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Everything posted by sookiee

  1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151163899568040&set=a.10151162761613040.456358.6006248039&type=3&theater Joy, Felix and Curtis with fans at Casino de Paris backstage
  2. https://twitter.com/JodiMarr/status/227108479276564481 JodiMarr: @mikasounds it happens, come back to your home! (your US one) Jodi lives in Miami, maybe she knows the house
  3. at Theaterfabrik, Munich https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3345383852295&set=a.3345346171353.108668.1799756138&type=3&l=affbc69503&theater
  4. Cirque Royal Backstage http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151152133453040&set=a.10151150640918040.454483.6006248039&type=3&src=http%3A%2F%2Fsphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ak-prn1%2F33848_10151152133453040_1067719945_n.jpg&size=960%2C720
  5. viva la vida comes into my head [YOUTUBE]dvgZkm1xWPE[/YOUTUBE]
  6. http://web.stagram.com/p/314589316871507226_144074242 Curtis, Tim and Max (also Mika and Dorian)
  7. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3825927&postcount=21 The band with The polka dot choir at Paradiso, Amsterdam
  8. thanks for posting it so fast! Russell seems he didn't want to let go Mika's hand
  9. https://twitter.com/jayleno/status/261678647520415745 Did you love @MikaSound's performance tonight? Here he is doing his thing: http://ow.ly/i/13P7n
  10. from Facebook The Vic Theater-Chicago http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151135643398040&set=a.10151129281953040.450683.6006248039&type=3&theater pictures with fans are the best
  11. https://twitter.com/felixbloxsom/status/227491407173136384 Curtis playing Eye of tiger, really disturbing
  12. http://www.luccoiffait.com/portraits found some pictures on Luc Coiffait page
  13. Yes!!! at the end of Blue eyes you can see him picking up the hat from the crowd and wearing it whiles he play the piano [YOUTUBE]Xxw-VVxSs5E&feature=plcp[/YOUTUBE]
  14. https://twitter.com/JoyLibrary/status/256148296115048448 DINNER TIME!
  15. I put a part on google translate and it seems really interesting interview (at least what I understood) especially this question:thumb_yello: Ich habe eine Frage, die ich öfter mal Musikern stelle, aber ich glaube, die Antwort bei dir könnten extremer ausfallen: Was ist die häufigste oder größte Fehleinschätzung, mit der du konfrontiert wirst? Dass meine Musik von anderen Leuten gemacht wird. Wenn ich laufe, hängt eine meiner Schultern nach unten, weil ich all die Jahre eine Harddrive im Arm getragen habe! Ich trage meine Platten – buchstäblich – von Studio zu Studio. Ich schreibe meine Songs, Tag für Tag – es ist das Einzige, das ich überhaupt kann. Und ich finde es bizarr, dass Popmusik heutzutage… in den 70s und 80s, da konntest du Popmusiker sein und es galt als etwas! Aber heute, wenn du glänzende Popmusik machst, oder schimmernde, sogar mutige Popmusik – dann denken die Leute, es muss irgendwie vom Fließband sein, man muss eine Marionette sein und dahinter muss eine Maschinerie stecken! waiting a proper translation, I don't trust google translate
  16. now Arianarare deleted all those posts related to mika, including that facebook status... nevermind
  17. me too, I'm checking adrianas facebook page and I can't find anything, I'm assuming is fake
  18. singing celebrate with Max, Joy and Tim at NRJ radio [YOUTUBE]5Q2ejeS8Wuo&feature=player_embedded[/YOUTUBE]
  19. todavia nada, o sea lo que te ofrecen es mandarlo a traer especialmente para ti pero me parece que cobran extra, no se si es buena idea... con los anteriores los he buscado en disquerias alternativas o cualquiera que no sea de las grandes cadenas y eventualmente les llegan, unos meses atrasados pero les llegan, la clave es ir a pedirlos para que sepan que tiene su publico
  20. yep! I just discovered some links and songs in mika's tag I can't stay in tumblr, too much temptation
  21. INDEED! the all running sequence was in a neighborhood near were I live now, suddenly I have a new respect for those streets and all the graffitis in it
  22. I'm trying to be impartial but that's my foggy hometown in a mika's video Even if I can't found the sense, I'm loving the combination Now it's funny how you are shocked with a nude in the video, here in chile that girl is an actress well known by her roles in soap operas soap operas in the noon time
  23. me gusto esta escena aunque santiago apenas se ve con el smog, bueno es parte de nosotros
  24. unos cuantos carabineros en la escena de valpo de fondo los tradicionales trolebuses el director nos dio la pista de que esta era Av. Recoleta, toda la corrida es por ese sector puedo dar fe de lo que conozco de recoleta el ascensor parece que el del cerro Artilleria
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