Have been coming on here since forever, but only registered recently.

    I won a ticket today, im soooo exited !!!

    Thank you for the welcome

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